Rethinking Diversity
Is Our Concept of Diversity Sufficiently Diverse?
Jeffrey Borrowdale

When most people think about diversity, they think about race, cultural heritage, language, gender or sexual orientation. Although some people regard these attributes as an important part of who they are, they rarely encompass or describe the whole individual, and focusing on them may predispose us to engage in easy labeling or stereotyping. Moreover, an inordinate focus on these differences, many of which are superficial in nature, may draw attention away from our common humanity and the values we share as rational and caring beings. This article is a critique of the concept of diversity as currently understood in higher education and suggests an alternative model more in keeping with the goals of the academy.

The concept of diversity brings together several pre-existing educational and public policy trends, including Affirmative Action, Multiculturalism, Cultural Competency and Social Justice. Diversity is presented first and foremost as the goal of having a racially and culturally, mixed and gender balanced group of faculty, staff, administration and students. Sometimes this is presented as a self-evident intrinsic good; at other times it is presented as a means to some other good, for example, giving students a broader educational experience, fostering tolerance for those of other races or cultures or furthering social justice. Once diversity is established as a goal, it is used to justify preferential treatment and special programs for members of historically disadvantaged groups, because, it is argued, without these programs members of such groups would not exist in sufficient numbers in the institution. It is even suggested that there is a "critical mass" necessary for diversity to have its full social and educational impact on the institution, requiring extra effort to attain a "threshold level" of minority representation. It should be noted that offices, programs and initiatives created to achieve diversity are separate from those created to meet pre-existing federal mandates for Affirmative Action or legal requirements set down by the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission.

Secondly, diversity is a concept which is applied to college programs, especially academic curricula, and extra-curricular student activities. Before the late sixties, there was little attempt in academia to either understand other cultures on their own terms or include non-Western ideas or the contributions of women and minorities in any significant way in academic curricula. Clearly, this was wrong, not only from a moral point of view, but from the standpoint of scholarship and pedagogy. Efforts at multicultural inclusion and infusion ought long ago to have been the natural outgrowth of academic disciplines such as Anthropology and Sociology, which show us that there are many different ways of being human, and that a variety of social arrangements abound, different from, though not necessarily worse (or better) than our own. Academia was slow to recognize and abandon its ethnocentric biases in favor of a broader view of the world.

Unfortunately, whereas before the academy viewed the world through rose-colored glasses of a Western tint, today it views everything through the myopic prism of race, class and gender. Race, class and gender, not as aspects of the human experience to be explored, but as part of a neo-Marxist interpretive framework permeate every aspect of academic life, from curriculum, to professional development, to academic conferences, to scholarly work, to library acquisitions to hiring. Life is portrayed as a vast struggle revolving around issues of "privilege, power and difference"1 and students are called upon to be activists in bringing about "social justice", typically cashed out in terms of special group rights, economic redistribution and pacifism. What began as an inclusive attempt to broaden discourse was transformed into a new dogma, mandating the vilification of Western culture and irrelevant "dead white males" and replacing them with more politically fashionable material. Now certainly there is nothing wrong with exploring the dark side of Western Civilization, with all wars of conquest and empire building, stratified class structures, religious persecution, subjugation of women, and so on. And students ought to be aware of the fact that the Founding Fathers and those who followed in their footsteps often did not live up to the ideals they set forth in the Declaration of Independence that "all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights". Genocidal campaigns against Native American tribes and the practice of chattel slavery, though obviously shameful episodes in our nation's history, deserve study. However, if we fixate solely on the shortcomings of our nation's founders, we lose sight the ideals of equality and freedom to which, however imperfectly, they aspired.2 It is one thing to show the face of Western civilization, warts and all; it is another to excise the warts and begin examining them under a microscope, forgetting the face from which they were cut.

In practice, "diversity" seems to mean celebrating every other culture and heritage except distinctively American traditions, and every heritage except that of Western Europe. Those who point out this hostility towards Western culture or the lopsided view presented to students are, in keeping with the neo-Marxist framework, labeled as "reactionary" and as merely attempting to protect the status quo because they have a vested interest in perpetuating it and in keeping alive fields such as Philosophy or the Western Humanities. Of course this an example of what is known of as the ad hominem fallacy, a classification first published by Aristotle, who probably wrote the first systematic treatise on logic, and who is an excellent example of what dead white males have to offer us.

