The correspondence theory says that truth is that which corresponds
with reality. Relativism equates truth with mere belief and uses
prepositions and pronouns with truth. Truth is only truth for a
person or society, according to relativists. A thing may be true for
me but not true for you.
Truth is a quality which applies to beliefs, statements or
A true belief is one that describes reality the way it
actually is.
A false belief describes reality in a way other than it actually is.
People living in the Middle Ages thought the sun revolved around the
earth. Even thought there was a consensus on this belief, it has
never been true. Truth does not depend on consensus. Truth depends
on reality. Reality never included the sun revolving around the
Beliefs are mere subjective mental representations of the world.
They are only true when they match up with the objective world and
false if they don’t.
The statement “There is no such thing as absolute truth” is
contradictory, if intended as a statement about the nature of truth
itself. If the statement is only intended in a relativistic sense
(it’s just “true for you,” i.e. about you), then it has no relevance
to the question of the nature of truth itself.
Just because there is a disagreement, doesn’t mean truth is
relative. Two people may have different beliefs about reality, but
only one thing is true about reality. They can’t both be right, but
sometimes they can both be wrong and some third alternative is the
All good philosophers accept the correspondence theory explicitly.
Some bad philosophers attempt to deny it, but accept it implicitly
when they try to convince others of the objective truth their
Using pronouns with the “truth” is conceptual confusion. It is also
a micro-aggression against philosophy, as it puts someone’s
sacrosanct beliefs or personal agenda above the truth about
reality. When people say “my truth” or “her reality,” what
they mean is “my belief” or “her belief,” because truth and reality
are not personal and thus do not take personal pronouns. Truth and
reality are objective, not subjective. Putting personal attachment
to one's own beliefs above discovering objective truth may also be
seen as a sign of intellectual and emotional immaturity,
intellectual laziness, bias, prejudice, ideological blindness,
psychological obsession, hysteria, or, in some extreme cases,
diagnosable mental illness.
Do we Create Our Own Reality?
If we are creating our own reality, that means that each person
lives in her own world and there is no objective world which
constrains, determines or affects it. Have you ever thought one
thing and found out reality is otherwise? Then you don’t create your
own reality. Has anything ever happened that you didn’t want to
happen? Did you “create” that or did it happen to you because there
is an objective world that doesn’t care about what you desire or
People have differences in subjective personal reactions to the
objective world. This can include what temperature of a room you
find comfortable, what kinds of food you like, what kinds of
activities interest you and emotional reactions to a bouquet of
flowers, an action movie, a political speech or a religious
testimony. These are affective (attitudinal or emotional)
differences, based on differences in physiology, personality and
individual experience and psychological associations. But attitudes
or feelings are different from objective facts. The correspondence
theory accepts that people have different physiology, personal
tastes, attitudes and preferences and personalities. That is an
objective fact of the world. In fact, when critically thinking, it
is crucial to distinguish personal taste, preference and cultural
norms from objective truth. This doesn’t mean that some truths are
relative and others are not. It means that some things aren’t
“truths” at all. They are subjective. Truth is objective and open to
disputation and debate; matters of personal taste are not. Matters
of individual tastes and preference are about you. They can be used
with personal pronouns because they’re personal. There are your
tastes, my preferences, his attitudes or her feelings. Belief and
reality are not like that. According to the correspondence theory,
you should never use a personal pronoun with words like “truth” or
“reality” because they are personal or subjective; they are
impersonal and objective.
Sometimes people make mistakes. They believe their actions will lead
to one result, and then they lead to another. Sometimes people form
negative beliefs about themselves which turn into a “self-fulfilling
prophecy.” These are facts about human psychology and the way
personal attitudes or beliefs can affect behavior and in turn affect
objective outcomes. They are very different from saying you are
actually creating your own reality. Is the glass half empty or half
full? The level of water is a fact about the objective world.
