DROP POLICY: All students must post a brief
personal introduction to the class in Moodle by THURSDAY
3pm of the first week to avoid being dropped. To to this, log into the class at
classes.lanecc.edu. Classroom section students must
also attend at least one classroom session or they may be
dropped. For help logging in contact the Student
Help Desk (SHeD) online or at 463-3333. Logging in to
the course counts as first week attendance for the purpose of
instructor-initiated drops. However, please check your myLane schedule to make sure you are
not registered in any unwanted classes, as there is no guarantee any instructor will drop you
for non-attendance. You will be charged for any class you do not drop
by Sunday,
January 11, 11:59pm. To drop a class,
go to mylane.lanecc.edu
and click the myEnrollment tab, then
Add/Drop Classes. You should also check
your schedule the second week to make sure you have not been
dropped from any of your classes. Being able to log into the
course in Moodle does not
mean you are still officially registered; check your myLane
student schedule to see the classes in which you are
officially enrolled. The last day to drop without a refund (or change your grading option
to pass/no pass or letter grade) is Friday, February
27 at 5pm
(the end of the 8th week). If you do not drop by this
deadline, you will receive a grade. For students who forget to drop and do not
complete the course, this
grade will be an F.
form of communication. Please
use this method for any time-senstive issues. To
send me a message, click on my name anywhere in Moodle and
click the Send message
button at the bottom of my profile. If you click the Add Contact button in
the messages tab, you can easily send me messages by
clicking the word Messages
in the Message
block in the upper left of the main course page. When I
respond, you will see an indicator in the Messages block. To
use Moodle messaging, make sure your web browser's pop-up
blocker is off or is set to allow lanecc.edu. The Student
Help Desk (SHeD) can help you with this. If you
leave the Messages
pop-up window open, it will automatically check for new
messages every minute; otherwise, you will only see new
messages when you click on something in the course or log
in to the course again. You can also set your profile to
receive email notifications of new Moodle messages, which
is recommended if you do not log in to Moodle every day.
You will get the most rapid response using this method of
communication. You will receive a response within 24 hrs
or less between the first day of classes and the day the
Final Exam closes. Please do not reply to a Moodle
message email notification via email. Log into Moodle
and reply there to preserve the message history and
ensure a prompt reply.
Second preferred form of contact, after Moodle instant
messaging, described above; please use descriptive subject lines
(e.g. "Extension request for Second Midterm Exam") and
include your class (e.g.
PHL 202, or "Theories of Knowledge" and whether
Hybrid or Online) and full name in your email.
Note that emails with no subject or subject lines like
"Test" "Hey" or "Hi there!" will probably be filtered out
by the Digitar spam filter and may never be read. Use Moodle messaging, NOT
EMAIL, for all time-sensitive issues. Please
do not reply to a Moodle message email notification by
email. Log into Moodle and reply there to preserve the
message history and ensure a prompt reply. |
463-5434. Least preferred form
of contact. On voicemail messages please give your name
and call-back number clearly and slowly so I can write
them down correctly. Phone messages are answered last,
after I've answered all incoming Moodle instant messages
and email and are generally not checked evenings,
weekends, or holidays. |
CEN 410 J
(Enter through Hallway B, next to the interior North
stairs, across from the restrooms) |
M 3:30-4:30, Tu 3-4, Wed 1-2, Th 10-11 in CEN
410J; F 11-12 Moodle Messaging Only |
Theories of knowledge (epistemology) address
such issues as the nature of knowledge, how it differs
from mere opinion, and whether knowledge comes primarily
through the senses, reason, intuition or revelation.
Additional topics may include modern theories about what
justifies belief, the role of subjectivity in knowing, and
whether there may be different kinds of knowledge or
limits to what we can know. |
Discovering Truth, Second Edition (available at the LCC Titan
Bookstore) |
Due before Sunday 11:55pm
each week
10% of grade
Wednesday, January 21 at 3:30pm
Ends: Wednesday, January 28 at 7pm
30% of grade |
Begins: Wednesday, February
11 at 3:30pm
Ends: Thursday February 19 at 7pm
30% of grade
Begins: Wednesday,
March 11 at 3:30pm
Ends: Thursday,
March 19 at 5pm |
30% of grade |
objectives are this course are for students to (1) come to
a clearer understanding of epistemological issues through
the study of classical and contemporary theories (2)
acquire some factual knowledge about the history of
philosophy and important philosophical thinkers (3) come
to their own conclusions about which theories are best or
most likely to be true, even if those conclusions are of a
tentative nature (4) acquire critical and analytical
reasoning skills along the way (5) apply conclusions about
the nature of knowledge to their present way of assessing
evidence and worldviews.
HYBRID INSTRUCTION (CRN 31203): A hybrid class is a
combination of traditional classroom and online
instruction. Hybrid students are required to attend
classroom sessions MW 2-3:20 in Building 18/Room 102 and
particpate in an online forum.
FOR HYBRID STUDENTS: It will be very difficult to succeed in
this class without regular attendance. Some material
may appear on the exams which is not covered in the
text, and students with sporadic attendance almost
always do poorly on exams. After the first week, do not burden the
instructor with messages about absences of
one or two class days due to illness or other
contingencies. With upwards of 160 students per term
and the rate of absenteeism being what it is, such
"courtesy" calls or emails are a nuisance. On the
other hand, if you must be absent for more than a
week due to serious illness, military service,
business travel, family emergency, and so on, don't
hesitate to contact me if you must take an exam at a
later date or require other help. If you don't
require special accommodation, please simply
download the podcast and check for any new
announcements or handouts on Moodle. Note:
There will be no class Monday, January 19 (Martin Luther
King Day) and Monday, February 16th
(Presidents' Day).
