Given at the end
of each class period
10% of grade
Opens: Thursday, April
18 at 9am
Closes: Thursday, April 25 at
7pm |
30% of
grade |
Opens: Thursday,
May 9 at 9am
Closes: Thursday, May 16 at
7pm |
30% of grade
Opens: Friday, May
17 at 9am
Closes: Wednesday, June 5 at
7pm |
Replaces First or
Second Midterm,
whichever is lower, otherwise
no effect.
Thursday, June 6 at 9am
Closes: Wednesday,
June 12 at 7pm
30% of
grade |
an attempt to come to a systematic understanding of the
objective world through the use of reason. The
philosophical approach assumes a commitment to follow
the truth wherever it leads, however uncomfortable it
may make us and in spite of what we may wish to be true.
It strives for logical consistency and agreement with
the empirical evidence. Philosophy is about asking
questions, especially questions no one else wants to
ask. Philosophy even questions the unquestionable,
including things considered to be "common sense," such
as the existence of an external world of matter, free
will, God, the soul, an afterlife or the existence of
universal, objective moral values (or perhaps the
unquestionable certainty of our age is the dogma that
morality is culturally relative or completely
subjective). Philosophy uses conceptual analysis as its
primary tool. Properly analyzing concepts requires the
rigorous definition of terms, so the precise use of
language is very important to philosophers, or at least
to the good ones. This goes all the way back to
Socrates. Fuzzy language evinces fuzzy thinking.
is not about exploring your "personal beliefs." Nor is
it about your feelings (please avoid the phrase "I feel"
when expressing your point of view in class, as
hopefully what you have to say is based on more than
your subjective emotional state). Philosophy is not
about your identity, your sex, your gender, your sexual
orientation, your culture or your "
It's not about your faith or "how you were raised."
Please avoid referring to these things in class unless
they have some direct bearing on the issue at hand.
Although there is an historical tradition associated
with philosophy, it is not primarily about history, and
even though understanding their historical or cultural
context may help us understand the ideas of particular
philosophers, it is
the ideas themselves with
which philosophy is concerned.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Theories of knowledge
(epistemology) address issues such as the nature of
truth and rational justification, whether knowledge
comes primarily through reason or the senses and how our
common sense beliefs about the world might be proven.
Additional topics may include how much control we have
over our beliefs, whether duties or rights apply to
beliefs and the relationship between faith and reason.
objectives are this course are for students to (1) come
to a clearer understanding of epistemological issues
through the study of classical and contemporary theories
(2) acquire some factual knowledge about the history of
philosophy and important philosophical thinkers (3) come
to their own conclusions about which theories are best
or most likely to be true, even if those conclusions are
of a tentative nature (4) acquire critical and
analytical reasoning skills along the way (5) apply
conclusions about the nature of knowledge to their
present way of assessing evidence and worldviews.
READING: It is important to read the material in
order to participate intelligently in class discussion
and perform well on exams.
A hybrid class is a combination of traditional classroom
and online instruction. Hybrid students are required to
attend classroom sessions MW 2-3:20 in Building 4/Room
203 and do approximately one hour of online work in the
form of additional reading and quizzes in Moodle.
ATTENDANCE POLICY: It will be very difficult to succeed
in this class without regular attendance. Some
material may appear on the exams which is not
covered in the text, and students with sporadic
attendance almost always do poorly on exams. After the first week, there is no
need to contact the instructor about absences of
one or two class days due to illness or other
contingencies. On the other hand, if you must be
absent for more than a week due to serious
illness, military service, business travel, family
emergency, and so on, don't hesitate to contact me
if you must take an exam at a later date or
require other help. If you don't require special
accommodation, please simply download the podcast
and check for any new announcements or handouts on
Moodle. Note: There will be
no class Monday,
May 27 (Memorial Day).
The entire campus will be closed.
If you are sick,
please stay home and rest. Coming to class sick
will prolong your own illness and infect others.
Also, please refrain from visiting my office if
you still have flu or cold symptoms; it is a
small, confined space and I do not want to
contract your illness. You can reach me via
Moodle message and set up a phone appointment,
if necessary.
IN-CLASS QUIZZES (10%): A quiz will be given at
the end of each class. Answers will be reviewed in
class. You will get credit for being present and taking
the quiz, but the scores won't be recorded. These
quizzes will function as practice for the exams and an
incentive for regular attendance. Remember that 10% is
one letter grade. Missed quizzes can add up fast! You
can't make up the quizzes themselves, though you can
make up the points by visiting the tutors or attending
the Philosophy Club (see below).
EXAMS (90%): You
will have a window of several days during which you must
take each exam, including the final, in
Testing Services, (located in CEN 311 on the Main
Campus), or at the
Grove Center, the
Florence Center,
or with an approved proctor (see section below). Exams
are taken via Moodle but with a test setting which
restricts access to LCC testing centers (or approved
Exams cannot be taken at home. Opening
and closing times of exams are listed in the table above
and may also be seen by clicking on the exam name in the
main course view. Hours for
Testing Services may be found at
Hours for
Grove Center and
Florence Center
different and may be found at
(Florence asks that you call to check availability - see
the link for details).
