1-10: Due each Sunday before 11:59pm
25% of
Week 1: Post to the
Personal Introductions Forum by Sunday
Weeks 1-10: Post to 5 of the 10
weekly forums by the end of the term.
Due each Sunday before 11:59pm
of grade
Opens: Monday of Week 4 at 12am
Closes: Tuesday of Week 5 at 11:59pm
25% of grade
(lower of 2 midterm scores dropped)
Monday of Week 7 at 12am
Closes: Tuesday of Week 8 at 11:59pm
of grade
(lower of 2 midterm scores dropped) |
Opens: Thursday of
Week 10 at 12am
Closes: Thursday of Final Exam Week
at 11:59pm |
25% of grade
READING: It is important to read the
material in order to perform well in on quizzes and
exams and in online forums.
the reading, there are recorded video lectures linked
in Moodle. Make sure to watch these each week, as they
will help you understand the readings, especially
primary source material, which can sometimes be rather
sense and complex. There may be material on the
quizzes and exams which is covered in these recordings
but not explicitly stated or covered in the text. For
live interaction, attend office hours with the
instructor in person or on Zoom.
QUIZZES: There are ten weekly quizzes based on
that week's reading and videos plus any other material
linked in Moodle for that week. Some of these
questions may appear again on the midterm exams and
final. Quizzes are due every Sunday before 11:59pm.
quizzes are not accepted. There will be an
Extra Credit Quiz in Week Ten. The Syllabus Quiz from
the first week will also count toward your quiz score.
Out of these twelve quizzes your lowest
scores are dropped.
FORUM POSTS: The purpose of the forum
assignment is to give you the opportunity to
interpret, evaluate and apply what you have learned,
and to discuss the merits and implications of class
concepts and theories with your classmates. It
emphasizes peer-to-peer learning in which you learn
from your fellow students.
Every Monday new topic prompts will be posted.
FIVE of the ten weekly forums to respond to throughout
the term
. Make one post of
150 to 300
words to one of the topics in the forum before
the deadline. For example, you might make a post to
the Week Two Forum, Week Three Forum, Week Eight
Forum, Week Nine Forum and Week Ten Forum.
These posts would be due by Sunday 11:59pm of Week
Two, Week Three, etc.
These five required posts
are in addition to your post in the Personal
Introductions Forum. Your lowest of these six
posts (Personal Introduction Forum + five posts to
the weekly forums) will be dropped.
Avoid all titles, headers, greetings and signatures.
Moodle displays your name, the date, the topic and the
forum week; duplicating this information clutters up
the forum. When replying to another student, include
that student's first name in your reply. Write in
format with no indenting, single-spaced with
or more paragraphs,
spacing between
paragraphs, and
using the default font.
Do not post a wall of text with no paragraph breaks
or your post will be penalized.
It is recommended that you compose your post in
Google Docs or
Word (or similar word-processor) and check the word
count by choosing Tools --> Word Count. This will
also prevent your post being lost in case of a
connection error in Moodle. If you're pasting from
Google docs, Microsoft Word or similar programs, you
may need to
save as plain text first. After
you've posted,
make sure that your post's
formatting looks OK, that
the font size
and style is the same as the rest of the forum,
that there are
no extra spaces above or below
the text (a common problem with copying and pasting),
that you have at least two paragraphs and that the
word count is above 150 and below 300 words.
post formatting must look exactly like the prompt.
Formatting errors will be penalized. Posts
below 150 words or above 300 words will be
penalized. Do not post over 300 words and
apologize for going over length; edit your post down
to below 300 words. See the
Student Help Desk
for help using Moodle forums.
You may reply directly to the prompt or reply to
another student. You do not need to do both. To reply
to the prompt, click its "reply" link. To reply to
another student, click the "reply" link in that
student's post. Your post must substantially and
directly address the prompt and display a familiarity
with the reading and video lectures and discussions,
your post must be distinguishable from
someone who hasn't done any of the reading or seen
the lectures, looks at the prompt and "gives their
" Avoid phrases like
"personally" and "in my personal opinion." You
are expected to give your
impersonal opinion,
backed by logical arguments, empirical evidence and
clear examples. For example, instead of saying "In my
personal opinion, Montaigne isn't a cultural
relativist" say "Montaigne can't be a cultural
relativist because he criticizes his own culture."
