PHL 201 - Winter 2025
Online (CRN 30672)
Prof. Borrowdale

Send me a Moodle message by clicking here

Office Hours
Tu 1-1:50 and 4-4:50pm in Center 410J
Zoom by appointment (click here to connect)

For help with Moodle, Lane's online course system, Zoom or any other technology issue, please visit the Student Help Desk (SHeD)

CORRECTIONS: Please send a Moodle message to the instructor about any broken links, typos, errors, inaccuracies, inconsistencies or ambiguities you may notice in this syllabus or other course materials. I do my best to make things clear and update the course each term but may occasionally overlook something.

REQUIRED IN-PERSON TESTING: Even though this is an online course, you are required to take three exams (two midterms and a final) at Instructional Testing Services on the Main Campus or at the Cottage Grover Center or Florence Center or with approved proctor (if you will not be taking the class near any of these locations).
If you have a Letter of Accommodation from the Center for Accessible Resources and would like to take your exams there, please message me or see me after class or in office hours. For more details, see "Exams" below.

IMPORTANT: There is a quiz on the syllabus DUE THURSDAY OF THE FIRST WEEK by 11:59pm. If you don't take the Syllabus Quiz by the deadline, you may be DROPPED from the course for non-participation. Try to take this quiz early so you don't miss the deadline. If you decide this class is not for you, please drop right away on MyLane as there is no guarantee you will be dropped by the instructor. This will also help out students on the wait list who would like to add and get started with the class.

The deadline to drop and receive a full refund is MONDAY OF THE SECOND WEEK 11:59pm. If you drop the class after the refund deadline, the class will be recorded on your transcript with a "W" (withdrawn) next to it. The absolute last day to drop or change your grading option to pass/no pass is Friday of the 8th week at 11:59pm. The instructor cannot make these changes for you; you must go to MyLane, navigate to your Student Schedule and make the appropriate changes yourself. If you need help doing this, visit the Student Help Desk (SHeD).

CONTACTING THE INSTRUCTOR: Please use Moodle messages to contact me. I will do my best to reply within 24 hours. You may receive a notification and copy of Moodle messages in your email. Please don't reply to those directly; log into Moodle and reply there. Using Moodle messages consistently also allows us to track any ongoing issues by scrolling up in the message history. Replying to email notifications or using email to contact me will result in a delayed response and the 24 hour rule will not apply. My students come first; using Moodle for communication will ensure your message gets the priority treatment it deserves. Before contacting me, please review this syllabus and and the Announcements Forum to see if your question is already answered there.

TEXT: This course uses Open Educational Resources (OERs); there is no book to purchase. The text, Ethics: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy by the instructor, is embedded in the online Moodle course.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Ethics is the study of morality, including an analysis of the concepts of good and evil, right and wrong, justice, responsibility, duty, character and successful living. Topics include whether morality is relative to culture or to the individual, moral skepticism, the relationship between morality and religion, theories about what makes particular actions right or wrong, the source of moral knowledge and how morality affects the way we approach controversial social issues.

COURSE DELIVERY: This course is delivered via Moodle, Lane's online course system. All readings, videos, study guides, weekly quizzes and other course materials are available there.

COURSE RESOURCES: Even though this course is delivered via Moodle, some course resources are stored on Google Drive and require you to log into your Lane Google account in order to access them. Your Lane Google account is the one associated with the email account issued to you by the college. Please make sure you are logged in to your Lane Google account before requesting permission to access a lecture video or Powerpoint presentation. You should not have to request access if you are logged into your Lane Google account. If you don't know what your Lane Google account is or are having trouble recovering your password, contact the Student Help Desk (SHeD).
KEEPING UP WITH THE COURSE: Please make sure that your email address is up to date and enabled in Moodle in order to be notified of important announcements or personal messages from me. It is also recommended that you log into the course at least twice a week to make sure you don't miss any announcements or messages, to read the assignments, watch the recorded video lectures, take the weekly quizzes and prepare for exams.

It may help to choose a regular days, e.g. Wednesdays and Saturdays, to log in. Logging in at least twice a week will help keep you engaged in the course and makes it less likely that you will fall behind and miss exam deadlines and end up receiving a poor grade, withdrawing or failing the course.

