PART 1: Making Moral Arguments, Feminism
MAKING MORAL ARGUMENTS: What problems are there with moral
relativism? What premise about the nature of morality is being
assumed for the purposes of class discussion? Why is making this
assumption necessary for substantial, academic or philosophical
discussion of moral issues? What is the difference between a
fundamental moral premise, empirical premise and legal premise in an
argument? (you may be asked to identify particular examples). What
are some widely agreed upon fundamental moral premises which can be
used as the basis of an argument?
FEMINISM: Are there any innate biological differences between
men and women which affects their behavior or ability to perform
certain jobs? Why is it that patriarchy lasted so long? What pivotal
social changes or historical events laid the groundwork for women's
rights, apart from political activism on the part of suffragettes
and feminists? What are some positive impacts and criticisms of the
feminist movement in the U.S.? How are women's rights outside North
America and Europe (a.k.a. "the West")? How do women fare in
fundamentalist Muslim countries in the Middle East compared to the
Who has more college degrees: men or women? It is often claimed that
the fact that women on the average make 70 or 80 cents on the dollar
compared to men is evidence of overt sexism and institutional
discrimination against women. What are some other explanations for
the "wage gap" and "glass ceiling" other than overt sexism discussed
in class and in the reading? How to the salaries of never
married women without children compare to the salaries of their male
Are men and women's brains wired differently? If so, how? How do
rates of serious and violent crime compare between men and women?
Why is feminism a dirty word to both women and men? What is the
difference between first, second and third-wave feminism? How does
Ashley Judd's speech and the "Women's March" in Washington D.C. in
general illustrate the negative associations some people have with
third wave feminism? What issues does Warren Farrell raise about the
effect of the feminist movement on men? What special,
underappreciated challenges are faced by men?
What changes to male dating and marriage behavior might be a seen as
a reaction to feminism? Who are the herbivores men in Japan and what
is the MGTOW movement? According to the instructor, what does the
reaction of many people (particularly men) to female teachers having
voluntary (but statutorily illegal) sexual relationships with
teenage students illustrate? When it is a male teacher and a female
student, why do people often make different judgements about the
cases (for example, this
recent story of a 15 yr old girl who ran off with her 50 year old
What are honor killings and what motivates them? What is FGM? Why is
it performed? What are some examples of restrictions on women's
rights around the world? What is Sharia and how is it related to
women's rights (and the "Women's March" in Washington D.C/?)
What's the difference between de facto and de jure
policies? Do women have to sign up for the military draft? Why might
that change now that women are allowed in combat roles? What are
some other issues that arise from women serving in the military,
particularly on board Navy ships and in combat?
What is Equal Pay Day and how did recent DNC (Democrat
National Committee) plans to celebrate it turn sour? According to a
study cited in the story about this, how much did Presidential
candidate Hillary Clinton pay her female staffers compared to male