TEXT: Borrowdale,
Ethics: An
Anthology of Classical Readings, 6th Edition (available
at the
LCC Titan
contact with ideas with which you disagree and to have your
beliefs challenged. Students will be treated as mature,
responsible adults, capable of engaging in adult conversations
which may touch on topics such as race, sex, gender, sexual
orientation, sexual relations, cultural differences, politics
and religion.
It is a prerequisite of this course that you
possess, or be willing to develop, the ability to discuss
controversial issues in a calm, rational and respectful
TRIGGER WARNING: Examples used in the readings
and in class may reference war, nuclear weapons, biological
weapons, terrorism, genocide, slavery, serial killers,
cannibalism, human sacrifice, murder, torture, FGM, rape,
sexual harassment, sexual infidelity, sexual promiscuity,
abortion, addiction, suicide, drowning children, starving
children, children hit by trains, children separated from
their parents and college students killed for their organs.
The purpose of these hypothetical and real life examples is
not to be lurid but to clearly illustrate moral principles
with the stark realities of human experience. Ethical theory
would otherwise be about meaningless abstractions or petty
problems. Also, "extreme" cases give us examples of morally
bad acts and outcomes about which there is nearly universal
agreement that we can use as a starting point for theorizing.
Expect such examples to come up in class regularly (along with
examples of heroism, compassion and virtue). You may also be
exposed to uncensored art nudes and a censored photo of a
congressman "caught with his pants down."
If you have
difficulty handling such material, you may want to consider
taking another course. For help with post-traumatic stress
or emotional fragility, please visit the Counseling
& Career Center.
USE OF HUMOR: Because ethics deals with weighty
subjects, the instructor frequently employs humor to lighten
the mood as well as to illustrate points, add color and make
learning fun. This should in no way be interpreted as
expressing a cavalier attitude toward ethics in general or
toward any ethical issue in particular nor as disparaging any
individual or group. Students will always be treated with the
utmost respect.
CONCERNS: If, at any time, you have a concern,
grievance or complaint about the course, please speak with me
about it directly. I want this class to be a positive learning
experience for you. You have my personal guarantee that this
will have no bearing on your grade. Because the class uses
objective testing in
Testing Services (with a record of scores on the
server), you have an additional protection. Addressing such
concerns early, honestly and directly will result in a better
outcome for both of us.
Begins: Monday, June 25
Ends: Thursday, July 19
10% of grade
Tuesday July 3 at 1pm
Ends: Monday, July 9 at 5pm
of grade |
Begins: Tuesday, July10 at
Ends: Monday, July 16 at 5pm
30% of grade
Begins: Wednesday, July 11 at
Ends: Tuesday, July 17 at 5pm
Replaces First or Second
whichever is lower, otherwise no
Wednesday, July 18 at 1pm
Ends: Thursday, July19 at 5pm |
of grade |
is an attempt to come to a systematic understanding of
the objective world through the use of reason. The
philosophical approach assumes a commitment to follow
the truth wherever it leads, however uncomfortable it
may make us and in spite of what we may wish to be
true. It strives for logical consistency and agreement
with empirical evidence. Philosophy is about asking
questions, especially questions no one else wants to
ask. Philosophy even questions the unquestionable,
including things considered to be "common sense," such
as the existence of an external world of matter, free
will, God, the soul, an afterlife, or, in the case of
this class, the existence of universal, objective
moral values (or perhaps the unquestionable certainty
of our age is the dogma that morality is culturally
relative or completely subjective). Philosophy uses
conceptual analysis as its primary tool. Properly
analyzing concepts requires the rigorous definition of
terms, so the precise use of language is very
important to philosophers, or at least to the good
ones. This goes all the way back to Socrates. Fuzzy
language evinces fuzzy thinking.
is not about exploring your "personal beliefs." Nor is
it about your feelings (please avoid the phrase "I
feel" when expressing your point of view in class, as
hopefully what you have to say is based on more than
your subjective emotional state). Philosophy is not
about your identity, your sex, your gender, your
sexual orientation, your culture or your "
It's not about your faith or "how you were raised."