Diversity is the second of six core values of Lane Community College's Strategic Plan and our Five-Year Diversity Plan calls for funding of over 1.2 million dollars. This is money which will not be spent on keeping tuition low, meeting student demands for classes in academic or professional-technical areas, or providing more much-needed classroom space. However, any reasoned opposition to the continued growth and expansion of diversity programs, even during times of budget crises, is typically viewed as intolerant, narrow-minded or bigoted. Office Space is dedicated and staff hired for Diversity Offices, Multicultural Centers, Women's Centers, and centers for Gay, Lesbian Bisexual and Transgendered students, often while traditional academic programs are scaled back. The function of these offices is often as much ideological and political as educational, but given the documented leftward leanings of college faculty1, few complain. Administrators look for any opportunity to leap on the diversity bandwagon, because such opportunities represent sterling resume enhancement, offering a boost up to the next rung of the managerial ladder. Once diversity gets written into the college's mission statement, core values or targeted goals, it becomes a measure of the worthiness and success of new programs becomes totally infused into the life of the college, including all-important funding mechanisms.

Diversity interview questions function as a troubling political litmus test for new hires. New employees must either give the expected answer or not only possibly suffer the loss of enough points to sink their candidacy, but ensure a hostile treatment of their application in deliberations in case of a tie. Expected answers include the legitimacy of preferential treatment on the basis of race, the concept that there are deep and enduring differences between people of different racial and ethnic backgrounds and the belief that teaching methods must be tailored to these differences. Typical answers simply describe experiences working with diverse populations and gush over how much the candidate loves diversity, eliciting information of questionable relevance or value to teaching. One also wonders about the degree to which faculty can or should tailor their curriculum to diverse audiences. Examples of this kind of tailoring are rare in interviews and those in the diversity literature seem trite and condescending. Might not time spent looking for ways to serve diverse groups be better spent focusing on general pedagogical techniques, particularly those based on sound psychological research, on scholarship in one's field of expertise, or on finding ways to meet individual student needs?

Textbooks now strain to include the most minor contributions of women and minorities for the sake of "balance" in a bean-counter, quota mentality. I remember reviewing an introductory Philosophy textbook, which, in order to include the contributions of African Americans, tacked on a chapter featuring African proverbs, as if the authors of those proverbs were doing the same thing as Plato or David Hume or Nietzsche. It was more of a question of commensurability than merit; the proverbs of Solomon would have been equally out of place.

Such editorial and curricular decisions seem to stem from a need to atone for past sins by looking diverse, to overemphasize contributions which were underemphasized or ignored in the past. But the past cannot be changed, and individuals cannot atone for what other individuals have done, nor do any of us bear the blame for what our ancestors may or may not have done. Seen in this light, diversity appears to be a kind of super-Affirmative Action, for both personnel and programs. But does diversity, in this sense, serve the academy?

Pulitzer Prize winning columnist Paul Greenberg perceptively comments,

"By capital-D Diversity, of course, I don't mean a diversity of ideas, talents, aptitudes or experiences, but only a cosmetic, quota-derived Diversity. The kind that has succeeded Marxism on American campuses as the ideology du jour… The capital-D variety is a caricature of any real diversity, for its only diversity is one of appearance. Its object is to fashion an American elite that looks different but thinks alike. All these offensive (and officious) quotas, preferences and Affirmative Actions are designed to produce an America that may look like the rainbow but thinks like NPR.4"

As Greenberg notes, the model of diversity most appropriate to an educational institution is that of intellectual diversity, that is, diversity of beliefs, values, opinions, theoretical approaches, talents, abilities, backgrounds, and so on. The educational experience depends upon students being exposed to a variety of viewpoints. However, diversity in its current incarnation gives us the same point of view, particularly on pressing moral, social, cultural and political issues, albeit from a rainbow of representatives.

Crucial to the educational experience is fostering a climate where students may engage in open dialogue, and where the negative effects of ego-involvement (fear of judgment, self-consciousness, hostile confrontations, defensiveness, rationalization) are minimized. But the current racial-ethnic-gender identity model of diversity encourages this very sort of thing, leading individuals to closely identify with their race, culture or gender, along  with an associated orthodoxy of historical, social and political beliefs, which they are taught to see as a fundamental part of who they are. Consequently, students are likely to view any challenge to their beliefs to be a form of persecution--the attacks of victimizers or haters.