Whether you interpret or think about the glass as half-empty or half
full has to do with the way you frame it in your mind and the
attitude you have about it. That doesn’t mean the level of water
depends on your thoughts about it or make how full (or empty) the
glass is relative.
Are Beliefs "Based on Your Perspective"?
Students often say that people base their beliefs "on their
perspective," their belief system or "what’s true for them." But
what is a perspective or belief system but a collection of beliefs?
Since what’s true are beliefs, isn’t "what’s true for them" also
just more beliefs? So they base their beliefs on their beliefs? This
doesn’t seem to make much sense. It seems circular and at odds with
If you think about how you form your own beliefs, you’ll see they
come from your experience of the external world, about which you
form beliefs. Your beliefs are not about other beliefs. Your beliefs
are about the external world, about reality. Not “your reality” or
“my reality,” but reality itself, the reality of which we are all a
Now of course people remember their past experiences and draw
general conclusions about why things turned out the way they did and
attempt to explain them and predict the future. That’s part of
critical thinking and the basis of science. But these higher level
beliefs we use to evaluate new beliefs trace back to observation and
interpretation - or should do so.
Sometimes people simply adopt the beliefs of their parents, peers,
community, culture or political leaders. Merely accepting a belief
without questioning whether it represents reality is the opposite of
critical thinking. Critical thinking implies skepticism about
claims. Skepticism assumes the correspondence theory. When you are
skeptical, what are you skeptical about? You are skeptical about
whether a claim actually represents reality, that is, whether it’s
true or not.
Most of the time you don’t base your beliefs on a perspective or
belief system; you have a perspective which is made up of
these higher level beliefs and may rely on it to help you decide
about new beliefs. But don’t confuse a belief system or perspective
with reality. A belief system ought to be a means to an end - the
end of having true beliefs - not an end in itself. A rational person
will revise a belief system in the light of internal inconsistencies
or as soon as she discovered it is at odds with reality.
Does the Existence of Bias Prove Relativism?
Think about it for a moment. Most of the time don’t you at least try
to base your beliefs on objective reality? If you're wondering
whether you'll be able to find a job with the major you've chosen or
whether drinking coffee is bad for you or whether you should wear a
mask to the grocery store or get a VPN to protect your online
privacy, you're trying to figure out the truth about objective
reality and the risks and rewards of various courses of action. But
why do the hard work of searching for and weighing evidence or try
to avoid bias if your beliefs are already true for you? What if you
don't have any beliefs on these issues? Isn't it because you haven't
investigated them?
But what about more ideologically and emotionally charged issues
like global warming, the safety of vaccines or GMOs, or whether
President Trump colluded with Russia or Joe Biden acted corruptly in
his dealings with Ukraine as Vice President? Don't believe decide
these things according to their political and ideological biases? Of
course our perspectives are influenced by our subjective
experiences, and these can often be predicted in groups (but not
individuals) based on demographic data such as age, sex, race, where
you were raised and currently live, etc., but that does not make
truth relative. Social scientists use these objective facts about
people to make predictions about human behavior and social and
political change, many of which are extremely accurate, indicating a
correspondence with reality. These predictions are made based on an
acceptance of the objective world and data which helps us understand
human behavior, which is a part of the world.
Suppose that a person’s belief on the future outcome of an election
is based on who they want to win, who he hopes will win or who he
thinks “deserves” to win. Is that belief just as good as a
sociologist or political scientist making a prediction based on
demographics and polling data? Interestingly, some of the
spectacular failures of political scientists ( who should have known
better), on predicting the outcome of the
2016 presidential election, seem to have been caused by such
political prejudice. Why is that a bad thing? It led to false
predictions. After the results were in, pollsters and pundits went
back to try to figure out where they went wrong. And of course,
after the results were in, they all changed their beliefs about who
would be the President. None of them insisted that Hillary won based
on their predictions; they changed their beliefs according to the
evidence that Trump won.
