In class, it was suggested by a student that perhaps the reason why the liberal or progressive viewpoint is institutionalized in academia and the news media, is that it is more representative of reality. People with advanced degrees or who live in big cities and make more money tend to be liberal. Those in the middle of the country, who live in more rural areas tend to be more religious and less educated and perhaps less sophisticated and thus more conservative. It was also suggested that conservatives largely get their ideology from unjustified religious beliefs based on faith.

I suggested an alternative explanation: although the evangelical block of the conservative demographic is strong, this is partly because people in the heartland look to their families, friends, communities and Churches, to solve problems first, not government, and secular people in liberal cities (and in Europe), the State and political ideology function as a proxy religion and high mobility makes family and community ties weaker. Those in industrialized and congested cities also depend more on government services because of the practicalities of the required infrastructure. Or perhaps because of the increased commercial activity, the opportunity for politicians to skim off and efficiently bribe constituencies and exert influence is greater.

Another factor is that Idealists and people interested in social change or helping people go into academia and journalism. Those of a more practical bent go into business or industry or trades such like diesel mechanics or nursing. Historically, because of deferments to the draft in the Vietnam War, college campuses became natural centers of political activism. Agitators went on to become professors, hired their friends and institutionalized their beliefs.

Given increasing government funding of education and rise of state sponsored schools since the post WW2 G.I. Bill, higher education has taken an increasingly liberal, pro-government stance. And, of course, extremely liberal journalism schools churn out journalists who, if they weren't liberal when they went in, are when they graduate. The reason why non-college educated working class people in the Northeast might still consider themselves to be conservative could be the fact that they weren't in college long enough to be indoctrinated into the liberal ideology of their professors. Liberals claim that racial bias is so pervasive that it goes unnoticed and is partly unconscious. Why wouldn't the same be true of the liberal or progressive viewpoint itself? Why else would many journalists and academics think The New York Times and NPR are “down the middle” and "fair and balanced" while Fox News is "right wing propaganda?"

Another interesting phenomena is that people tend to be liberal when they are young and get more conservative as they get older. This may be because when people are younger, they are passionate and idealistic and have certain preconceptions about how the world “should” be, perhaps largely based on indoctrination in government schools and liberal media culture - not just in the news, but in the music, TV and movie industries that engross most youth.

As they gain practical life experience, things don’t add up. They go from being dependent on their parents and the State while they are in school to having to take care of themselves. They become parents themselves and have the added responsibility of taking care of children. They get a job and start making a lot of money and see how much they have to pay in taxes. Going from being a net tax consumer to a real taxpayer is often a rude awakening, even if the government’s “withholding” scheme and putting tax season as far away as possible from election season as possible attempts to mask this. Perhaps, like economist Thomas Sowell, they get a job working for a government agency and see how inefficient and wasteful it is. Or they see the effect of government mandates and regulations on their industry. Or they see how they are doing just fine picking a practical career path, working hard, and making prudent choices, while irresponsible or lazy friends screw up and blame anyone but themselves for their problems. This goes along with the saying, “If you’re a 20 and you’re not a liberal, you’ve got no heart. If you’re 30 and you’re not a conservative, you’ve got no head.” Of course some people remain liberal or progressive, but as a whole people tend to move to the right as they age. This would seem to support the “practical experience vs. biased, liberal academic theory” and “interests of a ward of parents or the state vs. an independent person" over the "liberals are more intelligent, enlightened, educated non-religious and thus reality-based" explanation.

As a social scientist, one question which fascinates me is that, despite a strong liberal bias in virtually all social institutions (education, the news media, the entertainment industry and the legal system and increasingly, business and corporate culture), conservatives still consistently outnumber liberals by about 2 to 1. One explanation for this is that some of these conservative beliefs about government, society and human nature are in fact reality-based. Social conditioning in a free-ish society can only do so much to drum them out of people.

Because liberalism is so pervasive, students sometimes students wonder why any enlightened, especially non-religious person might question the liberal orthodoxy or take a more conservative or libertarian view. So I tried to think of beliefs which seemed obviously false or highly questionable supported by LCC as an institution (in its mission statement and core values, press releases, official statements from the President of the college, and so on), that the former Obama Administration supported or that most of your other professors or the student body would agree with. Do they seem true or do some or many of them seem questionable, doubtful or obviously false? What do you think? Write at least 200 words in response to 2 extra credit points, making up for any missed or late posts (sorry, no extra credit if you already have the maximum of 10 points in your posts).