Please avoid referring to these things in class unless
they have some direct bearing on the issue at hand.
Although there is an historical tradition associated
with philosophy, it is not primarily about history,
and even though understanding their historical or
cultural context may help us understand the ideas of
particular philosophers. It is
the ideas
themselves with which philosophy is concerned.
CULTURES: There were few women philosophers
until the beginning of the feminist movement in the
19th century. This was true of most other academic
fields due to the institutionalization of pre-modern
gender roles. Because this is a survey class concerned
with major historical figures and basic concepts in
ethics, we won't be reading many women philosophers.
This should in no way be seen as casting aspersions on
women as a class of people. We will, however, be
spending a significant amount of time with Ayn Rand,
who happens to be a woman and also one the most
important and influential philosophers and
intellectuals of the 20th century, especially in
ethics and political philosophy.
Along those same lines, for various complex historical
and cultural reasons, philosophy emerged and
flourished in the West and is the heritage of Western
Civilization. It uniquely sowed the seeds for the
scientific and industrial revolutions in Western
Europe, leading to our modern technological world, as
well as providing the social and political concepts on
which the United States was founded. Like the
scientific method and industrial production methods,
Western concepts such as individual human rights,
separation of Church and State, democratic
self-government, meritocracy and free market
capitalism have been adopted by other societies and
diffused throughout the world. This is yet another
reason to focus on theories of value that arose from
and influenced the development of the Western World
and, consequently, the rest of human
civilization. The ethical traditions of other
civilizations, including indigenous cultures, are
covered in history, cultural anthropology and ethnic
studies courses.
Finally, it is important to understand that "Western"
is just a conventional term for ideas which first
emerged in the West Europe. An idea's place of origin
or the particulars of the person who first developed
or expounded it has nothing whatever to with its truth
value or importance in increasing human understanding.
Newton and Leibniz discovered calculus around the same
time and each accused the other of stealing his
discovery. Yet calculus is neither essentially a
British idea nor a German idea, nor is it a European
or "white male" idea. Who was first to discover it,
where he lived and the details of his ancestry and
nationality are irrelevant to the validity and
usefulness of calculus. So it is with all intellectual
discoveries and theoretical innovations, including
those concerning moral value.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Ethics is the study of
morality, including an analysis of the concepts of
good and evil, right and wrong, justice and injustice,
duty, responsibility, character, and successful
living. Possible topics include whether morality is
relative to culture or to the individual, the
relationship between morality and religion, theories
about what make particular actions right or wrong,
moral skepticism, and eastern perspectives on right
objectives for this course are for students to (1)
come to a clearer understanding of ethical concepts
through the study of classical and contemporary
theories (2) acquire some factual knowledge about the
history of ethics and important ethical thinkers (3)
come to their own conclusions about which ethical
theories are best or most likely to be true, even if
those conclusions are of a tentative nature (4)
acquire critical and analytical reasoning skills along
the way and (5) apply conclusions about the nature of
moral value to their present way of life.
Attendance is worth 10% of your grade. There will be a
sheet each class; make sure to sign it. There
will be no class Wednesday, July 4 (Independence Day).
The last day of class, Thursday, July 19 is an
optional review session that will also make up for one
absence (even if you missed class no classes, you
might want to attend anyway to help prepare for the
EXAMS: You will have
a window of several days during which you must take each exam,
including the final, in
Testing Services, (located in CEN 311 on the Main
Grove Center,
Center, or with an approved proctor.
Exams cannot be
taken at home. Opening and closing times of exams are
listed in the table above and may also be seen by clicking on
the exam name in the main course view. Hours for the
Instructional Testing
Services may be found at
You must arrive one hour
before closing. You will need an official photo
I.D., such as a state-issued driver's license, state-issued
I.D. card, student I.D. card, passport or "green card."
