The first question to ask in analyzing an
argument is whether you are really dealing with an argument.
Arguments are an attempt at persuasion. They are an attempt to
convince you of something or to get you to believe something.
This makes them different from
information, which you
might find in a news report from the Associated Press or
Reuters. These reports just tell you what happened. They may
report about arguments, say, of politicians, and often quote a
variety of sources in covering a controversial issue without
taking a stand. Sometimes reporting reflects a subconscious or
even intentional
bias on the part of the reporter, but
the ideal expressed in journalistic codes of integrity, is to
provide an objective picture. Arguments are reserved for the
opinion page of newspapers or commentary shows on cable news.
Hannity and Rachel Maddow
are trying to convince you to
believe certain things. Straight news reporting is not (or at
least it's not
supposed to).
Similarly, an
explanation is not an argument. An
explanation attempts to show why something is the way it is, not
that it is a certain way. For example, you might read in
a science textbook that the explanation for movement of ocean
tides involves the gravitational attraction of the moon. The
textbook is not trying to convince you that this is the reason
why tidal action occurs as it does; it is simply telling you how
and why it occurs.
story is not an argument. Often people will tell
stories with no "moral" or point to them, that is, with no
conclusion. If I tell you a story about trying to convince my
twin brother's lab partner that I was not him in college or
about having him masquerade as me with my new girlfriend as a
prank, I'm not trying to convince you of the facts of these
stories or trying to get you to draw any conclusion about twins
or mistaken identity or pranks; I'm just sharing some humorous
anecdotes. However, sometimes a story can contain an implied or
implicit argument. Fables, parables or polemical fiction and
media often contain arguments.
claim is not an argument. If I make a claim without
any supporting reasons or evidence, I haven't made an argument.
If I say "You should always believe women who make claims of
sexual assault" without providing any evidence that you should
do this, then I haven't made an argument. That sentence is a
claim, but it's not a conclusion. By definition, conclusions
must be supported by one or more premises.
Finally, it is important to note that bad arguments are still
arguments. In order to count as an argument, there only has to
be a conclusion with one premise put forward to support it. The
conclusion could be totally absurd and the premise may be known
to be false or true but completely irrelevant. It's still
an argument.
Analyzing Arguments
To analyze any argument, first look for the
conclusion. Ask yourself "What's the point of this series of
statements? What is the person trying to convince me of?
Often the conclusion will come at the end of the series of
statements, though sometimes it comes at the beginning or
some place in the middle. It is sometimes preceded by words
like "so," "therefore," "thus," "in summary," or sometimes
even "in conclusion." Once you have identified the
conclusion, look at the premises. Premises are often
preceded by words like "because," "for" or even "for the
reason that." Next, ask yourself, "Are the premises
believable?" Are they known with a high degree of certainty?
Next ask yourself, "If these premises are true, do they make
the conclusion likely to be true, that is, do they support
the conclusion? I they offer enough support that a
reasonable person would believe the conclusion on the basis
of the premises? If so, then the argument is good. If the
premises are questionable or, if true, don't sufficiently
support the truth of the conclusion, then the argument is
weak or bad.