MAKING MORAL ARGUMENTS: What problems are there with moral relativism? What premise about the nature of morality is being assumed for the purposes of class discussion? Why is making this assumption helpful in discussing moral issues?

Be able to define and identify the following fallcies: ad hominem, tu quoque, ad populum, straw man, red herring, lack of proportion. What is the difference between a fundamental moral premise, empirical premise and legal premise in an argument? (you may be asked to identify particular examples). What are some widely agreed upon fundamental moral premises which can be used as the basis of an argument? What's the difference between a positive right and a negative right? What is often the main conflict in social or political issues?

SAME SEX MARRIAGE: Approximately how many states recognize same sex marriage? Is it recognized in Oregon? If so, how did this occur? What are the following and how do they affect same sex marriage: The 1996 DOMA law, the "full faith and credit" clause in the U.S. Constitution, the "equal protection clause" of the U.S. Constitution. What are three aspects of the institution of marriage discussed in class? Is the inability to conceive children a good argument against same-sex marriage? What other arguments are there against same-sex marriage. What are some arguments for and against gay adoption? What is a "civil union" and how has it been used to solve the same-sex marriage conflict? How might "privatizing" marriage solve the issue? What about Biblical arguments against gay marriage? What is a blue law? What overall conflict (and course theme) does the same-sex marriage debate represent?