Phil Martinez, Instructor

Ungraded Practice WORK SHEETS

Practice Worksheet 1 - Supply and Demand Review

Alfred Marshall,
Supply & Demand Guru.
He placed the independent variable (P) on the horizontal axis

SOLUTIONS to Practice Worksheet 1

JUST FOR FUN - Supply & Demand Challenge

Click on this link: Dismal Humor.
Scroll down to the story entitled Cannibal Economics. Read it.
Answer this question:
What error did our intrepid trekker make in his economic analysis?

Practice Worksheet 2 - Elasticities

SOLUTIONS to Practice Worksheet 2 - Elasticies


Practice Worksheet 3 - Marginal Utility

Jeremy Bentham's Mummy

University College, London

SOLUTIONS to Practice Worksheet 3

Practice Worksheet 4 - Costs


Assignment 5 - Perfect Competition

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This page is developed and managed solely by Philip R. Martinez.

Copyright 2004 by Philip R. Martinez and Lane Community College.