COMPLETION TRACKING: Use completion tracking to make sure you complete assignments on time. The syllabus, readings and videos must be marked done manually. The forums must also be marked done manually, since only the Odd or Even group will be posting in any given week. Feel free to mark a forum as done after you post, but don’t forget to read any remaining posts there afterward. If it’s not your week to post, wait until the deadline has passed and you have read all the posts in the forum before marking it as done. The quizzes and exams are automatically marked done after you have taken them. Weekly quizzes can be taken every 24 hours until the Sunday deadline but will be marked done after one attempt.

THIS IS AN ADULT LEARNING SPACE: Expect to come into contact with ideas with which you disagree and to have your beliefs challenged. Students will be treated as mature, responsible adults, capable of engaging in adult conversations which may touch on topics such as race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, sexual relations, cultural differences, morality, politics and religion. It is a prerequisite of this course that you possess, or be willing to develop, the ability to discuss controversial issues in a calm, rational and respectful manner. Disruptive behavior, including snide, rude, sarcastic, disrespectful, insulting or offensive comments in the forums or Zoom chat will not be tolerated.

TRIGGER WARNING: Examples used in the readings and in class may reference war, nuclear weapons, biological weapons, terrorism, genocide, slavery, serial killers, cannibalism, human sacrifice, murder, torture, FGM (female genital mutilation), rape, sexual harassment, sexual infidelity, sexual promiscuity, abortion, addiction, suicide, drowning children, starving children, children hit by trains and college students killed for their organs. The purpose of these hypothetical and real life examples is not to be lurid but to clearly illustrate moral principles with the stark realities of human experience. Ethical theory would otherwise be about meaningless abstractions or petty bourgeois problems. Also, "extreme" cases give us examples of morally bad acts and outcomes about which there is nearly universal agreement that we can use as a starting point for theorizing. Expect such examples to come up in class regularly, along with examples of compassion, virtue and heroism. You may also be exposed to uncensored art nudes and a censored photo of a congressman "caught with his pants down."

If you have difficulty handling such material, you may want to consider taking another course. For help with post-traumatic stress or emotional fragility, please contact the Counseling Center.
If you would like to improve your tolerance for subject matter and ideas you may currently find distressing or offensive, I encourage you to remain in the class but with the understanding that thinking about, discussing and critically evaluating this material in a mature and responsible manner is a course requirement.

"The professional freedom of faculty includes the right to explore and discuss controversial issues and divergent points of view, including evaluating, criticizing, and advocating their point of view concerning the policies and programs of the college..."-- Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Lane Community College Educational Association and Board of Education, Section 15.3. According to this section of the faculty contract, the instructor is free not only to discuss contentious, hot-button issues which have the potential to offend you, but to approach them from viewpoints which diverge from the mainstream and deviate from what you might consider "acceptable" opinion. Academic freedom is essential to fostering robust discussion of intellectual issues and the social progress that results from such discussions. Before reacting in knee-jerk fashion to an idea, please try to remember that what offends our sensibilities is often a product of our culture, mass media, upbringing, peer group and personal history rather than any quality intrinsic to the idea itself. Also keep in mind that these things change over time. Many ideas that were considered dangerous, controversial or offensive in the past are now part of the unquestioned status quo. Your job as a thinking person is to sort feeling from fact and to separate rationality and morality from cultural prejudice and personal bias. This type of self-examination is a big part of what it means to be a philosopher.

Faculty have wide discretion in how they treat academic subjects in the classroom. Although this class will explore a diversity of opinions, some ideas will be emphasized over others. Beliefs which enjoy institutional support from the college may be singled out for scrutiny, as explicitly allowed in Section 15.3 above. Ideas which predominate in academic culture and the social sciences or among college students may face special criticism, while minority or neglected viewpoints may be given special consideration. This is because thinking critically is most important when it comes to beliefs you are likely to have uncritically adopted (or dismissed) due to various dominant social influences. Considerations of "balance" in this course are approached from the institutional level. So, for example, if the college as an institution and the majority of courses favor or promote one view on a controversial issue, this class may balance that out by emphasizing an opposing view.