The entire campus will be closed.
If you are sick, please
stay home and rest. Coming to class sick will
prolong your own illness and infect others. Also,
please refrain from visiting my office if you
still have flu or cold symptoms; it is a small,
confined space and I do not want to contract your
illness. You can reach me by phone during office
hours if you need to speak with me or send a
Moodle message or email.
Online students
are required to listen to podcasts (audio
recordings) of classroom sessions, uploaded by
evening each class day. They are expected to keep up with
the pace of the class and listen to the previous podcast
by the time the next one is made available. As with any
class, students are encouraged to take notes while
listening. Not listening to the podcasts is equivalent to
not attending a regular classroom section and expecting to
pass simply by reading the textbook. Some material will be
covered in class sessions which may not be in the text but
will be tested on.
It is important to read the material in order to participate
intelligently in class discussion and/or online forums and to
perform well on exams.
POSTS: The purpose of the forum assignment is to allow
you the opportunity to interpret, evaluate and apply what you have
learned, and to discuss the merits and implications of class
concepts and theories with your classmates. At the beginning of
each week, a new forum will be open for posting. To receive
credit, you must make one post (or reply) which substantially
addresses a class topic. Postings will be graded on a
credit/no-credit basis and are due
before Sunday 11:55pm at the end of each week.
Late posts will not receive credit.
An extra credit forum will be available in Week Ten to make up for
one missed post. Students are also expected to read every post. If
you do not wish to receive email copies of posts, click
Profile -->
Edit Profile tab -->
Forum auto-subscribe (change
to "No; don't automatically subscribe me to Forums."). If you do
this, you'll want to turn read-tracking on. In the Edit Profile
tab, change
Forum Tracking
to "Yes; highlight new posts for me."
COMPUTER USE: This course requires you
to use (but not necessarily own) a computer. Testing,
distribution and archiving of notes and handouts, outside-of-class communication and reporting and calculation of grades are all done via Moodle. Campus labs
are staffed with people who can help you if you are new to
computers or have difficulty using them. Visit
Help Desk (SHeD) website at
call them at 463-3333 or visit them in Building 2, Room 121/122.
Campus computer labs and hours may be found at
https://www.lanecc.edu/cit/computer-lab. Please make sure your current email
address is in your myLane account and Moodle profile.
EXAMS: You will have a
window of several days during which you must take each exam in the
Science Testing Lab in CEN 456 on the Main Campus or at the
Grove Center or with an approved
proctor. You will need a photo I.D. and to know your L Number and
myLane PIN to log into the test. The exam format will be multiple
choice and true/false questions.
the exam you may use a 3 x 5 card note card (both sides) or a piece of paper measured with a ruler and
cut to the same size.
The final will
not be comprehensive. Opening and closing times
of exams are in the syllabus and may also be seen by clicking on
the exam name in the main course view as soon as the date is set.
Lab hours for the
Science Testing Lab are posted at
http://www.lanecc.edu/socialscience/testing-lab. You must
arrive one hour before closing. See
for details on proctoring if you are taking the course from out of
the greater Eugene area. If you need help locating a proctor, try
The National College Testing Association at
http://www.ncta-testing.org/cctc/. A per test fee is usually
required, though fees will vary by institution.
Note: LCC
Testing labs will be closed Monday, January 19 (Martin
Luther King Day) and Monday, February 16th (Presidents'
you will have at least four or five days to take the exam, you
will be expected to meet the deadline. You must contact the
before the deadline
via Moodle messaging or email to request an extension
without penalty.
The Final Exam must be completed by THURSDAY 5PM
during Final Exam Week. MAKE UPS ARE NOT POSSIBLE for
purposes of Winter Term grades! I will begin
determining course grades as soon as the is lab closes at
5pm. I will not be available during Spring Break. If you
have a legitimate excuse for missing the Final, see me
Spring Term about a make-up and grade change.
PENALTIES FOR CHEATING: Students caught cheating will
be given an F in the
GRADING: At the end of the term, the
class will be graded on the following absolute scale. Extra credit work does not count towards the
A+ 97% -100% |
A 93% - 96%
A- 90% - 92% |
B+ 87% - 89% |
B 83%
- 86% |
B- 80% - 82% |
C+ 77% - 79% |
C 73% - 76% |
C- 70% - 72% |
D+ 67% - 69% |
D 63% - 66% |
D- 60% - 62% |
F 0% - 59% |
OF THE INSTRUCTOR: I am available by Moodle
messaging, email, phone, or in-person office visits. If
you are having difficulties with the class, please
contact me as soon as possible; I am here to
help. If you performed poorly on your first exam, please
come by office hours or make an appointment to see me to
see what we can do to improve your next exam score. I am
also available to discuss any issue in the class which has
piqued your intellectual curiosity, or which you find
interesting or important, outside of the realm of
assignments and testing.
need support or assistance because of a disability, you may
be eligible for academic accommodations through Disability
Service. For more information see Lane's On-Line Resource
Page for students with disabilities
WEEK 1: Truth, Justification, and Knowledge (Ch. 1)
WEEK 2: Rationalism (Ch. 2)
WEEK 3: Empiricism (Ch. 3): Introduction and Locke
First Midterm Exam opens Wed 3:30pm
WEEK 4: Empiricism (Ch. 3): Berkeley
WEEK 5: Empiricism (Ch. 3): Hume
WEEK 6: The Kantian Synthesis (Ch. 4)
WEEK 7: Belief and Will (Ch. 5): Clifford
WEEK 8: Belief and Will (Ch. 5): James, Kierkegaard
WEEK 9: Religious Knowledge (Ch. 6)
Moral Knowledge (Ch. 7)
WEEK 10: Political Knowledge (Ch. 7)