It is as if no one thought to ask whether a race-conscious approach which highlights past and present discrimination would actually produce tolerance and understanding or whether it would promote division and alienation. The present sad state of race relations and my own experience lead me to believe that emphasis on group identity, coupled with a focus on past and present injustices against these groups creates hostility, resentment, alienation and a "victim mentality" which serves neither the "victim" nor the group identified as "victimizer." It is this balkanizing influence which is one of the present diversity models' most destructive influences, its separating people into competing interest groups vying for special entitlements and status. Minority groups are told over and over again that their "people" were victimized in the past and that even today they will be the perpetual targets of racists and bigots. It would be surprising if many didn't  develop paranoia, hopelessness, lack of ambition, anxiety and hostility towards the white majority. And is it so surprising that the white majority, who are told over and over again that they are "privileged" and the recipients of unfair advantages often feel resentment at being held liable for the sins of their ancestors, knowing that they, themselves, worked hard to be where they are? Those from modest backgrounds may bristle at the suggestion that they benefit from any privilege from being white, especially when they see so many programs geared towards helping minority students which exclude them. And of course the notion of labeling anyone with a light complexion as "white" is itself a form of stereotyping, ignoring the diversity of cultures from which they may come. Light-skinned immigrants of Italian, Polish, Irish and Jewish decent all faced rampant discrimination themselves at the hands of the English immigrants who preceded them, when they first hit American shores.

Some California Colleges have even taken the step of having separate graduation ceremonies for Hispanic students. This again shows the balkanizing influence of diversity. When you encourage people to think in terms of group identity and group interests, people will gravitate towards the groups with which they most identify and seek their company, to the exclusion of others. Before we had segregation by law, through the force of government. Today we have segregation by choice, in special "spaces" and programs designed for women and minorities. But these are "choices" borne of social conditioning which say you are Black or Hispanic or a woman first, a human being second. Ought not we to be encouraging integration and breaking down racial and gender barriers which separate us?

This is the real damage that the diversity ideology does. It emphasizes surface characteristics, such as the color of one's skin, while insisting on ideological orthodoxy amongst faculty and students on important social, economic, political and religious issues. It treats people as the passive recipients of genetics and cultural heritage as opposed to rational beings with the powers of reason and choice, who bear personal responsibility for their actions. Diversity asks us to focus on group identity instead of individual merit. It celebrates victimhood and encourages class envy, rather than celebrating personal virtue and achievement. It recognizes disparate cultural forms, while failing to see something called "the human condition" which underlies them all. Great works of art and literature can speak to us about the human condition equally. A Socrates can speak to an African-American female student just as surely as a Gandhi or an Ayn Rand can speak to a white male student.

Martin Luther King once said he looked forward to a day when human beings were judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. The Buddha voiced a similar sentiment when he said, "No one is a member of the priestly caste by birth; no one is a member of the servant caste by birth. A priest is such by his deeds; a servant is such by his deeds." I think both would have been gratified to see the American Anthropological Association's Statement on Race, which says that race does not exist, except in our minds, being the product of a small group of genes controlling a few overly noticeable surface characteristics, having very little to do with who we truly are as human beings. Until and unless we stop making judgments based on such characteristics, King's dream of a colorblind society will never be realized.


1. Allan G. Johnson, Privilege, Power and Difference (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001). Dr. Johnson was the keynote speaker of our 2004 Spring Conference and his book was featured in the Reading Together program and adopted by instructors as a secondary text as a part of that program. In his book, Johnson credits capitalism with playing a major role in the creation of white racism as well as producing a system of static, stratified economic classes in America forming a "matrix of domination". He attacks with gusto the concept of  individualism, calling it "the myth that everything is somebody's fault".