The instructor attempts to give the best argument for many different views. Just because an argument in favor of a particular view is given in class, podcasts, the text or other external resources does not necessarily mean that it is the instructor's view on the subject. In fact, you may notice that the instructor will make arguments for views which are logically incompatible with one another. Therefore, it makes no sense to assume that every time a view is being presented, the instructor believes it and is attempting to persuade you to accept it. It is up to you to sort through the competing claims and arguments presented in this class and decide for yourself which views to accept.
If you disagree with or take offense at any of the views expressed in this class by the instructor or in course materials (1) try to keep an open mind (2) reflect on why you find certain beliefs or opinions vexing or upsetting and use this as an opportunity for self-exploration, to practice self-management skills and to develop your capacity for tolerance of ideas which differ from your own (3) remind yourself that emotions are an unreliable guide to objective reality and that the feelings we associate with certain ideas are often accidents of birth, culture and personal experience (4) keep in mind that exploring or understanding an idea isn't the same as approving of or accepting it (5) Remind yourself that you live in a liberal, pluralistic society and a republic in which many different views may be held and expressed without fear of reprisal. Remind yourself also that having the freedom to express your views is only possible because of a culture of liberty and tolerance in which others are free to express theirs, and (6) engage the instructor in civil discussion or debate in class sessions (in the case of face-to-face classes) or privately in office hours.

Another relevant section of the faculty contract is Section 16.3, Civic Life, which states, "Each faculty member is also a citizen of his or her nation, state and community; and when he or she speaks, writes or acts as such shall be free from institutional censorship." This means that faculty have an absolute right to express themselves outside the classroom without fear of retribution from the Administration. Therefore, if you encounter the instructor outside the classroom, acting in his capacity as a private citizen, you should recognize that his views do not necessarily represent those of the college and that the college recognizes his right to speak, write and act according to the truth as he sees it and the dictates of his own conscience.

ACADEMIC FREEDOM OF STUDENTS: "Each faculty member is entitled to and responsible for protecting freedom in the classroom in discussion and presentation of subject matter." -- Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Lane Community College Educational Association and Board of Education, Section 15.2. Voicing an opinion that differs from that expressed by the instructor in face-to-face sessions, Zoom discussions, online forums will never be penalized, though there may be occasions when debate must be curtailed in the interest of adequately covering course material. Please feel free to continue these discussions in the instructor's office hours. The instructor encourages the voicing of dissenting opinions, especially on controversial issues and when backed by convincing reasons and supporting evidence. This enlivens class, provides an alternative viewpoint, fosters critical thinking and may end up enlightening the instructor, who occasionally realizes he has been wrong. Please couch dissenting opinions in a constructive and respectful manner in order to keep the exchange of ideas civil.

USE OF HUMOR: The instructor frequently employs humor to lighten the mood as well as to illustrate points, add color and make learning fun. This should in no way be interpreted as disparaging any individual or group. Students will always be treated with the utmost respect and will never be mocked or ridiculed.

CONCERNS: I want this class to be a positive learning experience for you. If, at any time, you have a concern, grievance or complaint about the course, please speak with me about it directly in office hours or via Moodle message. You have my personal guarantee that I will hear you out, reflect carefully on what you have to say and that it will have no bearing on your grade. Because the class uses objective testing (with a record of scores on the server), you have additional protection. My only request is that, if I have some feedback for you, you consider it in the same spirit. I'd rather correct any problems than have you be disgruntled for the rest of the term (which is likely to negatively affect your performance in the class) only to complain about it in student evaluations. Why not alert me to a problem when I can actually do something about it? In the unlikely event that you remain dissatisfied, you can still take your concerns to the Dean of the Social Science Division. I am a reasonable, fair and kind human being and care about my students, so I'm sure we will be able to work something out. The Dean's first suggestion will probably be that the three of us meeting to discuss the issue. He is a busy man doing important work for the college. Why not see if we can work things out between us first? Addressing any concerns early, honestly and directly will result in a better outcome for both of us.

WHAT PHILOSOPHY IS: Philosophy is the attempt to come to a systematic understanding of the objective world through the use of reason. The philosophical approach assumes a commitment to follow the truth wherever it leads, however uncomfortable it may make us and in spite of what we may wish to be true. It strives for logical consistency and agreement with the empirical evidence. Philosophy is about asking questions, especially questions no one else wants to ask. Philosophy even questions the unquestionable, including things considered to be "common sense," such as the existence of an external world of matter, free will, God, the soul, an afterlife, or, in the case of this class, the existence of universal, objective moral values (or perhaps the unquestionable certainty of our age is the dogma that morality is culturally relative or completely subjective). Philosophy uses conceptual analysis as its primary tool. Properly analyzing concepts requires the rigorous definition of terms, so the precise use of language is very important to philosophers, or at least to the good ones. This goes all the way back to Socrates. Fuzzy language evinces fuzzy thinking.

