Students registered in the Online Video Section (CRN 23446) can watch the live stream at (it take a while to buffer - get on a few minutes early and be patient) or watch/record the broadcast on Lane-TV (Comcast Cable, Channel 23) or watch recordings of the class posted to YouTube by early evening. Requirements for both sections are exactly the same.
MORE IMPORTANT STUFF: There's a quiz on the syllabus due by Thursday at 3PM. Please take it right away. If you take the Syllabus Quiz by the deadline, I'll add two points to your First Midterm Exam score! That's almost half a letter grade! If you don't take the Syllabus Quiz by Thursday at 3pm, you will be dropped from the class. Nothing personal. The Feds who give you your financial aid, the State of Oregon and the College all require me to drop "non-participating students." For online video students, that means providing a "meaningful educational activity" and dropping the ones who don't do it. I require it of the studio classroom students as a check against the attendance roster and just to be fair. Don't be that student who contacts me at the beginning of Week 2, sheepishly asking to be let back into the class because she "forgot."There is no text to buy. We will be using OERs posted to Moodle.
Thursday, October 12 at 3:00pm Ends: Friday, October 20 at 7pm |
30% of grade |
Thursday, November 2 at 3:00pm Ends: Monday, November 13 at 7pm |
30% of
grade |
FINAL EXAM | Begins:
Thursday, November 30 at 3:00pm Ends: Thursday, December 7 at 5pm |
40% of grade |
GRADING: At the end of the term, the class will be graded on the following absolute scale. Any extra credit work (with the exception of the Extra Credit Exam) does not count towards the A+.
A+ 97% -100% | A 93% - 96% |
A- 90% - 92% |
B+ 87% - 89% | B 83% - 86% | B- 80% - 82% |
C+ 77% - 79% | C 73% - 76% | C- 70% - 72% |
D+ 67% - 69% | D 63% - 66% | D- 60% - 62% |
F 0% - 59% |
OF THE INSTRUCTOR: I am available by Moodle
messaging or in-person office visits. We can also set up an
appointment to talk on the phone or via a conferencing app
like Skype. If you are having difficulties with the class, please contact me as soon as
possible; I am here to help. If you performed
poorly on your first exam, please come by office hours or
make an appointment to see me to see what we can do to
improve your next exam score and the Extra Credit Exam,
which will replace your lowest midterm score. I am also
available to discuss any issue in the class which has piqued
your intellectual curiosity, or which you find interesting
or important, outside of the realm of assignments and
PHILOSOPHY AT LANE: All Religion classes (many of
which dealt with Eastern Philosophy) and most Philosophy
classes were eliminated by outgoing President Mary Spilde
last Spring, even though Philosophy had the highest fill
rate and lowest enrollment decline of any other Social
Science discipline and both were generating a $250,000
profit for the college every year. President Spilde believed
that by eliminating the sole full-time position in
Philosophy and Religion replace it with cheaper part-time
work in other Social Science areas, she could save the
College money, despite the fact that this is a direct
violation of the faculty contract. A grievance has been
filed. This penny-pinching scheme also had the negative
side-effect of laying off some great part-time faculty:
Caroline Lundquist (who paradoxically received a teaching
award before being laid off), Dale Lugenbehl and Jonathan
Seidel. Meanwhile, the College had huge reserves and
expanded other programs, like the First Year Experience,
Oregon Promise and the drone program, and created two new
manager positions. The college plans on offering no more
than two courses per term; otherwise, it has to pay a
full-time rate. It plans on only offering Ethics and
Critical Thinking from now on. If you find this
objectionable, write a letter to the Torch, show up at the
Board meetings or tell ASLCC that you'd like them to take
this issue up. The new President seems open to new ideas and
values student input. You can also show your support by
joining the Titan
Philosophy Club.
CLUB, CREDIT AND WORK STUDY OPPORTUNITIES: Lane has a I am the faculty advisor for Young Americans for Liberty, a locally controlled, independent student club dedicated to individual rights, limited government, personal responsibility and the principles of reason, freedom and compassion. We meet Tuesdays 12-1 (location for Fall Termto be determined). We're also discussing having a second meeting so everyone's schedule can be accommodated. For more information, check out YAL on OrgSync and click the Join button to be updated on club activities. You can also check out YAL at LCC on Facebook (not much activity there lately, but we hope to remedy that soon). If you're interested in doing an internship through Cooperative Education (Political Science) to earn 2 or 3 credits helping out with the club, send me a Moodle message. Also, if you have Federal Work Study, I could use a new Philosophy assistant to help with some research and clerical work.
WEEK 1: What is Critical Thinking and Why Is It Important?
Objectivity, Truth and Knowledge. Language and Meaning. The
Problem of Vagueness. The Law of Excluded Middle. The
Problem of Bias. The Ethics of Belief.
WEEK 2: Arguments, Premises and Conclusions. Inductive and
Deductive Arguments. Validity and Soundness. Valid and
Invalid Arguments. Strong and Weak Arguments.
WEEK 3: Logical Operators. Basic Valid Arguments. Basic
Formal Fallacies
First Midterm opens Thursday 3:00pm (taken in Instructional
Testing Services, or with approved proctor)
WEEK 4: Argument by Analogy, Appeals to Authority, Informal
First Midterm closes Friday 5pm
WEEK 5 More Informal Fallacies
WEEK 6: Thinking Critically About Religion and Ethics
Second Midterm opens Thursday at 3:30
WEEK 7: Probability, Risk and Reward. Thinking Critically
About the Academy
Instructional Testing Services closed Friday (Veterans Day);
Second Midterm close date moved to Monday of Week 8
WEEK 8 Thinking Critically About Science
Second Midterm closes Monday 7pm
Extra Credit Exam Opens Tuesday 9am
WEEK 9 Thinking Critically About Advertisements
WEEK 10 Thinking Critically About the News and Politics
Final Exam opens Thursday 3:30
Extra Credit Exam closes Friday 5pm
Take Final Exam in the Computer Testing Lab by Thursday 5pm