Watch Your Language (and Other Tips from
Analytic Philosophy)
Sometimes people speak in a loose fashion. When someone says that a
belief is "my truth" or “her reality,” what he may really mean is
“this is what I believe” or “she believes that so strongly that it’s
like she lives in her own little world.” This may seem innocuous,
but the words you use matter and using terms in a misleading way
like this can lead to conceptual confusions. In this case, it’s a
confusion between the fundamental concepts of subjectivity and
objectivity, which are crucial to critical thinking and doing
philosophy. Philosophers of the analytic school, which traces back
to Socrates, the father of philosophy, see language as very
important. In the Socratic dialogues, the search for truth is
couched in terms of a search for the definition of a word, such as
piety, virtue, justice or knowledge. It is only after understanding
what these words mean that can answer questions such as “Can virtue
be taught?” or “Is justice good in itself or a means to something
else?” or “What would a completely just state look like?” Answering
these questions means grasping the essence of fundamental concepts,
and that means having rigorous definitions and using language in
precise ways. Do you really live in your own reality? Then how is it
you're interacting with others and affecting them through your
actions? Do you create your own reality? Then why do you get sick or
have to pay bills or suffer any kind of pain or deprivation? Are you
a masochist?
Usually when faced with these kinds of questions, people will
retreat to a more restricted claim that our beliefs can affect our
behavior and that this can in turn affect the outcome of events in
the real world, but this is quite different from the claim we create
our own reality. They may also point out that people with different
sets of preexisting beliefs may interpret objective events
differently or have a different subjective experience than another
person, but again, this is a claim about the objective world. If you
believe you have no shot at getting a job, that might result in a
lackluster interview after which you indeed wouldn't get the job,
even if your chances of getting it were objectively quite good. If
you think no one likes you and you ask a clerk for assistance and
receive no response, you are likely to believe they intentionally
ignored you when they may simply be daydreaming after a long day or
hard of hearing. These are well-documented facts of human
psychology, but none of them imply anything about truth or reality
being subjective.
What is a Question?
Let’s try to step back to the most fundamental level of intellectual
inquiry. What is a question? That which is in search of an answer.
What distinguishes one question from another? The particular answer
for which it searches. What is an answer? An answer represents a
state of affairs in the world, conceptual or empirical. An answer is
a proposition. What is a proposition? A simple declarative statement
about the character or nature of a thing, or the state of affairs of
the world. Some answers are about definitions and concepts, such as
the answer I just gave to the question "What is a question?" These
are conceptual propositions. Some answers are not about concepts but
about what exists, what is real or is the case, such as "Is it
raining?" These are empirical propositions. When a proposition
describes the world as it is and corresponds with reality, we say
that it is true. If it describes the world in a way other than it
is, we say that it is false. When we ask a question, we evaluate
answers based on how likely they seem to match up with reality. We
thus assume the correspondence theory of truth by the very act of
questioning. If what I believed was already automatically true
for me, what need would I have for questions? Why would I need to
ask anyone else, think, ponder or read a book? I would already have
"my truth."
What Are Beliefs? What Are Beliefs About?
Propositions must be given concrete expression to be understood and
communicated. A belief is a mental representation, a propositional
attitude such that the subject views a given proposition as true. The
belief is subjective, but what the belief is about is not
subjective. A belief is not about itself or (typically) about
other beliefs. A belief is the world, about reality. Whether the
belief is true or false does not depend on the subjective mental
state of the believer but rather the state of affairs of the world
referenced in the proposition the belief is about. "It is raining"
is not about the believer's subjective mental state; it is about the
external world. If the world is otherwise, the belief is false,
regardless of how convinced the believer is of its truth.