2 In a recent case that garnered some national media attention, Ahmad Al-Qloushi, an International student from Kuwait, received the following essay topic in a Fall 2004 course at Foothill College (a Community College in California) from Professor Joseph Woolcock: "Dye and Zeigler contend that the constitution of the United States was not “ordained and established” by “the people” as we have so often been led to believe. They contend instead that it was written by a small educated and wealthy elite in America who representative of powerful economic and political interests. Analyze the US constitution (original document), and show how its formulation excluded majority of the people living in America at that time, and how it was dominated by America’s elite interest." Ahmed argued that, contrary to Dye and Zeigler, the Constitution "was a progressive document for its time" and "symbolizes and embodies what America is today, a just and democratic society where all men and women are created equal and…free to pursue their own happiness and fulfillment." Professor Woolcock not only refused to grade his paper, he lectured Ahmed on his misguided political views, insisted he seek psychotherapy and threatened his visa status if he did not do so. (

3 There are have several recent studies on the ideological and political leanings of college faculty, all showing similar results. In November 2004 Klein & Stern released a nation-wide study of college professors, finding that in the Social Sciences and Humanities Democrats outnumbered Republicans by a ratio of at least 7 to 1, with disparities as high as 28 to 1 and 30 to 1 in the fields of Sociology and Anthropology, respectively ( A paper based on their research "How Politically Diverse Are the Social Sciences and Humanities? Survey Evidence from Six Fields" is forthcoming in Academic Questions. In a separate survey based on voter registration, a public and objective indicator of ideological leaning, Klein & Western ascertained that across 23 major academic departments, including mathematics, business and the hard sciences, which tend to lean less to the left, Democrats outnumbered Republicans at Stanford by a ratio of 7 to 1 and at Berkeley by a ratio of 10 to 1 (

4 Paul Greenburg, How Diversity Became Orwellian, July 18, 2003 (Tribune Media Services).

© 2005 Jeffrey Borrowdale. This paper was originally published in The Community College Moment, Vol. 5, pp. 50-55

Is The Curriculum Biased?
A Statement Of The National Association Of Scholars

American higher education is facing widespread demands to eliminate the allegedly "Eurocentric" and "patriarchal" bias of the curriculum. While the details vary from campus to campus, these demands tend to focus on four objectives:

    * that the "canon" be revised to include more works by blacks, other ethnic minorities, and women
    * that the "issues of race, gender, and class" be introduced into a greater variety of courses
    * that more courses in women's studies and minority studies be developed
    * that courses in women's studies and/or minority studies be required of all undergraduates.

Various justifications are commonly proffered for making these changes. It is alleged that:

    * works by minorities, women, and Third World authors have been excluded from the curriculum
    * minority and female students feel alienated and their educational progress is retarded by being asked to study works primarily by white males
    * in order to overcome their own prejudices, white males must become acquainted with the cultures and problems of minorities and with the perspectives and problems of women
    * the traditional curriculum represents the hegemony of Western culture, covertly supports a status quo inherently oppressive of women and minorities, and is unfairly imposed on students from different cultures
    * the traditional desiderata of truth, objectivity, and critical intelligence can be met only by adding the perspectives of women and minorities and by facing up to the new questions they raise
    * an increasingly diverse society and interdependent world require that our citizens gain greater understanding of different cultures.

The National Association of Scholars disputes the first five of these arguments and believes that the last entails something other than the changes being proposed.

First, any work, whether formerly neglected or widely known, should be added, retained, or removed from the curriculum on the basis of its conformance to generally applicable intellectual and aesthetic standards. A sound curriculum cannot be built by replacing those standards with the principle of proportional representation of authors, classified ethnically, biologically, or geographically.

Second, the idea that students will be discouraged by not encountering more works by members of their own race, sex, or ethnic group, even were it substantiated, would not justify adding inferior works. Such paternalism conveys a message opposite to the one desired.

Third, other cultures, minority subcultures, and social problems have long been studied in the liberal arts curriculum in such established disciplines as history, literature, comparative religion, economics, political science, anthropology, and sociology. But more important, mere acquaintance with differences does not guarantee tolerance, an ideal Western in origin and fostered by knowledge of what is common to us all.

Fourth, the idea that the traditional curriculum "excludes" the contributions of all but males of European descent is patently false. From their beginnings, Western art and science have drawn upon the achievements of non-Western societies and since have been absorbed and further enriched by peoples around the globe. That the liberal arts oppress minorities and women is yet more ludicrous. Even if the curriculum were confined to thought strictly European in origin, it would still present a rich variety of conflicting ideas, including the very concepts of equality and freedom from oppression invoked by those who would reorient the curriculum.

Fifth, while diversity of background is valuable to the discussion of issues to which those differences are germane, objectivity is in general not enhanced but subverted by the idea that people of different sexes, races, or ethnic backgrounds necessarily see things differently. The assertion that cognition is determined by membership is itself an example of stereotypic thinking which undermines the possibility of a true community of discourse.