Philosophy is not about exploring your "personal beliefs." Nor is it about your feelings, as reality is not based on your subjective emotional state. Philosophy is not about your identity, your sex, your gender, your sexual orientation, your culture or your "race." When engaging in philosophical discourse, avoid prefacing statements with "As a woman, BIPOC, Christian, member of the LGBTQ+ community, etc.), as philosophy is about universal truths that apply to everyone equally, regardless of identity. Philosophy is not about your faith or "how you were raised." Avoid thinking in these terms and using subjective phrases like "personally" and "in my personal opinion" when doing philosophy. Philosophy (and indeed all academic discourse) is about your impersonal opinion, i.e. your opinion backed by reasons and evidence. Although there is an historical tradition associated with philosophy, it is not primarily about history, and even though understanding their historical or cultural context may help us understand the ideas of particular philosophers, it is the ideas themselves with which philosophy is concerned.

CONTRIBUTIONS OF WOMEN AND NON-WESTERN CULTURES: There were few women philosophers until the beginning of the feminist movement in the 19th century. This was true of most other academic fields due to the institutionalization of pre-modern gender roles. Because this is a survey class concerned with major historical figures and basic concepts in ethics, we won't be reading many women philosophers. This should in no way be seen as casting aspersions on women as a class of people. We will, however, be spending a significant amount of time with Ayn Rand, who happens to be a woman and also one of the most important and influential philosophers and intellectuals of the 20th century, especially in ethics and political philosophy.

Along those same lines, for various complex historical and cultural reasons, philosophy emerged and flourished in the West and is the heritage of Western Civilization. It uniquely sowed the seeds for the scientific and industrial revolutions in Western Europe, leading to our modern technological world, as well as providing the social and political concepts on which the United States was founded. Like the scientific method and industrial production techniques, Western concepts such as individual rights, separation of Church and State, democratic self-government, meritocracy and free market capitalism have been adopted by many non-Western societies and diffused throughout the world. This is yet another reason to focus on theories of value that arose from and influenced the development of the Western world and, consequently, the rest of human civilization. The ethical traditions of other civilizations, including indigenous cultures, are covered extensively in history, cultural anthropology and ethnic studies courses.

Finally, it is important to understand that "Western" is just a conventional term for ideas which first emerged in Western Europe. An idea's place of origin or the particulars of the person who first developed or expounded it has nothing whatever to do with its truth value or importance in increasing human understanding. Newton and Leibniz discovered calculus around the same time and each accused the other of stealing his discovery. Yet calculus is neither essentially a English idea nor a German idea, nor is it a European or "white male" idea. Who was first to discover it, where he lived and the details of his ancestry and nationality are irrelevant to the validity and usefulness of calculus. So it is with all intellectual discoveries and theoretical innovations, including those concerning moral value.

: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Differentiate between the metaehtical theories of realism, anti-realism, absolutism, relativism and divine command theory, as well as the normative theories of egoism, utilitarianism, deontology and virtue ethics.
  2. Identify notable figures in moral philosophy and their contributions to the field.
  3. Explain concepts embedded in primary source material.
  4. Evaluate ethical theories for logical coherence and alignment with moral intuitions, and cogently argue for or against each of these theories as explanations for moral phenomena and guides to right action.
  5. Apply ethical theories to personal moral dilemmas encountered in daily life.
  6. Apply ethical theories to controversial social and political problems.

Due each Sunday before 11:59pm
20% of grade
Due Sundays before 11:59pm
Odd Group: Due Weeks 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9
Even Group: Due Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10
20% of grade
FIRST MIDTERM EXAM Opens: Monday of Week 4
Closes: Monday of Week 5
20% of grade
Opens: Tuesday of Week 7
Closes: Tuesday of Week 8
20% of grade
FINAL EXAM Opens: Thursday of Week 10
Closes: Thursday of Final Exam Week
20% of grade

READING: It is important to read the material in order to perform well in on exams.