Don't use phrases like "I feel," "I believe, or even
"I think." It is assumed that anything you state in
your post is what you believe or think, and "I feel"
suggests you are trying to think with your emotions,
which is always a bad idea, but especially so in an
academic assignment. Generally speaking, first-person
pronouns like "I" and "my" should not occur in your
post. Express your thoughts in objective, third-person
Do not quote dictionary definitions of
philosophical terms. A dictionary definition
gives the popular or colloquial usage and is often
different from the technical, philosophical usage of a
word. For example, in ethics the term "consequences"
simply means the results of an action, good or bad. In
popular usage, this term has negative connotations, as
in the phrase "There will be consequences!"
"Consequence" is often used as a synonym for
punishment in the context of disciplining a child.
This is totally different from the use of the term in
discussions of utilitarianism and deontology.
Avoid tedious references to lots of people having
lots of different opinions on the subject or the
suggestion that this fact alone -- if it is a fact
-- shows that "there is no (one) answer." Assume
that there is always an answer, and say what you
think that answer might be.
After the first week, avoid invoking relativism or
framing ethical issues in relativistic terms. This
includes lazy, meaningless comments about people
having their own beliefs or everyone having his own
"moral compass." Watch yourself on this or you will
lose points. Assume from Week Two onward that ethics
is objective (i.e. even if, as skeptics claim, it's
illegitimate, suppose it's illegitimate for
From Week Three onward,
assume ethics is real,
universal and absolute and that you are attempting
to discover which theory, if any, best describes and
justifies it. The one exception to this is a
forum topic in Week Ten concerning moral knowledge,
which asks you to consider the skeptical position and
its implications.
Read the prompt carefully before answering. Be
careful about misinterpreting or misunderstanding
the question or wandering into irrelevant
biographical information or personal anecdotes unless
you're absolutely sure they apply to the subject.
Posts which do not directly address the prompt will
not receive credit. The inclusion of irrelevant
material a.k.a. "going off on tangents," will be
penalized. Before replying to another student,
sure that student's post is directly responsive to
the topic. If it isn't on topic, the original
poster won't receive any credit and neither will you.
"Me, too" and "Good job!" comments will not receive
credit, though you are free to make them. For credit
you need to add something original to the discussion:
a supporting example, a counter-example or objection,
an observation, an application, a request for
clarification, etc.
Your answer should include examples or illustrations
that demonstrate your understanding of the concepts
being discussed and present arguments to support
your claims.
Chains of assertions without
supporting examples, illustrations or arguments will
be penalized.
It is up to you to convince me in the space
allotted that you understand the material; it is
not up to me to pore over vaguely worded assertions
without examples or illustrations in order to divine
whether you understand the material or to attempt to
judge whether what you say could reasonably be
construed as an argument. You need a claim (that is, a
answer to the prompt) and an argument
for it (reasons why your answer is the right one).
explaining the point of view of one of philosophers
under discussion or various possible takes on an
issue is not sufficient. Say what you
think is the correct answer and why. If you
receive no credit and tell me what you
by your post was such and such, I will tell you that
then you should have written
Posts which are dashed off at the last minute without
serious thought and consideration and with no revision
or proofreading are unlikely to receive good
scores.Topics are posted every Monday. Start early.
This is 25% of your grade, so please put some thought
and effort into your posts so that you can do well in
the course.
You will have 30 minutes to edit your post after you
have made it. Moodle will display your word count;
make sure it is over 150 but under 300 words. Make
sure the font and formatting matches other posts and
that there are no blank spaces at the bottom.
Carefully revise and proofread your post for
typos, awkward language, conceptual vagueness and
inconsistency. Make every word count. Make sure you
are using the
right words.
Use proper
grammar. Avoid long run-on sentences and ambiguous
reference problems.
Avoid overly formal
language. This typically just comes off as pretentious
and makes your post more difficult to read. Don't use
overblown rhetoric, excessive sarcasm, slang,
obscenities or other language or tones which are
inappropriate for an academic assignment. Give some
consideration the other side(s) and avoid straw man
and ad hominem arguments.
Your post should not read
like a stream of consciousness of you trying to
figure things out "on the fly." It should
be a series of disjointed observations. If it helps
you to write something like that first, go ahead, but
then revise it into a clear, methodical and coherent
argument. Avoid meaningless, introductory throw-away
comments or restating the question;
get straight
to the point. If you pad your post with
meaningless fluff at the beginning, your post may be
penalized for insufficient word count.
needless words. Be concise.