Don't Confuse Truth with Rational Justification
Whether you can prove a belief is irrelevant to whether it is
true, though using evidence and logic is the only way to discover
whether or not a belief is true. A belief is true depending on
whether or not it corresponds with reality. Even though we may lack
the evidence to tell whether a well-specified, non-ambiguous,
meaningful belief is true or false, we know that it is either
true or false. There is no third (or fourth) choice. This is
known as the Law of Excluded Middle. When there is
insufficient evidence, the rational thing to do is to withhold
judgement, as W. K. Clifford suggests in his famous essay, "The
Ethics of Belief." Clifford also suggests that it is your moral duty
as a human being and a member of the human community to do so, and
that not doing so can lead to disastrous consequences for yourself
and others.
When people evaluate beliefs to see whether they are true, they look
for justification for them in terms of logical arguments and
empirical evidence (evidence of the senses (direct or based on
testimony), photographic records, scientific studies, etc.). They
don’t consult their “personal beliefs.” They look for reasons and
evidence from the external world to see if the belief matches up
with reality. To the extent that they allow prejudices, biases,
desires or emotions to get in the way of forming accurate beliefs
about the world they are acting irrationally.
Example: The CIA didn’t consult their “personal beliefs” when trying
to discover whether or not Saddam Hussein had stockpiles of weapons
of mass destruction. They looked at satellite photos, his shifty
behavior and testimony from defectors. Despite their best efforts to
form accurate beliefs (and due perhaps in some part to the influence
of bias), their belief turned out to be false. A trillion dollars
and countless lives were lost as the result of a false belief. False
beliefs have consequences! This is why it’s important to rely
on evidence and logic for our beliefs and not think of them as an
extension of our identity, biography, personality, desires or
Rational justification, that is, having logical reasons and
empirical evidence for our beliefs, is not guarantee, but it is the
best way we have to make sure our beliefs are true.
This weapons of mass destruction example also illustrates the
difference between truth and justification. Even though the CIA had
ample justification for their beliefs that Saddam had WMDs, their
beliefs did not match up with reality and thus turned out to be
false. This is an example of a justified but false belief.
Another example of a justified but false belief is the one from
Chapter One in which a man was accused of rape, identified by
several victims, had scratches on his face that matched testimony of
one of the victims and had a blood profile matched that of evidence
at the crime scene. If you were on the jury, you would have (and
should have) convicted the man of being guilty of the crime.
However, as it turned out, he had an identical twin brother he did
not know about. The two were separated at birth and adopted, and the
twin had randomly entered town and began committing these crimes.
Before this fact came to light, you would be justified in believing
the defendant was guilty but would still have had a false belief.
So, a belief can justified but not true. A belief can also be true
but not justified. You could have a true belief by accident. A
stopped clock is right twice a day and occasionally a blind squirrel
finds a nut. If I predicted Donald Trump would win the
Presidency based on a superstition (a flip of my lucky bicentennial
quarter) or a misunderstanding of policy (e.g. I mistakenly thought
he was for open borders and “green energy” to fight “climate change”
and believed these to be “winning issues”) or I thought he was the
Democrat in the race, running against Republican Mike Pence). My
belief turned out to be true, but had no justification. My
prediction was based on false beliefs. I didn’t have objectively
good reasons or evidence for it.
If, on the other hand, suppose I pointed out that polling showed
Trump was popular among blue collar voters in rust belt swing states
who were adversely impacted by globalization, our eroding
manufacturing base, lop-sided trade deals and illegal immigration,
against which Trump was campaigning. Suppose I further argued that
voters are likely to favor an experienced businessman who would be
good with the economy after eight years of economic stagnation under
Obama. I might add and that, after eight years of any President,
voters usually choose a candidate from the other major party. I
might further add that key polls are over-sampling Democrats and
that Hillary didn't even bother to visit key states Trump was
campaigning hard in. Suppose further I pointed to the "enthusiasm
gap" and the fact that Trump's huge rallies were a likely indicator
of greater voter turnout on his side, and that internal polling
there showed that attendees included many independents and
heretofore politically inactive people, not just the traditional
Republican base. All of these would be good reasons to suppose Trump
would win. If I made these arguments before hand (and I did), then I
could properly claim to have known he would win. Note that
it would be these objective facts and reasons, not my subjective
feelings of confidence, which would justify my claims to knowledge.