: In addition to the reading, there are recorded video lectures linked in Moodle. Make sure to watch these each week, as they will help you understand the readings, especially primary source material, which can sometimes be rather sense and complex. There may be material on exams which is covered in these recordings but not explicitly stated or covered in the text. Please ignore any comments about course requirements or deadlines, as these may have changed since the videos were recorded. Always defer to the syllabus and the directions and deadlines in Moodle. You will need to log into your Lane Google account in order to access the videos. They may take a minute to load, especially if you are on a slow connection. You may want to pause the video to jot down notes or click the gear icon to increase the playback speed. You can turn the captions off or on by clicking the "CC" icon. Click the rectangle on the lower right to go full screen. I dropped the second hour discussion from Week Five on for lack of participation, so later weeks will just have about an hour of lecture. For live interaction, please come by office hours in CEN 410J or message me on Moodle to set up a Zoom meeting.

QUIZZES: There are ten weekly quizzes based on that week's reading and videos plus any other material linked in Moodle for that week. Some of these questions may appear again on the midterm exams and final. Quizzes are due every Sunday before 11:59pm. Late submission is blocked. The Syllabus Quiz from the first week will also count towards your total score for quizzes. The lowest of these eleven quiz scores is dropped. You should attempt each quiz until you get all of the questions right. There is a waiting period of 24 hours between attempts, so do the reading and take the quiz early to maximize your chances of getting 100%. Make sure to review the answers on your last attempt, as they will only be available before the deadline. After that you will see only your score. If you miss the deadline, you'll get a zero.

FORUM POSTS: The purpose of the forum assignment is to give you the opportunity to interpret, evaluate and apply what you have learned, and to discuss the merits and implications of class concepts and theories with your classmates. It emphasizes peer-to-peer learning in which you learn from your fellow students. You must write 250-300 words discussing a direct quote from the reading assigned for that week AND addressing a specific point from that week's video lecture before the Sunday 11:59pm deadline. Your post must quote a different passage and point in the lecture than previous posts, so I know you have done the reading and watched the video and are not basing your work on the work of other students in the thread. Your quote should be short, less than 100 words, since the entire post is limited to 300 words and you need to write about a point in the lecture video as well. Your analysis of the quote should be longer than the quote itself. The ellipse is your friend. Use "..." to omit needless words in the middle of a long quote.

Your quote must be from the primary source material, i.e. from the works excerpted in the text, not the instructor's explanatory notes and commentary, though these will help you understand and interpret the quote (an exception to this is Chapter Ten, where there are no excerpted sources). The quote must not only concern ethics, but also the central issues surrounding the view discussed that week. For example, Montaigne's introductory remarks about the reliability of his servant (the source for his information in Of Cannibals) would not be an appropriate passage to quote from. His argument that lower class people tend to be more honest and reliable than the upper classes does concern ethics, but is not related to relativism, the topic for Week One, so it would also not be appropriate. Quotes about the cannibals' differing practices concerning marriage or material goods, their differing motivations for warfare or their attitudes toward cannibalism (and your comments relating these things to cultural relativism) would all be appropriate. An example of an appropriate quote is given in the Week One Forum. Your comments should not merely paraphrase or reiterate the point in the quote you choose. They should explain the quote, agree or disagree, provide an example or application of it, contrast it with the view of another philosopher we've studied, pose a question, identify a problem, and so on. You will be graded on whether you correctly interpret and understand the quote, say something significant about it and relate that to an analysis of the theory under discussion. Your analysis should always be related to the question "Is this theory any good? Is it better than its competitors in this or that respect?" Don't merely speak of the proponents' beliefs or the beliefs of others; say which beliefs are true and why.

Make sure your post also references a specific and identifiable point in the video lecture and doesn't just make a vague allusion to the lecture in passing as you discuss your quote. If you don't address a specific point in the video lecture, the most you can receive is half credit. It should easily be able to identify the point you reference. Use a time-code to make sure I know to which point you are referring. The quote and point from the lecture video can be on the same topic or different ones.

You can reply to other students, but will only be graded on your original post. To encourage students to actually watch the videos, Powerpoint slides won't be available the Monday after the weekly posting deadline.

FORUM POST GROUPS: You will be randomly assigned to the "Odd" or "Even" group. Odds post to Weeks 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 before the Sunday 11:59pm deadlines of those weeks. Evens post to Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 before the Sunday 11:59pm deadlines of those weeks. Late posting is blocked. You can see which group you are in by seeing whether you have a "reply" button. If you see a reply button in the Week One Forum, you are in the "Odd" group. If you don't see a reply button in the Week One Forum, you are in the "Even" group. You are expected to read every post and pay special attention to instructor feedback in both groups.

