Legal Issues
In the historic Roe v. Wade
decision of 1973, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled all
forbidding abortion up to the point of viability unconstitutional,
based on a woman's right to privacy. It also found that a woman had
right to abort even a viable fetus if the life or health of the
was in danger. On an interesting side-note, Norma McCorvy, who was the
"Jane Roe" of Roe V. Wade, made headlines in 1997 by becoming a
pro-life activist after 28 years of working in abortion clinics and
published her story in 1998 in Won
Love. She now runs a pro-life
Roe v. Wade held that society still had an interest in
the life of a viable fetus, however, the subsequent Doe v. Bolton construed "health"
exception in Roe to include "mental health", so that the mere
of the mother that she will be psychologically traumatized or face
socio-economic hardship if she continues with the pregnancy is
to justify aborting even a viable fetus. This has amounted to a
of abortion on demand in the United States, at any time during
pregnancy, up to the moment of birth. This included partial birth abortion, which is
delivering of a late-term viable fetus feet first but with the head
still in teh womb, at which point an incision is opened up in the
the brains suctioned out. Afterwards, the fetus is delivered dead.
Since the
fetus is still in the birth canal when the procedure is performed,
is considered an abortion, not infanticide, which would be illegal.
American Medical Association says the procedure is "never necessary
preserve a
woman's life," and it is generally more risky because it is a breach
birthing. Caesarian sections are generally regarded as safer than
breach births. It is also possible to perform a non-intact dialation
extraction without birthing the fetus.
Congress passed legislation twice to ban the practice but President
Clinton vetoed it twice and there were
not enough votes in the Senate for an override. However, Congress,
the support of the AMA, pased a bill banning the procedure in 2003,
which President Bush
signed into a law on Nov. 5, 2003. The law was
upheld by a 5 to 4 vote in the Supreme Court on April 18, 2007.
the procedure is rare, it galvanized debate over abortion. Opponents
argued that any restriction on abortion is a slippery slope while
supporters of the ban argued that it amounted to infanticide.
to professional journal of the American Medial Association and a
who performed this rare procedure who testified in front of the
Judiciary Committee, about 20% of these procedures are performed
because of fetal abnormalities, such as Down Syndrome. The other 80%
for non-medical reasons, such as depression.
Besides partial birth abortion, the courts have so far only upheld
minor restrictions
of abortions, such as a 24 hour waiting period, informed consent
which require a woman to be given certain information about fetal
development and health risks associated with abortion and parental
notification laws for minors seeking an abortion. Even under the
Bush administration, the federal government continues to heavily
subsidize abortion through grants to Planned
Parenthood, the number one provider of abortion services in
United States.
The overwhelming majority of pro-life
protesters are entirely opposed to violence against the
and doctors of abortion clinics or their patients. All major
leaders have condemned people who threaten, harass or vandalize
abortion clinics or assault their staff. Many protestors are people
faith, older and predominantly women, who hold signs, pray and sing
hymns, or offer literature or attempt to talk to passers by. There
been a few high-profile cases, such as Eric Rudolph, who have killed
aboriton doctors or bombed clinics, but these are rare exceptions.
Environmental, animal rights and union activists commit acts of
violence and terror too, but you wouldn't characterize these
as terroristic, would you?
A number of high profile cases of violence against clinics by
handful of fanatics along with pressure from the Abortion lobby, led
the creation of so-called "bubble
which make it illegal for protestors to come within a certain number
feet of a clinic entrance. These are laws which apply only to
protestors. They do not apply to union activists, animal rights
activists, anti-war activists, anti-globalization activists, or any
the myriad of protestors who are responsible for many times the
to property and persons as anti-abortion activists. While other
intentionally block traffic or vandalize businesses as a matter of
course, often with impunity, pro-lifers face draconian fines in the
tens of thousands of dollars and months in jail for what amounts to
misdemeanor trespassing. Other protestors, if cited at all, are
released hours later or the next day. Some civil libertarians see
as a dangerous, arbitrary and unjustified muzzle on free speech of
people with an unpopular message. Local prosecutors have also use RICO
racketeering statues intended to go after organized crime
individual pro-life protestors and organizations. But on February
2006, after 20 years of prosecution, the Supreme Court, in Schiedler
NOW, found that peaceful pro-life protestors may not be charged
federal racketeering laws, even if their activities end up costing
abortion clinics money.