Also note that these arguments would have nothing to do with who I
was or who I planned on voting for. These arguments could just as
easy be made by a partisan Democrat who favored Hillary, an
independent with a history of swinging back and forth between the
major parties, or someone who favored a third party candidate.
Unfortunately, people often let their desires or what they wish or
hope to be true govern their beliefs instead of the objective
Admittedly, knowledge of the future poses special problems because
the future is indeterminate. The future has not yet occurred; it
does not yet exist. A statement about the future is nevertheless
either true or false; we just don’t know which it is until after the
fact. Suppose a friend warns you against marrying your sweetheart,
predicting disaster if you tie the knot with this person. We may not
know until a few years down the line whether you should have heeded
their warning. If you listen to them and scuttle the marriage, you
might never know.
Only when a belief is both true and justified does it count as
knowledge. Knowledge is true justified belief. The
goal of philosophy is to have knowledge of reality.
Truth and knowledge are different. Since the solar system was
formed, Pluto existed, but we were only able to prove Pluto existed
in 1930 based on telescopic images. Before 1930, the statement
“There is a ball of ice and rock in a semi-regular orbit around the
sun beyond Neptune” was true, even though we didn’t know it was. The
reality of the solar system always included Pluto; we just didn’t
know that it was there.
When discussing Descartes' dream argument in Chapter Two, a
student objected that the correspondence theory of truth assumes
that life isn’t a dream. But consider the question, “Is life
a dream?” The question assumes two possible answers “Life is a
dream” and “Life isn’t a dream.” Life cannot be both a dream
and not a dream in the same sense, according to the same
meaning of the terms. A contradiction can’t be true. That a
contradiction can’t be true is a fundamental truth on which all
rational thought is based. It can only be shown through example. If
I say I am never late but then admit I was late yesterday, that is a
contradiction. One of those statements must be false. Even the the
concept of the "counter-example" assumes this principle.
If you object that the correspondence theory cannot be proved
because it relies on the unproven assumption that life isn’t a
dream, you are assuming that a contradiction can’t be true. Rational
argument isn’t possible without this assumption. This question also
assumes a fact of the matter about reality, an objective truth,
namely whether life is or is not a dream and whether it can be
proven. Note that the question about whether it may be proven
is different than the question as to whether it is true.
Truth has to do with correspondence with reality. Knowledge has to
do with whether something may be proven, that is, whether there is
sufficient justification (reasons, evidence) to know a belief is
Does A Lack of Consensus Mean Truth is Relative?
Widespread disagreement does not indicate the truth is relative; it
indicates a lack of sufficient evidence available to some or all
parties or perhaps that various forms of bias are at work. The
proper attitude in these circumstances is extra caution and skepticism,
not concluding that in the absence of consensus that one belief is
as good as any other (relativism). There is always one right answer
to any question. That right answer will be the one which corresponds
with reality, which describes the world as it is. This right answer
not defined by your subject feelings or decided by some external
authority. It is defined by the way the world is and is to be
discerned, if at all, through dispassionate, rational argument, that
is, through critical thinking, which is the foundation of knowledge.
Truth and Knowledge
To sum up, truth is correspondence with reality; beliefs may or may
not correspond with reality. When a belief does correspond with
reality, it is true. When a belief describes reality other than it
is, that belief is false. The way we figure out whether a given
belief is true or false is through the use of empirical evidence and
logic, but whether we can prove a belief or not is different from
its being true. Evidence and logic are how we prove a belief is true
but that’s not what makes it true, i.e. what its being true
means. What makes a belief true is that it corresponds
with reality. When we have sufficient evidence that a belief
is true and it is in fact true, then we know it to
be true.