Sixth, the study of the traditions and achievements of other nations and of ethnic subcultures is important and should be encouraged. But this must proceed in a manner that is intellectually honest and does not serve as a pretext for inserting polemics into the curriculum. Furthermore, "multicultural education" should not take place at the expense of studies that transcend cultural differences: the truths of mathematics, the sciences, history, and so on, are not different for people of different races, sexes, or cultures, and for that reason alone their study is liberating. Nor should we further attenuate the study of the traditions of the West. Not only is knowledge of those traditions essential for any evaluation of our own institutions, it is increasingly relevant to our understanding of other nations, which, in striking testament to the universality of the values they embody, are rapidly adapting Western practices to their own situations.

The National Association of Scholars is in favor of ethnic studies, the study of non-Western cultures, and the study of the special problems of women and minorities in our society, but it opposes subordinating entire humanities and social science curricula to such studies and it views with alarm their growing politicization. Efforts purportedly made to introduce "other points of view" and "pluralism" often seem in fact designed to restrict attention to a narrow set of issues, tendentiously defined. An examination of many women's studies and minority studies courses and programs discloses little study of other cultures and much excoriation of our society for its alleged oppression of women, blacks, and others. The banner of "cultural diversity" is apparently being raised by some whose paramount interest actually lies in attacking the West and its institutions.

We urge our colleagues to demand clear explanations and cogent arguments in support of the proposals being so rapidly brought before them, and to reject any that cannot be justified. The curriculum is and should be open to change, but we must rebut the false charges being made against existing disciplines. We must also reject the allegations of "racism" and "sexism" that are frequently leveled against honest critics of the new proposals, and which only have the effect of stifling much-needed debate.

"For Reasoned Scholarship in a Free Society"

Missing Diversity On America's Campuses
By David Horowitz | September 3, 2002

IN THE FALL OF 2001, I spoke at a large public university in the eastern United States, which will remain nameless to protect the innocent. It was one of more than 30 colleges I had visited during the school year and, as usual, my invitation had come from a small group of campus conservatives who also put together a small dinner for me at a local restaurant. Our conclave reflected the current state of conservatism in the American university. Not only were our numbers small, but there were no deans or university administrators present, and only one professor. Open conservatives are an isolated and harassed minority on today’s college campuses, where they enjoy little respect and almost no support from institutional powers.

Although I am a nationally known public figure—author of books that have been best-sellers and nominated for a national book award, a Fox News contributor and one of America’s 100 leading "public intellectuals" according to a recent study of the subject, at these dinners, which normally precede my campus speeches, the absence of administration representatives is wholly predictable. (In nearly 200 campus appearances, I can think of only two exceptions.) When I spoke at the University of Michigan to 1,000 students, there were three university vice presidents in the balcony, but none thought to introduce himself to me. Occasionally a professor will attend these dinners, but rarely more than one. My experience as a conservative is not unique. By contrast, if I were an anti-American, radical like Angela Davis, deans of the college would wait on me and professors would confer academic credits on students for attending my appearances. On many occasions my speech would be an official campus event.

Angela Davis—a lifelong Communist zealot with no noticeable scholarly achievement—is a celebrated campus figure (there is even an "Angela Davis Lounge" at the University of Michigan) and thus can be expected to attract the attention of like-minded peers now entrenched in university administrations. But the same disparity would be discernible between a less well-known leftist and almost any comparable conservative. It reflects the fact that while conservatives often make up a large proportion of the student body on American campuses—and in some cases even a plurality—conservative professors and administrators are notably hard to find. Not only are the overwhelming majority of college professors fashionably "liberal," most faculties have a strong contingent of hard leftists whose views are extreme, and whose concentrated numbers make it possible for them to dominate (and even define) entire academic fields. These faculty activists are also available to be sponsors of an impressive array of radical campus political groups, which—if the university is large enough—may receive hundreds of thousands of dollars from general student funds.

Among those invited to the dinner was a silver-haired history professor, who served as the faculty sponsor of the club inviting me. This man represented a dying breed of faculty conservatives who had become tenured in an era when hiring committees were not yet applying a litmus to exclude those whose political views were not suitably left. The transformation that followed was succinctly described by the distinguished intellectual historian, John P. Diggins, at an annual meeting of the American Studies Association in Costa Mesa, Calif., a decade ago. Diggins told the assembled academics: "When my generation of liberals was in control of university faculties in the Sixties, we opened the doors to the hiring of radicals in the name of diversity. We thought you would do the same. But you didn’t. You closed the doors behind you."