FORUM POST FORMATTING: Avoid all titles, headers, greetings and signatures. Moodle displays your name, the date, the topic and the forum week; duplicating this information clutters up the forum. Write in block format, like this syllabus, with no indenting, single-spaced with two or more paragraphs, spacing between paragraphs, and using the default font. Do not post a wall of text with no paragraph breaks or your post will be penalized. Do not wish people a good weekend or sign your name. Please save niceties for the Personal Introductions Forum and Social Forum.

It is recommended that you compose your post in Google Docs or Word (or similar word-processor). You can check the word count in Word by choosing Tools --> Word Count. Composing your post offline will prevent it from being lost in case of a connection error in Moodle. If you're pasting from Google docs, Microsoft Word or similar programs, you may need to save as plain text first. After you've posted, make sure that your post's formatting looks OK, that the font size and style is the same as the rest of the forum, that there are NO EXTRA SPACES above or below the text (or two spaces between paragraphs), that you have at least two paragraphs and that the word count is at least 250 and no more than 300 words. Formatting errors will be penalized. Posts below 250 words or above 300 words according to the Moodle word count will be penalized. Do not post over 300 words and apologize for going over length; edit your post down to below 300 words. See the Student Help Desk for help using Moodle forums.

FORUM POST PLAGIARISM WARNING: Do not use any materials other than the text and class videos in writing your post. Any evidence of copying, paraphrasing or EVEN CONSULTING secondary resources, online or otherwise, including chat bots, will be considered PLAGIARISM, result in a zero on the assignment and may involve additional penalties, including a course penalty of one letter grade, an F in the course and referral to Academic and Student Affairs for disciplinary action. Word to the wise: The same Google searches and chat bots that can be used to plagiarize can be used to detect plagiarism, and there are other means of detecting it as well. Have some self-respect; do your own thinking! Don't be a second-hander! If you feel lost or have questions about the reading or lecture, ask me in a Moodle message. If you have something more involved to discuss, you can message me for a Zoom appointment or come by in-person office hours.

FORUM POST CONTENT GUIDELINES: Avoid phrases like "personally" and "in my personal opinion."
You are expected to give your impersonal opinion, backed by logical arguments, empirical evidence and clear examples. For example, instead of saying "In my personal opinion, Montaigne isn't a cultural relativist" say "Montaigne can't be a cultural relativist because he criticizes his own culture." Don't use phrases like "I feel," "I believe, or even "I think." It is assumed that anything you state in your post is what you believe or think, and "I feel" suggests you are trying to think with your emotions, which is always a bad idea, but especially so in an academic assignment. Generally speaking, first-person pronouns like "I" and "my" should not occur in your post. Express your thoughts in objective, third-person language.

Avoid tedious references to lots of people having lots of different opinions on the subject or the suggestion that this fact alone -- if it is a fact -- shows that "there is no (one) answer." Assume that there is always an answer, and say what you think that answer might be.

Do not quote dictionary definitions of philosophical terms. A dictionary definition gives the popular or colloquial usage and is often different from the technical, philosophical usage of a word. For example, in ethics the term "consequences" simply means the results of an action, good or bad. In popular usage, this term has negative connotations, as in the phrase "There will be consequences!" "Consequence" is often used as a synonym for punishment in the context of disciplining a child. This is totally different from the use of the term in discussions of utilitarianism and deontology.

After the first week, avoid invoking relativism or framing ethical issues in relativistic terms.
This includes lazy, meaningless comments about people having their own beliefs or everyone having his own "moral compass." Watch yourself on this or you will lose points. Assume from Week Two onward that ethics is objective (i.e. even if, as skeptics claim, it's illegitimate, suppose it's illegitimate for everyone). From Week Three onward, assume ethics is real, universal and absolute and that you are attempting to discover which theory, if any, best describes and justifies it. The one exception to this is Week Ten, where you are asked to consider the problem of moral knowledge and once again grapple with the skeptical position and its implications.

EDIT YOUR FORUM POST: Carefully revise and proofread your post for typos, awkward language, conceptual vagueness and inconsistency. Be precise and concise. Use particular examples. Omit needless words. Make sure you are using the right words. Use proper grammar. Avoid long run-on sentences and ambiguous reference problems. Avoid overly formal language. This typically just comes off as pretentious and makes your post more difficult to read. Don't use overblown rhetoric, excessive sarcasm, slang, obscenities or other language or tones which are inappropriate for an academic assignment. Give some consideration the other side(s) and avoid straw man and ad hominem arguments. You will only have 5 minutes to edit your post after you have made it, so it's best to do most of your editing before posting, ideally offline and then copying and pasting into Moodle to avoid losing your post to a connection error. Use the brief editing window to make sure that the font and formatting matches other posts, that there are no blank spaces at the top or bottom and that you are not under or over the word count. If you can't fix it and have your post saved offline, you can always hit "Delete" before the five minutes is up and start over.