LCC bus passes no longer qualify as valid
photo I.D. You will need to know your L Number and
myLane PIN to log into the test. If there is more than one
exam open or you've been granted an extension to take an exam
late, make sure to tell the testing personnel which exam you
would like to take so they don't give you the wrong one by
mistake. If English is your second language, dictionaries will
be on hand for you to use. If your native language isn't a
common one, please contact
Instructional Testing
Services ahead of time to make sure they have your
language. Unfortunately, you are not allowed to use your own
paper or electronic dictionary.
The exam format will be multiple choice and true/false
questions. During the exam you may use a 3 x 5 note card (both
sides) or a piece of paper measured with a ruler and cut to
the same size. The final will
not be comprehensive.
Once you take your exam, you'll immediately receive your score
as well as be able to see the questions you missed along with
the correct answers. Please give yourself time to review the
exam right after you take it, as
you will not be
able to review your exam from home. Reviewing
your exam will be especially helpful to you if you plan on
taking the Extra Credit Exam, which will cover the same
material. If you wish to review your exam at a later date, you
will have to come by office hours or message me for an
appointment. A curve may included which will add to your
score. Your adjusted score can be viewed by clicking on
"Grades" from the Navigation tab in Moodle.
Testing Services (and everything else) will be
closed Wednesday, July 4 (Independence Day).
EXTRA CREDIT EXAM: There is an optional Extra
Credit Exam, based on the material from the First and Second
Midterm Exams. It opens Monday of Week 8 and closes Thursday
of Week 10. It will replace the lowest of your First or Second
Midterm Exam scores. If it is lower than either, it will have
no effect. In order for it to count, you have to take both
It is not a substitute for taking either midterm
or the final exam.
Since you will have at least a week to take each exam, you
will be expected to meet the deadline, however, you may
contact the instructor
the deadline via Moodle messaging or in person to
request an extension without penalty. Please include the date
by which you would like to take the exam in your message.
The Final Exam must be completed by
Fourh Week. Since
Instructional Testing
Services on the main campus closes Thursday at 5pm and
is closed Saturday,
miss the final due to a sudden emergency, contact me via
Moodle message right away for options.
PENALTIES FOR CHEATING: Students caught cheating will
be given an
F in the course.
Exams may be curved upward, based on the distribution of
scores. This is done by adding a certain amount of points to
every student score. At the end of the term, the class will
be graded on the following absolute scale:
A+ 97% -100% |
A 93% - 96%
A- 90% - 92% |
B+ 87% - 89% |
B 83% - 86% |
B- 80% - 82% |
C+ 77% - 79% |
C 73% - 76% |
C- 70% - 72% |
D+ 67% - 69% |
D 63% - 66% |
D- 60% - 62% |
F 0% - 59% |
OF THE INSTRUCTOR: I am available by Moodle
messaging or in-person office visits. We can also set up an
appointment to talk on the phone or via a conferencing app
like Skype. If you are having difficulties with the
class, please
contact me as soon as possible; I am here
to help. If you performed poorly on your first exam,
please come by office hours or make an appointment to see me
to see what we can do to improve your next exam score and
your score on the Extra Credit Exam, which will replace your
lowest midterm. I am also available to discuss any issue in
the class which has piqued your intellectual curiosity, or
which you find interesting or important that may be outside
of the realm of assignments and testing.
faculty advisor for Young Americans
for Liberty, a locally controlled, independent student
club dedicated to individual rights, limited government,
personal responsibility and the principles of reason,
freedom, tolerance and compassion. For more information,
check out YAL
on OrgSync and click the Join button to be updated on
club activities. If you're interested in doing an internship
through Cooperative Education (Political Science) to earn 2
or 3 credits helping out with the club, send me a Moodle
message. Also, if you have Federal Work Study, I could use a
new Philosophy assistant to help with some research and
clerical work. I also have a few students interested in
resurrecting the inactive Philosophy Club or starting a new
one. Message or talk to me after class if you'd like to be