WEEK TWO READINGS - PART 1 (hit the back button after reading an article to come back to this page)
Bible Quotes on Homosexuality
Lawrence v. Texas
Supreme Court Declares Same-Sex Marriage Legal In All 50 States
LGBT People are 3.8% of the Population
Gallup Polls on Gay and Lesbian Rights
Oregon bakery pays damages in lesbian wedding cake case
Mississippi governor signs law allowing businesses to refuse service to gay people
Saudi government ‘wants to EXECUTE gay people who show their sexuality in public & online
Gay rights around the world: the best and worst countries for equality
Understanding HB2: North Carolina’s newest law solidifies state’s role in defining discrimination
List of protected classes under Federal Law and Oregon State Law
Federal appeals court tosses ‘Sister Wives’ lawsuit over Utah’s polygamy ban
British mother and her son who enjoy 'mind-blowing sex' together go into hiding as police say they could face 15 years in jail
'I'm a human pet': The Goth teenager whose fiance walks her around on a dog lead