FORUM POST GRADING: Postings will be awarded a grade of "10" (full credit) to "0" (no credit). Please note that I have the grade book set to ignore empty grades. Therefore, if you miss the deadline, it won't show up in your grade until the end of the term. At that time, any of the five required forum posts you didn't do will be counted as a zeros. I have the "ignore empty grades" setting on now to give you a meaningful and accurate assessment of your grade "thus far," assuming you complete the assignments. The Personal Introduction Forum will count toward your "Forum Posts" score. The lowest of these six posts (Personal Introduction Forum + 5 odd or even week posts) will be dropped.

EXAMS: Exams cannot be taken at home. Most students will be taking their exams at Instructional Testing Services, located in CEN 311 on the Main Campus in Eugene. Students may also take their exams at the Cottage Grove Center or Florence Center. Students who will be taking the course from elsewhere will need to arrange a proctor; email for more information. If you have a Letter of Accommodation from the Center for Accessible Resources and would like to take your exams there, please message me or see me after class or in office hours.

Exams are taken via Moodle but with a setting which restricts access to LCC testing centers or approved proctors. You will have about a week to take each exam. Opening and closing times for each exams are listed in the table above and may also be seen by clicking on the exam name in the main course view in Moodle. Hours for Instructional Testing Services may be found on their web page. For the Cottage Grove Center, email or call (541) 463-4202 for hours. Proctored testing at the Florence Center is by appointment only. If you live in Florence, please call (541) 997-8444 to schedule your exams there.

For Exams taken at Instructional Testing Services on the Main Campus, you must arrive at least 45 minutes before closing, though it is recommended you give yourself at least an hour for each exam. You will need a government issued photo I.D., such as a state-issued driver's license, state-issued I.D. card, passport or "green card." You will need to know your L Number and MyLane PIN to log into Moodle. You will also need to know the course number (PHL 203), my name (Borrowdale) and whether you're taking the First Midterm Exam, Second Midterm Exam or Final Exam. If English is your second language, dictionaries will be on hand for you to use. If your native language isn't a common one, please contact Instructional Testing Services ahead of time to make sure they have your language. Unfortunately, you are not allowed to use your own paper or electronic dictionary. During the exam you may use a 3 x 5 note card (both sides) or a piece of paper measured with a ruler and cut to the same size.

The exam format will be multiple choice and true/false questions. The final will not be comprehensive.

Each exam has a study guide linked in Moodle. Read the questions and make sure you can answer each of them. If you don't know the answer to a particular question, search the relevant section of the online textbook, the Powerpoints, your notes from the lectures and videos for the answer. You may even want to write out the answers to help you study for the exams or even do so as you move through the course. If you are unsure of the answer to a question, send me a Moodle message or come by office hours to ask.

You will have about a week to take each exam. The opening and closing times of exams are listed in the table above, in the course outline below and in the Weekly Outline in Moodle. Clicking on any exam in the main course view in Moodle will also show you the exact opening and closing dates and times as well, along with the chapters and weeks it covers. There is no time limit, but once you start the exam, you must finish it, and you must also finish it before the testing center closes that day.

Once you take your exam, you will immediately receive your score as well as be able to see the questions you missed along with the correct answers. Please give yourself time to review the exam right after you take it, as you will not be able to review your exam from home. Since the midterms cover different subject matter and the final is not comprehensive, you won't be tested on the same material again.You are, however, encouraged to see what you missed and view the correct answers for your own personal knowledge and edification.

EXAM DEADLINE POLICY: Since you will have at least a week to take each exam, you will be expected to meet the deadline. However, you may contact the instructor via Moodle message (not email) to request an extension on the midterm exams before the deadline without penalty. Please include the class, the exam and the date to which you would like it extended in your message. The Final Exam deadline cannot be extended, as it is Thursday of Final Exam Week and on Thursday night or Friday morning, I will be determining course grades.  If you miss the deadline for the final due to some unforeseen circumstance or emergency situation, contact the instructor via Moodle message ASAP.

