LGBT ISSUES (Continued): Why did the City of Portland
recently issue a ban on official business travel to North Carolina?
Why isn't Bruce Springsteen performing there? What was recently
revealed about one of the main proponents of the Charlotte LGBT
protection ordinance? if you argued against the ordinance on the
basis of this fact, what fallacy, if any, would you be committing?
What is the relevance, if any, of the British mother and son who
have a sexual relationship to the gay rights debate? What relevance,
if any, does the Sister Wives polygamists who wish to be married
have to gay marriage?
FEMINISM: Are there any innate biological differences between
men and women which affects their behavior or abilities to perform
certain jobs? Why is it that patriarchy lasted so long? What pivotal
social changes or historical events laid the groundwork for women's
rights, apart from political activism on the part of suffragettes
and feminists? What are some positive impacts and criticisms of the
feminist movement in the U.S.? How are women's rights outside North
America and Europe (a.k.a. "the West")? How do women fare in
fundamentalist Muslim countries in the Middle East by comparison?
Who owns more college degrees, men or women?
It is often claimed that the fact that women on the average make 70
or 80 cents on the dollar compared to men is evidence of overt
sexism and institutional discrimination against women. What are some
other explanations for the "wage gap" and "glass ceiling" other than
overt sexism discussed in class and in the reading? How to the
salaries of single women without children compare to the
salaries of their male counterparts?
What did the Lilly Ledbetter Equal Pay Act establish? How much does
Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton pay her female staffers
compared to male staffers? What is Equal Pay Day and how did recent
Democrat National Committee (DNC) plans to celebrate it turn sour?
How is do the conservative and liberal/progressive approaches to
gender roles and gender equality differ?
According to the Lifezette article, is Hillary's gender her ticket
to the Presidency, given that women make up the majority of voters?
What's Trump's "women problem" according to NPR?