(MW 2-3:50 section) PODCAST QUIZ (online section) |
taken each class hour Podcast Quiz due before 11:55pm each week |
25% of
grade |
FIRST MIDTERM EXAM | Opens: Thursday,
January 23 at 9am Closes: Thursday, January 30 at 7pm |
25% of
grade |
Thursday, February 20 at 9am Closes: Thursday, February 27 at 7pm |
25% of grade |
Monday, February 24 at 9am Closes: Wednesday, March 11 at 7pm |
lowest midterm. See below for details. |
Opens: Thursday, March 12 at
9am Closes: Wednesday, March 18 at 7pm |
of grade) |
GRADING: There is no curve. At the end of the term, the class will be graded on the following absolute scale, with course totals rounded up to the nearest whole number:
A+ 97% -100% | A 93% - 96% |
A- 90% - 92% |
B+ 87% - 89% | B 83% - 86% | B- 80% - 82% |
C+ 77% - 79% | C 73% - 76% | C- 70% - 72% |
D+ 67% - 69% | D 63% - 66% | D- 60% - 62% |
F 0% - 59% |
HELP WITH THE CLASS: If you are having
difficulties with the class, please see one of
the philosophy tutors as soon as
possible. The tutors' walk-in
hours and contact information to make an appointment
are linked at the top of the main course page in
Moodle. The tutors can go over your exam with you
and help you to improve your grade on the next one
as well as on the Comprehensive Midterm Exam.
EARLY OUTREACH AND REFERRAL (EOR) PROGRAM: At Lane Community College, we want every student to be successful. The Early Outreach and Referral (EOR) Program is a campus-wide effort to support students early in the term when they first begin experiencing difficulty in a class. If I feel you are having difficulty in this class (ex. missing classes, missing assignments, and/or receiving low test or assignment scores) I may refer you to an Early Outreach Specialist. Once referred, an Early Outreach Specialist will follow up with you by phone or email to find out how to best support you by connecting you with necessary resources and helping you develop and implement a Success Plan, which may include individual tutoring or other additional services.
ADVANCED QUESTIONS: If you have a particular
issue from the readings, videos, PowerPoints, study
guides or other course resources which you would
like to explore, discuss or perhaps debate in more
depth than is practical given time constraints in
classroom sessions or via Moodle messages, please
visit me during my office hours. I am also happy to
help clear up any questions you may still have after
seeing one of the tutors.
TECHNOLOGY USE AND HELP: This course requires you to use (but not necessarily own) a computer, tablet or smart phone with access to the internet. The syllabus, schedule, announcements, supplementary material and resources, practice exam questions and grades are all distributed via Moodle. Campus labs are staffed with people who can help you if you are new to computing devices or have difficulty using them. Visit the Student Help Desk (SHeD) website at, call them at 463-3333 or visit them on the 2nd floor of the Center Building, Learning Commons, Library, Room 221B. A list of campus computer labs and hours may be found at
had previous philosophy classes and earned a grade
of A or A-, have done personal study in philosophy
or are an excellent student interested in
philosophy, there is an opportunity to earn 2 or 3
credits, paid for by the college, tutoring your
fellow students. You would be spending about 7 or 10
hours per week, respectively, tutoring students in
philosophy in the Social Science Resource Center,
perhaps with some online tutoring as well. The
credits would show up on your transcript as
"Cooperative Education: Service Learning - Students
Helping Students." If you have a Federal Work Study
award, you could you could use your hours to be paid
as well. If you have an interest in tutoring, please
send me a Moodle message ASAP.
TITANS PHILOSOPHY CLUB: If you're interested
in the Titans
Philosophy Club, you can join on Engage
to be updated on activities. If you'd like to apply
to be the club President or be involved in getting
things going this term, please send me a Moodle
POLITICAL SCIENCE INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITY: I am the faculty advisor for Young Americans for Liberty, a locally controlled, independent student club dedicated to limited government, individual rights, personal responsibility and creating a free society guided by reason, tolerance and compassion. If you're interested in earning 2 or 3 credits in Cooperative Education (Political Science) helping out with the club or apply to be President next year, send me a Moodle message. For more information on the club, check out YAL at LCC on Engage and join to be updated on club activities.
Readings will be available in Moodle and should be completed
before the beginning of the class week in which they occur in
order to participate intelligently in the discussion or to
follow the discussion in the audio podcast (and do well on the
WEEK 1: What is Reality? What is Truth? What is Philosophy?
(Ch. 1)
WEEK 2: Ontology and the Mind-Body Problem: Idealism, Dualism
vs. Materialism, Functionalism, Artificial Intelligence (Ch. 2)
WEEK 3: Personal Identity (Ch. 3)
College closed Monday for Martin Luther King Day
First Midterm Exam opens Thursday 9am
WEEK 4: Life After Death: Cryonics and Near Death Experiences
(Ch. 4)
First Midterm Exam closes Thursday 7pm
WEEK 5: Life After Death: Reincarnation, Ghosts, Religious
Arguments (Ch. 4, supplements)
WEEK 6: Free Will: Determinism vs. Libertarianism (Ch. 5)
WEEK 7: Free Will: Compatibilism (Ch. 5)
College closed Monday for Presidents Day
Second Midterm Exam opens Thursday 9am
WEEK 8: Does God Exist?: The Ontological Argument, The
Cosmological Argument (Ch. 6)
Comprehensive Midterm Exam opens Monday 9am
Second Midterm Exam closes Thursday 7pm
Deadline to drop class or change grading
option on MyLane Friday 11:59pm
WEEK 9: Does God Exist?: The Teleological Argument, The
Problem of Evil (Ch. 6)
WEEK 10: Does God Exist?: The Moral Argument, Religious
Experience, Revelation (Ch. 6, supplements), The Meaning of
Life (Ch. 7)
Comprehensive Midterm Exam closes Wednesday 7pm
Final Exam opens Thursday 9am
Final Exam closes Wednesday 7pm
Lane Community College (LCC) is dedicated to
providing inclusive learning environments. The Center for
Accessible Resources (CAR) coordinates all academic
accommodations for students at LCC. If you anticipate or
experience academic barriers due to a disability, to request
assistance or accommodations, contact the Center for
Accessible Resources (541) 463-5150 or