A Modest Healthcare Proposal by Jeffrey Borrowdale (December 2, 2008)
Health care costs have risen dramatically since the turn of
the millennium, moving from 13.2% to 15.2% of GDP between 2000 and 2005.1
In 2007, we spent 16% of GDP or $2.3 trillion on health care, $7600 per person.
That number is expected to be $4.2 trillion or 20% of GDP by 20162,
the amount we currently spend for all Federal, State and Local Government.
Between 2000 and 2006, health insurance premiums went up 78%, with wages rising
only 20%.3 The average cost of health insurance for an employee was
$4,400 and $12,100 for a family of four. Clearly we are in a cost crisis.
Why does health care cost so much? In part, we're victim of
our own success. Our highly developed economy, birth control and government
retirement program has led to people having fewer or no children, and putting
off child bearing until later in life. Sophisticated medical technology and a
peaceful, prosperous nation have led to people living longer. For example, take
Larry King. In 1987 he suffered a heart attack, underwent quintuple bypass
surgery and made some lifestyle changes. Now, over 20 years later, he continues
to host his nightly interview program on CNN at age 75.4 But heart
bypass operations and cancer treatment are not cheap, and these are diseases
which primarily affect the elderly. As demographics have shifted, costs have
However, much of our current problems stem from how health
care is funded. The current cost crisis begin in the 1940s when businesses
began looking for a way around government wage controls. They discovered that
they could offer fringe benefits to attract the best employees, including
health insurance. The Federal Government then made health expenses for
employees deductible for businesses, providing further incentive for them to
provide health care for their employees. In 1965 the Federal Government itself
got into the health care business, creating Medicare, a social insurance
program for the aged to go along with Social Security and Medicaid, an
insurance program for the poor. Together, these programs account for 23% of the
Federal Budget5 with Medicare outlays alone exceeding income in
2012, representing $68 trillion in unfunded liability over the next 75 years.6
Next came the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973,
which requires all businesses with 25 or more employees to offer their workers
either HMO coverage or insurance, as well as providing Federal subsidies and
regulating coverage. Although the HMO provision expired in 1995, the current
government-created system of funding health care through mandates on employers
along with government provided health insurance or insurance funding is
primarily responsible for driving up prices, because end-users are so divorced
from the costs they incur. Moreover, mandates and benefits continue to be
added, with no consideration of cost. Recently Barbara Boxer was able to attach
a mandate all employer-provided health plans cover "mental health" to
the $700 billion Financial Bailout Bill. Even so-called
"conservative" President Bush added a prescription drug plan to
Medicare in 2003, which was estimated to cost only $534 billion over 10 years.
A year and a half later that estimate had more than doubled, to $1.2 trillion.7
The program has no means-testing. The first Medicare recipient is was President
Harry S. Truman.
This hodge-podge of government mandates and subsidies plus
private insurance is an inefficient system. This has led some to support a
"single-payer" plan. Since the government is already funding 60% of
our health system through Medicare, Medicaid and other programs, why not have
the government fund it all? Paul Hochfeld estimates a cost savings of 25% in
administrative costs alone.8 Doctors and hospitals would no longer
have to deal with an array differing and complicated rules from the myriad of
HMOs and insurance carriers and plans, made worse by a highly mobile work force
and employers switching plans to save on costs. Moreover, eliminating private
insurance would bring down cost through eliminating insurance middlemen, who,
after all, need to make a profit. People without insurance clog emergency
rooms, where the cost of care is significantly higher, or put off the treatment
of conditions which could be treated more cheaply or prevented altogether with
proper care. The quality of care would also improve, with health and the
judgment of a doctor, not the profit motive of an HMO or insurance company,
driving treatment decisions. In countries like Great Britain, government health
care costs $3500 per person, less than half of what it costs in the U.S., and
less than what a typical employee pays for health insurance.
As attractive as this sounds, socialized medicine is an
unworkable solution. Though there may be some administrative savings by not
having to deal with insurance and HMO paperwork, ever increasing government
regulations and mandates are likely to fill the gap. Medicare will be insolvent
in 2012 and politicians continue to tax, borrow and inflate to expand benefits to
win reelection.9 Europeans and Canadian health care systems keep
down costs by rationing care and limiting access to specialists. Long waits for
tests or procedures are
often the difference life and death. Instead of having a HMOs or
insurance companies deny coverage for procedures, government policy and
budgetary limitations do. This takes the choice out of the hands of patients
and doctors and puts it into those of bureaucrats.
The real solution is in putting choice back in the hands of
health care consumers. I therefore propose a free market, fee for service
model, supplemented by private catastrophic insurance. There is no reason
routine care should be covered by insurance. A Rand study showed that people
who paid most of their medical bills out of pocket spent 30% less than those
whose health care costs were covered by insurance, with little or no difference
in health outcomes.10 Universal private catastrophic insurance could
be funded by the Medicare payroll deduction plus 1.5% diverted from Social Security
deductions. The difference could be offset by putting the remainder of Social
Security deductions into individual retirement accounts, invested in top-rated,
conservative funds. This would provide additional retirement income for
workers, including the resources to cover the non-catastrophic, routine medical
expenses of an aged person. Employees could be encouraged to invest the money
they would ordinarily be putting towards insurance premiums into tax-free
medical savings accounts, to be drawn upon when needed, or an IRA with an
increased contribution cap. Unburdened by an unsustainable medical and pension
scheme, which taxes an increasingly smaller numbers of younger workers to care
for increasingly larger numbers of retirees, the Federal Government could
expand Medicaid coverage. The reform I propose would thus introduce market
forces to both lower prices and improve care, encourage savings, boost economic
growth through increased investments and savings, and still provide a safety
net for the truly needy.
1 http://www.who.int/whosis/whostat/EN_WHS08_Table4_HSR.pdf,
p. 16
2 Poisal, J.A., et al, "Health Spending Projections
Through 2016: Modest Changes Obscure Part DÕs Impact," Health Affairs (21 February 2007): W242-253.
3 "Health insurance jumps twice inflation rate; Study:
Smallest increase since 1999, but costs up 78 percent since 2000," Associated
Press, Updated 8:37 a.m. PT, Tues., Sept.
26, 2006, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15014332/.
4 Larry King, Mr.
King, You're Having a Heart Attack: How a Heart Attack and Bypass Surgery Changed
My Life (Delacourte Press, 1989).
5 "Financing Medicare: An issue Brief," The Henry
J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Prepared by Lisa Potetz, Health Policy
Alternatives, Inc., http://www.kff.org/medicare/upload/7731.pdf,
p. 1.
6 Testimony of Tommy G. Thompson, Secretary of Health and
Human Services, 2001-2005, ÒSeizing the New Opportunity for Health
Reform," Testimony before the Senate Finance Committee, May 6, 2008, p.4. http://finance.senate.gov/hearings/testimony/2008test/050608tttest.pdf.
7. Ceci Connolly and Mike Allen, "Medicare Drug Benefit
May Cost $1.2 Trillion: Estimate Dwarfs Bush's Original Price Tag," The
Washington Post, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A9328-2005Feb8.html.
8 Paul Hochfeld, Producer, "Health, Money and
Fear," Video Documentary (Heron Productions, 2007) http://www.ourailinghealthcare.com/.
9 Advocates point to studies that show that countries with
socialized medicine have longer-lived populations than the U.S., better infant
mortality rates and rates of overall health. This may be true, but many other
factors affect longevity and health care besides health care including diet,
levels of stress, automobile accidents, and violent crime rates.
10 The High Cost of Health Care, The New York Times, November 25, 2007, http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/25/opinion/25sun1.html?pagewanted=3&_r=1.