This exam covers the
material from Weeks 7-10
(Chapters 7-10 in
the text): Deontology, Virtue Ethics, Nietzsche and Moral
and Political Knowledge.It must be taken in the Instructional
Testing Center in Center 311 or at the Cottage Grove or
Florence Center or with approved proctor during the days
indicated in the syllabus and in Moodle. See the syllabus
for more details on exams.
To prepare, look over the
chapters of the online text in Moodle, paying special
attention to headings, any bolded names or key
terms, the Powerpoint slides and your lecture notes. Review any other resources in the weekly
outline in the covered weeks. A great way to prepare for the
exam is to actually write out answers to the study questions
You will be allowed to use one 3 x 5 note card for the exam.
The instructor reserves the right to ask a question on any
material in the weeks covered, even if it is not mentioned
in this review.