Diggins’ observation provides the template for what has happened to American universities in the last thirty years. The liberal academy of the 1950s and 1960s, whose ideals were shaped by Charles Eliot and Matthew Arnold and whose mission was "the disinterested pursuit of knowledge" is no more. Leftists tenured after the 1960s first transformed these institutions into political battlegrounds and then redefined them as "agencies of social change." In the process, they first defeated and then excluded peers whom they perceived as obstacles to their politicized academic agendas.

Some years ago a distinguished member of this radical generation, Richard Rorty, summarized its achievement in the following words: "The power base of the left in America is now in the universities, since the trade unions have largely been killed off. The universities have done a lot of good work by setting up, for example, African-American studies programs, Women’s Studies programs, Gay and Lesbian Studies programs. They have created power bases for these movements." Rorty is a professor of philosophy at the University of Virginia and one of the nation’s most honored intellectual figures. He is also an editor of the democratic socialist magazine Dissent and a moderate in the ranks of the left. That such an intellectual should celebrate the conversion of academic institutions into political "power bases" speaks volumes about the tragedy that has befallen the university.

On the occasions of my campus visits, I am always curious to discover the local circumstances that conspire to create a situation so otherwise inexplicable in an open society. How, in particular, does an institution that publicly promotes itself as "liberal" and "inclusive," as dedicated to "diversity" and the "free exchange of ideas," devolve into such a political monolith? The conservative history professor who had come to dinner was obviously a senior member of his academic department, which was really the only status a conservative faculty member could have, since the hiring doors had been closed nearly a quarter of a century earlier. So I asked how conservatives like him were treated by faculty colleagues.

Catching my drift he replied, "Well, they haven’t allowed me to sit on a search committee since 1985." He was referring to the committees that interview prospective candidates to fill faculty openings. "In 1985, he continued, "I was the chair of the search committee and of course we hired a Marxist." "Of course," I said, knowing that for conservatives who believed in the traditional mission of academic inquiry, diversity of viewpoints would make perfect sense. Others might be guided by different imperatives. Their very dedication to "social change" would commit them to an agenda, which is about power, and which inspires them to clear rivals from their path.

The professor went on: "This year we had an opening for a scholar of Asian history. We had several candidates but obviously the most qualified one was from Stanford. Yet he didn’t get the job. So I went to the chair of the search committee and asked him what had happened. ‘Oh,’ he said, ‘you’re absolutely right. He was far and away the most qualified candidate and we had a terrific interview. But then we went to lunch and he let out that he was for school vouchers."

In other words, if one has a politically incorrect view on K-12 school vouchers, one must be politically incorrect on the Ming Dynasty too. This is almost a dictionary description of the totalitarian mentality. But there is more than dogmatism at work in the calculation. The attitude also reflects the priorities of an entrenched oligarchy, which fears to include those it cannot count on to maintain its control.

A certain focus on control is normal for bureaucrats in any institution. But in an institution like the university, whose very structures are elitist, there are few natural limits to such political agendas. Outside the hard sciences and the practical professions, what is the penalty for bad ideas? There is none. Once a discredited dogma like Marxism is legitimated through the hiring process, there is no institutional obstacle to its expansion and entrenchment as a "scholarly" discipline.

The structural support for ideological conformity is intensified by the introduction of overt political agendas. These agendas were originally imported into the university by radicals acting as the self-conscious disciples of an Italian Marxist named Antonio Gramsci. As an innovative Stalinist in the 1930s, Gramsci pondered the historic inability of Communist parties to mobilize workers to seize the means of production and overthrow the capitalist ruling class. Gramsci’s new idea was to focus radicals’ attention on the means of intellectual production as a new lever of social change. He urged radicals to acquire "cultural hegemony," by which he meant to capture the institutions that produced society’s governing ideas. This would be the key to controlling and transforming the society itself.

To illustrate how ingrained this attitude has become and how casually it is deployed to justify the suppression of conservative ideas, let me cite an e-mail I received from a professor at Emory University. The professor was responding to an article I had written about the abuse of conservative students by administrators at Vanderbilt and the exclusion of conservatives from the Vanderbilt faculty. He was not especially radical, yet he did not have so much as a twinge of conscience at the picture I drew of a faculty cleansed of conservative opinions. "Why do I and other academics have little shame here?" he asked rhetorically, then answered the question: "We are not the only game in the marketplace of ideas. We are competing with journalism, entertainment, churches, political lobbyists, and well-funded conservative think tanks."