Many of those who are personally in favor of abortion rights see Roe
Wade as bad law. Rather
interpreting the Constitution, Roe established new rights by
fiat. Were Roe to be overturned, the abortion issue would be
to the States. It would thus be likely that certain States, such as
Utah, would prohibit it under some circumstances, while other
such as Massachusetts, would allow it under any or all
Moral Issues
The vast majority of the 1.3 million abortions performed every year
the United States are performed as after the fact birth control. As
condoms are cheap and easily available and sex education given in
compulsory education classes, it's reasonable to assume that a
of irresponsibility and hence culpability lies with those who
a child through unprotected sexual intercourse, the father as well
the mother.
Advocates of abortion rights often bring up hard cases where the
mother's health is in danger, where the fetus has a severe birth
defect, or case of rape and incest. But these make up a very small
proportion of total abortions in the U.S., probably no more than 6%
the table below shows:
Reasons Women Choose Abortion (U.S.) *
- Wants to postpone childbearing: 25.5%
- Wants no (more) children: 7.9%
- Cannot afford a baby:
- Having a child will disrupt education or job: 10.8%
- Has relationship problem or partner does not want pregnancy:
- Too young; parent(s) or other(s) object to pregnancy: 12.2%
- Risk to maternal health: 2.8%
- Risk to fetal health: 3.3%
- Other: 2.1%
Women who conceive children through unprotected sex can give their
child up for adoption, as many infertile couples are available to
adopt. Newborn infants are in particularly high demand. More couples
now allow visitation of the birth mother, which makes the process of
adoption less traumatic. If the woman decides to keep her child,
private support institutions called "Crisis Pregnancy Centers" offer
aid and assistance, including pre-natal medical care, help with
expenses, and after the birth, housing, food, daycare, job skills
employment. Pregnancy itself varies in how debilitating a condition
may be. Many working mothers take only four to six weeks off for
maternity leave, and President Clinton's Family Medical Leave Act
it illegal to fire an employee for taking off work to birth a child.
Apart from the physical discomfort and risks inherent in delivery,
which are minimized by medical supervision, the main hardship the
with an unwanted pregnancy faces is the shame and stigma of single
motherhood, and a brief interruption of school or career associated
with late pregnancy, delivery and recovery from the birth. So, it
seem that if the fetus has any moral status whatsoever by virtue of
being an actual human being, but, like an infant or a coma patient,
only a potential person, it's vital interest in remaining alive
trump the woman's significant, but far less vital interest in
several months of physical discomfort, a low risk medical procedure
some economic, scholastic and social disruption in her life. This
especially true if, as is statistically likely, she negligently
conceived the child through a consensual act of unprotected sex.
Immoral But Legal?
Even if it is admitted that abortion may be immoral under some
circumstances, what are some reasons for keeping it legal? Advocates
abortion rights argue that making abortion illegal will just push
desperate women into having back ally abortions in unsanitary
conditions and lead to the deaths of women. Women of means will
to other states or countries to have an abortion while poor women
face the choice of the back ally abortion or being forced to birth
child. Children who are born unwanted to single mothers grow up with
strong predisposition towards substance abuse, psychological
and are much more likely to commit crimes. As a matter of fact, some
have suggested that safe, legal and subsidized abortion may in part
responsible for the drop in crime over the last few years. If these
children were born, they would require public education funding,
daycare or a stay at home mother and thus keep their parents in
poverty. Having too many children too early is one of the greatest
reasons for poverty in the United States. Based on these utilitarian
considerations, many have suggested that our present federal
of abortion rights is justified. However, we might also wonder
similar utilitarian calculation might justify other social policies
which harm the powerless in order to benefit the majority. For
if elective abortion is effective at keeping down the crime rate, so
would forced sterilization of poor single parents. We seem to come
to Don Marquis' contention that "whether or not abortion is morally
permissible stands or falls on whether or not a fetus is the sort of
being whose life it is seriously wrong to end." It if is, then it
very difficult to find any utilitarian considerations strong enough
justify elective abortion; if not, then it's hard to find any fault
with abortion for any reason.
* Bankole, Akinrinola; Singh, Susheela; Haas, Taylor. Reasons
Women Have Induced Abortions: Evidence from 27 Countries.
International Family Planning Perspectives, 1998,
& 152.