You must arrive one
hour before closing. You will need an official
photo I.D., such as a state-issued driver's
license, state-issued I.D. card, student I.D. card,
passport or "green card." Unfortunately,
LCC bus
passes no longer qualify as valid photo I.D. You
will need to know your
L Number and MyLane PIN
to log into Moodle. If there is more than one exam open
or you've been granted an extension to take an exam
late, make sure to tell the testing personnel which exam
you would like to take so they don't give you the wrong
one by mistake. If English is your second language,
dictionaries will be on hand for you to use. If your
native language isn't a common one, please contact
Testing Services ahead of time to make sure they
have your language. Unfortunately, you are not allowed
to use your own paper or electronic dictionary.
The exam format will be multiple choice and true/false
questions. During the exam you may use a 3 x 5 note card
(both sides) or a piece of paper measured with a ruler
and cut to the same size.
The final will not be
Once you take your exam, you'll immediately receive your
score as well as be able to see the questions you missed
along with the correct answers. Please give yourself
time to review the exam right after you take it, as
will not be able to review your exam from home.
Reviewing your exam will be especially helpful to you if
you plan on taking the Extra Credit Exam, which will
cover the same material. If you wish to review your exam
at a later date, you will have to see one of the
philosophy tutors. A small curve be may included which
will add to your raw score. Your adjusted score can be
viewed by clicking on "Grades" on the side bar in
Testing Services (and everything else on campus)
will be closed Friday, May 3 (Spring
Conference) and Monday, May 27 (Memorial
for details on proctoring if you are taking the course
from out of the greater Eugene area. If you need help
locating a proctor, try Consortium of College
Testing Centers at
A per test fee is usually required; fees will vary by
Since you will have at least a week to take each exam,
you will be expected to meet the deadline, however, you
contact the Philosophy
Assistant before the deadline via
Moodle messaging to request an extension
without penalty. Please
include the date you would
like the exam extended to in your message.
Final Exam closes WEDNESDAY 7PM of Final Exam
Week. Since
Testing Services on the main campus closes for the
term Thursday at 5pm, extensions are not possible past
that time.
PENALTIES FOR CHEATING: Students caught cheating
will be given an
F in
the course.
EXTRA CREDIT EXAM: There is an optional Extra
Credit Exam, based on the material from the First and
Second Midterm Exams. It will replace the lowest of your
First or Second Midterm Exam scores. If it is lower than
either, it will have no effect. In order for it to
count, you have to take both midterms.
It is not a
substitute for taking either midterm or the final exam.
OTHER EXTRA CREDIT: You may also earn extra
credit visiting the philosophy tutors and attending the
Philosophy Club, adding a maximum of 3% to your course
grade (details below).
Exams may be curved upward, based on the distribution
of scores. This is done by adding a certain number of
points to every student score. At the end of the term,
the class will be graded on the following absolute
scale, with course totals rounded to the nearest whole
A+ 97% -100% |
A 93% - 96%
A- 90% - 92% |
B+ 87% - 89% |
B 83% -
86% |
B- 80% - 82% |
C+ 77% - 79% |
C 73% - 76% |
C- 70% - 72% |
D+ 67% - 69% |
D 63% - 66% |
D- 60% - 62% |
F 0% - 59% |
HELP WITH THE CLASS: If you are having
difficulties with the class, please see one of the
philosophy tutors as soon as possible.
The tutors' walk-in hours and contact information
to make an appointment are linked at the top of the
main course page in Moodle. The tutors can go over
your exam with you and help you to improve your grade
on the next one as well as the Extra Credit Exam.
Please see the tutors first about issues involving
understanding basic concepts and improving your test
grade. You will also earn extra credit for each visit,
up to four visits. Each visit will earn you 0.5%
toward your course grade, up to a maximum of 2%.
Lane Community College, we want every student to be
successful. The Early
Outreach and Referral (EOR) Program is a
campus-wide effort to support students early in the
term when they first begin experiencing difficulty in
a class. If I feel you are having difficulty in this
class (ex. missing classes, missing assignments,
and/or receiving low test or assignment scores) I may
refer you to an Early Outreach Specialist. Once
referred, an Early Outreach Specialist will follow up
with you by phone or email to find out how to best
support you by connecting you with necessary resources
and helping you develop and implement a Success Plan,
which may include individual tutoring or other
additional services.
ADVANCED QUESTIONS: If you have a particular
issue from the readings or class lecture/discussion
that you would like to explore, discuss or perhaps
debate in more depth than is practical in Moodle
messages, please visit me during my office hours. I am
also happy to help clear up any questions you may
still have after seeing one of the tutors about
anything else.
AND HELP: This is an online course. It
requires you to use (but not necessarily own)
a computer, tablet or smart phone. The
syllabus, schedule, announcements,
supplementary material and resources, practice
exam questions and grades are all distributed
via Moodle.
Campus labs are staffed with people who can
help you if you are new to computing devices
or have difficulty using them. Visit the Student
Help Desk (SHeD) website at,
call them at 463-3333 or visit them on the 2nd
floor of the Center Building, Learning
Commons, Library, Room 221B. A list of campus
computer labs and hours may be found at
Club meets Tu 2-3pm. Join on OrgSync
to be updated on club activities. Attending a meeting
will add 0.5% to your final course grade (maximum of
two visits or 1% possible with this activity).
the faculty advisor for
Americans for Liberty, a locally controlled,
independent student club dedicated to limited
government, individual rights, personal responsibility
and creating a free society guided by reason, tolerance
and compassion. If you're interested in earning 2 or 3
credits in Cooperative Education (Political Science)
helping out with the club, send me a Moodle message. For
more information on the club, check out
and click the big green
Join Now button
to be updated on club activities.