In other words, contemporary academics see themselves not primarily as educators, but as agents of an "adversary culture" at war with the world outside the university. But the university was not created—and is not funded—to compete with other institutions. It is designed to train employees, citizens and leaders of those institutions, and to endow them with appropriate knowledge and skills. Because of its strategic function as an educator of elites however, it can be effectively used in the way Gramsci proposed to subvert other institutions too.

There is an organic connection, for example, between the political bias of the university and the political bias of the press. It was not until journalists became routinely trained in university schools of journalism that mainstream media began to mirror the perspectives of the adversary culture. Universities have become a power base of the political left, and the Emory professor’s argument only makes sense, really, from the vantage of someone so alienated from his own society as to want to subvert it. His suggestion that universities somehow "balance" conservative think tanks of the wealthy is patently absurd. "Well-funded" conservative think tanks may stand in intellectual opposition to subversive agendas, but what wealthy think tank can compete with Harvard, its centuries of tradition, its hundreds of faculty members, its government subsides and its $18 billion, tax-free endowment?

Academics who are not self-conscious radicals may also harbor resentments against the larger culture and be inspired to seek like-minded colleagues. When they are imbued with a sense of social mission that requires ideological cohesion, the result is an intellectual monolith. How monolithic? Last spring I organized college students to investigate the voting registrations of university professors at more than a dozen institutions of higher learning. The students used primary registrations to determine party affiliation. Here is a representative sample:

• At the University of Colorado—a public university in a Republican state—94% of the liberal arts faculty whose party registrations could be established were Democrats and only 4% percent Republicans. Out of 85 professors of English who registered to vote, zero were Republicans. Out of 39 professors of history—one. Out of 28 political scientists—two.

How Republican is Colorado? Its governor, two Senators and four out of six congressmen are Republican. There are 200,000 more registered Republicans in Colorado than there are Democrats. But at the state-funded, University of Colorado, Republicans are a fringe group.

• At Brown University, 94.7% of the professors whose political affiliations showed up in primary registrations last year were Democrats, only 5.3% were Republicans. Only three Republicans could be found on the Brown liberal arts faculty. Zero in the English Department, zero in the History Department, zero in the Political Science Department, zero in the Africana Studies Department, and zero in the Sociology Department.

• At the University of New Mexico, 89% of the professors were Democrats, 7% Republicans and 4% Greens. Of 200 professors, ten were Republicans, but zero in the Political Science Department, zero in the History Department, zero in the Journalism Department and only one each in the Sociology, English, Women’s Studies and African American Studies Departments.

• At the University of California, Santa Barbara, 97% of the professors were Democrats. 1.5% Greens and an equal 1.5% Republicans. Only one Republican professor could be found.

• At the University of California, Berkeley, of the 195 professors whose affiliations showed up, 85% were Democrats, 8% Republicans, 4% Greens and 3% American Independent Party, Peace and Freedom Party and Reform Party voters. Out of 54 professors in the History Department, only one Republican could be found, out of 28 Sociology professors zero, out of 57 English professors zero, out of 16 Women’s Studies professors zero, out of nine African American Studies professors zero, out of six Journalism professors zero.

• At the University of California, Los Angeles, of the 157 professors whose political affiliations showed up 93% were Democrats, only 6.5% were Republicans.

• At the University of North Carolina, the Daily Tar Heel conducted its own survey of eight departments and found that, of the professors registered with a major political party, 91% were Democrats while only 9% were Republicans.

In an ideological universe in which university administrators claim that "diversity" is their priority, these are striking facts. How can students get a good education, if they’re only being told half the story? The answer is, they can’t.

The present academic monolith is an offense to the spirit of free inquiry. The hiring practices that have led to the present situation are discriminatory and illegal. They violate the Constitution, which prevents hiring and firing on the basis of political ideas and patronage laws that bar state institutions from servicing a particular political party. Yet university administrators have not shown any inclination to address this problem, or to reform the practices that perpetuate it. Nor have self-identified "liberal" professors who are themselves the source of the problem. If there is to be reform, it will have to come from other quarters.