PENALTIES FOR CHEATING: Students caught cheating on an exam will be given an F in the course.

GRADING: Moodle will tell you your grade based on the assignments completed so far. Anything you don't complete will be converted to a zero near the end of the term. Make sure to complete all of the quizzes, forum posts and exams by the deadlines!

At the end of the term, the class will be graded on the following absolute scale, with course totals rounded up to the nearest whole number:

A+ 97% -100% A  93% - 96% 
A-  90% - 92%
B+  87% - 89% B  83% - 86% B-  80% - 82%
C+  77% - 79% C  73% - 76% C-  70% - 72%
D+  67% - 69% D  63% - 66% D-  60% - 62%
  F 0% - 59%  

EARLY OUTREACH AND REFERRAL (EOR) PROGRAM: At Lane Community College, we want every student to be successful. The Early Outreach and Referral (EOR) Program is a campus-wide effort to support students early in the term when they first begin experiencing difficulty in a class. If I see you are having difficulty in this class (ex. missing classes, missing assignments, and/or receiving low test or assignment scores) I may refer you to our Early Outreach Specialist. Once referred, the Early Outreach Specialist will follow up with you by phone or email to find out how to best support you by connecting you with necessary resources and helping you develop and implement a success plan, which may include individual tutoring or other services. Please respond to these messages. Outreach specialists have helped many struggling students succeed. Let them help you.

QUESTIONS: If you have a particular issue from the readings or lectures which you would like to explore, discuss or perhaps debate in more depth than is practical in Moodle messages, please visit me during my office hours or make an appointment to see me in person or on Zoom.

TECHNOLOGY USE AND HELP: This is an online course. It requires you to use (but not necessarily own) a computer, laptop, netbook or tablet or smart phone with access to the internet. Laptop and Chromebook loans are available through the Student Help Desk (SHeD). The syllabus, schedule, announcements, supplementary material and resources, quizzes, exams and grades are all distributed via Moodle. Contact the Student Help Desk (SHeD) or call them at 463-3333 for assistance with all of your technology-related questions.


WEEK 1: Basic Ethical Theories (Ch. 1), Moral Relativism (Ch. 2)
Take the Syllabus Quiz before THURSDAY 11:59pm
Take the weekly quiz before Sunday 11:59pm and each week through Week 10 (quizzes may be re-attempted every 24 hrs until the deadline, so start early to maximize your score!)
ODD group must post to the Week One Forum before Sunday 11:59pm (and weeks 3, 5, 7 and 9)

WEEK 2: Moral Skepticism (Ch. 3)
EVEN group must post to the Week Two Forum before Sunday 11:59pm (and weeks 4, 6, 8 and 10)

WEEK 3: Divine Command Theory (Ch. 4)

WEEK 4: Egoism & Social Contract Theory (Ch. 5)
First Midterm Exam on Weeks 1-3, Ch. 1-4, opens Monday

WEEK 5: Utilitarianism (Ch. 6)
First Midterm Exam closes Monday

WEEK 6: Utilitarianism (Ch. 6)

WEEK 7: Deontology (Ch. 7)
Second Midterm Exam on Weeks 4-6, Ch. 5-6, opens Tuesday

WEEK 8: Virtue Ethics (Ch. 8)
Second Midterm closes Tuesday
"Ignore empty grades" turned off for 'Midterms" category Wednesday; missing midterms recalculated as zeros.
Grade Option/Drop Deadline Friday 11:59pm. Students wishing to make changes must do so at
The instructor cannot make these changes for you.

WEEK 9: Nietzsche (Ch. 9)

WEEK 10: Moral Knowledge, Morality and Controversial Social Issues (Ch. 10)
Final Exam opens Thursday

"Ignore empty grades" turned off for "Quizzes" category Monday; missing quizzes recalculated as zeros and lowest score is dropped.
"Ignore empty grades" turned off for "Forum Posts" category Monday; missing posts recalculated as zeros and lowest score is dropped.
Final Exam closes THURSDAY "Ignore empty grades" turned off for "Final Exam" category Friday; missing exams recalculated as zeros
Final grades calculated and entered Friday

Lane Community College (LCC) is dedicated to providing inclusive learning environments. The Center for Accessible Resources (CAR) coordinates all academic accommodations for students at LCC. If you anticipate or experience academic barriers due to a disability, to request assistance or accommodations, contact the Center for Accessible Resources (541) 463-5150 or