On immigration and trade, it’s Republican elites, not Donald
Trump, who are out of step with party’s voters
By Dina Smeltz and Craig Kafura
The Washington Post, April 25 2016
The enduring appeal of Donald Trump to Republican voters has
confounded the Republican establishment. Yet Trump understands
Republican voters far better than the GOP elite does, in part
because he recognizes where established leaders are out of touch
with base voters.
In 2014, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, an independent,
nonpartisan think tank, conducted a unique pair of surveys: one of
average Americans and the other of foreign policy opinion leaders
from government, think tanks, media organizations, academia and
other interest groups. These surveys — which pre-date Trump’s
candidacy but help us understand it — show that there are large
divisions between the attitudes of self-described Republican opinion
leaders and average Republicans on immigration, refugees, trade and
Trump’s rhetoric on immigration — warnings about Mexican immigrants
as criminals and “rapists” and that Syrian refugees could be a
“Trojan horse” — were controversial to many. But they channeled the
concerns of many Republican voters, if not most Republican elites.
The Chicago Council Survey results showed that Republicans among the
general public were about 40 percentage points more likely than
Republican leaders to think that large numbers of immigrants and
refugees coming into the United States posed a critical threat to
the country (55 percent of GOP voters vs. 16 percent of Republican
leaders) and that controlling and reducing illegal immigration is a
very important U.S. foreign policy goal (61 percent of GOP voters
vs. 20 percent of GOP leaders). When asked whether the United States
should accept Syrian refugees, the Republican public was far less
supportive than Republican leaders (27 percent vs. 71 percent).
“Protecting the jobs of American workers” has been a top priority
for the U.S. public ever since the Chicago Council began its polling
in 1974. Trump gets this. In his announcement speech, Trump declared
that he “will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created.”
Again, Republican opinion leaders are not in sync with average
Republicans on this issue. In 2014, 76 percent of Republicans in the
public said protecting jobs was a very important goal — yet only 37
percent of Republican opinion leaders agreed.
Trump also gets where a segment of the Republican base is on trade
and globalization in a way that GOP leaders do not. Although roughly
9 in 10 GOP opinion leaders supported free-trade agreements in
general, including both the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership agreements, roughly a
third of the GOP public consistently opposed them. This same pattern
prevails in views of globalization. Almost all leaders (98 percent)
said globalization was “mostly good,” but only 62 percent of the
public did.
And finally, there are notable differences on Social Security. Trump
has said, “It is my absolute intention to leave Social Security as
it is.” Roughly equal numbers of both Republican leaders and the
Republican public (39 percent and 42 percent, respectively) wanted
to maintain current levels of Social Security spending. But the most
common position among Republican leaders was to cut back Social
Security spending (50 percent in favor), a stance with little
support among the Republican public (10 percent in favor).
Conversely, 42 percent of Republicans wanted to expand that spending
— a position only 9 percent of Republican leaders endorsed.
Trump has presented himself as an outsider who represents the views
of disaffected Republicans who think their leaders are out of touch.
While Trump is exploiting these divisions, he didn’t create them. If
he loses, either in the primary or in the general election, these
differences will remain for the next contest.
Dina Smeltz is a senior fellow on public opinion and foreign policy
and Craig Kafura is a research associate at the Chicago Council on
Global Affairs. They also manage the council’s polling and data
blog, Running Numbers.