The Racism of "Diversity"
by Peter Schwartz  (January 16, 2003)

President Bush faces an ideal opportunity to take a principled position on the issue of racial "diversity." As his administration ponders whether to support the legal challenge, now before the Supreme Court, to the University of Michigan's affirmative action policies, he should go further and raise a moral challenge to the entire notion of "diversity." Instead of timidly wavering on this question, in fear of being smeared by Democrats as racist, President Bush should rise to the occasion by categorically repudiating racism--and condemning "diversity" as its crudest manifestation.

It is now widely accepted that "diversity" is an appropriate goal for society. But what does this dictum actually mean? Racial integration is a valid objective, but that is something very different from what the advocates of "diversity" seek. According to its proponents, we need "diversity" in order to be exposed to new perspectives on life. We supposedly gain "enrichment from the differences in viewpoint of minorities," as the MIT Faculty Newsletter puts it. "It is the only way to prepare students to live and work effectively in our diverse democracy and in the global economy," says the president of the University of Michigan. Minorities should be given preferential treatment, the university's vice president says, because "learning in a diverse environment benefits all students, minority and majority alike."

These circumlocutions translate simply into this: one's race determines the content of one's mind. They imply that people have worthwhile views to express because of their ethnicity, and that "diversity" enables us to encounter "black ideas," "Hispanic ideas," etc. What could be more repulsively racist than that? This is exactly the premise held by the South's slave-owners and by the Nazis' Storm Troopers. They too believed that an individual's thoughts and actions are determined by his racial heritage.

Whether a given race receives special rewards or special punishments is immaterial. The essence of racism is the idea that the individual is meaningless and that membership in the collective--the race--is the source of his identity and value. To the racist, the individual's moral and intellectual character is the product, not of his own choices, but of the genes he shares with all others of his race. To the racist, the particular members of a given race are interchangeable.

The advocates of "diversity" similarly believe that colleges must admit not individuals, but "representatives" of various races. They believe that those representatives have certain ideas innately imprinted on their minds, and that giving preferences to minority races creates a "diversity" of viewpoints on campus. They have the quota-mentality, which holds that in judging someone, the salient fact is the racial collective to which he belongs.

This philosophy is why racial division is growing at our colleges. The segregated dormitories, the segregated cafeterias, the segregated fraternities--these all exist, not in spite of the commitment to "diversity," but because of it. The overriding message of "diversity," transmitted by the policies of a school's administration and by the teachings of a school's professors, is that the individual is defined by his race. What, then, is a more loyal adherence to that message than the desire to associate with members of one's own race and to regard others as belonging to an alien tribe?

If racism is to be rejected, it is the premise of individualism, including individual free will, that must be upheld. There is no way to bring about racial integration except by completely disregarding color. There is no benefit in being exposed to the thoughts of a black person as opposed to a white person; there is a benefit only in interacting with individuals, of any race, who have rational viewpoints to offer.

"Diversity," in any realm, has no value in and of itself. Investors can be urged to diversify their holdings--but for the sake of minimizing their financial risk, not for the sake of "diversity" as such. To maintain that "diversity" per se is desirable--that "too much" of one thing is objectionable--is ludicrous. Does unimpaired health need to be "diversified" with bouts of illness? Or knowledge with ignorance? Or sanity with lunacy?

The value of a racially integrated student body or work force lies entirely in the individualism this implies. A racially integrated group implies that skin color is irrelevant in judging human beings. It implies that those who chose the students or the workers based their evaluations only on that which reflects upon the individual: merit. But that is not what the advocates of "diversity" want. They sneer at the principle of "color-blindness." Whether the issue is being admitted to college or getting a job at a corporation or being cast as an actor on TV shows, the "diversity" supporters want such decisions to be made exactly the way that the vilest of racists make them: by bloodline. They insist that whatever is a result of your own choices--your ideas, your character, your accomplishments--is to be dismissed, while that which is outside your control--the accident of skin color--is to define your life. Their fundamental goal is to "diversify"--and thus to undercut--the standard of individual achievement with the non-standard of race.

Racial "diversity" is a doctrine that splits people into ethnic tribes, which then battle one another for special favors. If President Bush is eager to demonstrate his disagreement with the racist views of a Strom Thurmond, let him stand up and denounce all forms of racism--particularly, the one that underlies "diversity."