PHL 205
How does Palmer define capitalism? Does he think of it as merely an
economic system? What alternative definition did the instructor
suggest? What does he suggest Palmer is confusing the term
capitalism with (or redefining capitalism as?)
What does John Mackey, founder of Whole Foods, say about
self-interest being the basis for capitalism? What does he mean by
"conscious capitalism?"
How does David Boaz answer the charge that capitalism encourages a
"dog eat dog" mentality, where everyone is out to beat the
competition. What does he say to the contention that it fosters a
society of isolated individuals who refuse to cooperate with others?
According to Dierdre McCloskey?What is the "Great Fact" to which
capitalism is the best explanation?
What conclusions does Palmer derive from his experience with his
back problem after using the services of both a for profit and
non-profit hospital?
According to What is the "Land of Gentlemen" story mentioned by Mao
Yushi, and what is it meant to represent? What was the result of the
Maoist "struggle against selfishness"? How does the price system
help allocate resources in a way that serves peoples' interests?
As quoted by Palmer, what did Adam Smith say about self-interest?
Why is it a myth that he naively believed that greed would create a
prosperous society?
According to Kelly, what false choice does altruism present us with?
What is the trader principle? What is benevolence and how is it
different from altruism?
According to Temba Nolutshungu, what is the link between political
freedom and economic prosperity? When he visited Russia in 1991,
what was the joke making the rounds? What was the result of economic
freedom in one place and the lack of it in an adjoining area in East
Germany, South Korea and Hong Kong?
According to Vernon Smith, Ireland's rise from third world poverty
and massive emigration to surpassing many European countries in per
capital GDP is due to what? According to Frederick Bastiat (as
quoted in Smith), when goods don't cross borders, what happens?
How does the welfare state replicate the "tragedy of the commons"
According to Palmer, the welfare state policies have resulted in
what consequences?
According to Piercamillo Falasca, what killed the massive Italian
economic boom of 1956-65?
According to Aristides Hatzis, Greece's economic problem are due to
Where did the Welfare State emerge in the world, in the U.S.? Were
the Nazis capitalists or socialists?
According to Palmer in After the Welfare State, how and why did the
welfare state emerge?
According to Green, before the welfare state, what happened to the
According to Beito, who joined mutual aid societies? Was it mostly
white, middle class, native born Americans, or did other populations
What does Michael Tanner compare the structure of government health
and old age systems to?
According to Norberg, how did the mantra of affordable housing crash
the world economy?
What are there components of the classical liberal tradition,
according to Palmer? How are levels of poverty related to the
classical liberal philosophy?