Don't overuse quotes.The maximum length is 300
words, so there is not room for a lot of quotes. Don't
use a direct quote for something like "Mill believed
that some pleasures are qualitatively better than
others." Instead, explain what this means and then use
a good quote to illustrate it such as "It is better to
be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied;
better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool
satisfied. And if the fool, or the pig, are a
different opinion, it is because they only know their
own side of the question." That's 45 words. If you use
a quote that long, it should probably be the only one,
and your post should be closer to the 300 word maximum
than the 150 word minimum. Attributing the quote to
Mill in the text (e.g. "as Mill says...) is sufficient
for citation purposes. You can do a 10/10 post without
any quotes whatsoever. Don't feel like you have to use
Plagiarism, which includes but is not limited to
copying and pasting from websites, will result in a
"0" and may result in a penalty of one letter grade
on the first offense (10% of your course grade)
and penalties up to an F in the course on the
second offense.
Paraphrasing from another source without citing it
is plagiarism. Using the ChatGPT bot is
plagiarism. Having been an instructor for many
years, it is easy for me to immediately identify cases
of plagiarism. Don't do it. If you do the readings,
you should have no trouble responding to the prompt in
a way that is sufficient for credit without looking at
any other sources. The borrowing of an opinion from a
secondary source, even if cited,
is strongly
discouraged. Don't try to Google the answer.
Read the assignments, watch the recorded lectures and
do your own analysis.This is not a research
assignment; this is an opportunity for you to do some
philosophizing. Don't be a second-hander.
you rely on material outside of the course, which, I
repeat, is strongly discouraged,
make sure to cite
the reference.
Postings will be awarded a grade of "10" (full credit)
to "0" (no credit) and are due
before Sunday 11:59 pm
at the end of each week.
You will receive an
automatic "10" for posting to the Personal
Introductions Forum before the Sunday 11:59pm
deadline the first week. Please note that I have
the grade book set to ignore empty grades. Therefore,
if you miss the deadline for a forum post, it won't
show up in your grade until the end of the term when I
will turn that setting off. At that time, all empty
grades will turn to zero and your lowest forum score
(including the Personal Introductions Forum) will be
dropped. I have the "ignore empty grades" setting on
now to give you a meaningful and accurate assessment
of your grade "thus far" at any point in the term,
you complete the assignments.
Even though the requirement is to make five posts by
the end of the term,
each week's forum has it's
own Sunday 11:59pm deadline. Only one post per forum
per week will count for credit, so make sure
that you are not caught flat-footed near the end of
the term, having missed too many posting
Late posts are not accepted.
Posting after the deadline Sunday 11:59pm deadline
is blocked in each forum. If you miss the
deadline, you will have to post to a future week's
forum. Set a weekly reminder in your phone or online
calendar so you don't forget to post (while you're at
it, you might want to put in the weekly quizzes and
exam dates and grade option/drop deadline, too).
EXAMS: Exams
are taken in Moodle and may be taken from home from
any personal computer. The exam format will be
multiple choice and true/false questions.
final will not
be comprehensive.
exam has a study guide linked in Moodle. Read the
questions and make sure you can answer each of them.
If you don't know the answer to a particular question,
search the relevant section of the online textbook,
the Powerpoints, your notes from the lectures and
videos for the answer. You may even want to write out
the answers, which you can consult while taking the
Once you take the exam, you will immediately receive
your score. Because of test security issues, you won't
able to review your exams unsupervised, as you were
able to with the weekly quizzes. You won't be tested
on this material again, but if you would still like to
review your exam, see the philosophy tutor. If one is
not available this term, please come by my office
The lowest of your two midterm scores is
dropped. Note that this applies only to the midterm
exams, and does not include the Final Exam.
This means that even if you get an F on the First
Midterm Exam, you can get some help with the class,
figure out where you went wrong, apply yourself, and
possibly end up with an A in the class.
You will have about a week to take each
exam. Exams are taken via Moodle with a time limit of
one hour. The opening and closing times of exams are
listed in the table above, in the course outline below
and in the Weekly Outline in Moodle. Clicking on any
exam in the main course view in Moodle will also show
you the exact opening and closing dates and times as
well, along with the chapters and weeks it covers.
Since you will have at least a week to take each
midterm, you will be expected to meet the deadline,
however, you may contact the philosophy tutor before
the deadline via Moodle message to request an
extension without penalty. Make sure to tell the tutor
the class and exam and have in mind the date to which
you would like the exam extended. If a tutor is
unavailable this term, send a Moodle message to the
instructor. If you miss the deadline for the Final due
to some unforeseen circumstance or emergency
situation, contact
the instructor via Moodle
message for options ASAP.
Moodle will tell you your grade based on
the assignments completed so far. Anything
you don't complete will be converted to a zero near
the end of the term.
Make sure to complete all of the exams by the
There is no curve. At the end of the term, the class
will be graded on the following absolute scale, with
course totals rounded up to the
nearest whole number: