WEEK THREE READINGS - PART 1 (click on the back button on your browser to come back to this page)

The DNC’s Equal Pay Day plan turns sour

Affirmative Action Grading
Race, Politicis and Lies
The Grand Fraud
The Racial Spoils System
For Asian Americans, a changing landscape on college admissions
Lane's Vision for Diversity
An Excerpt from Lane's Diversity Plan
Rethinking Diversity

How John McWhorter found himself defending Scalia on affirmative action
Explaining the Black Education Gap
How Some Would Level the Playing Field: Free Harvard Degrees
(Note: If you have trouble accessing this article a free subscription to the New York Times is available at https://library.lanecc.edu/find/nytimes)

What is Whiteness?
Whiteness History Month Project at Portland Community College
Why ‘Whiteness History Month’ is coming to an Oregon college this year