15. Feminists say that, because a woman has a right over
her own body, then there should be no legal restrictions on
abortion. But a woman doesn’t have a right over her own body
- she can’t sell it for sex, sell a kidney, commit suicide,
take illegal drugs or even take legal drugs without a
prescription from a doctor. So, there could be some
restrictions on abortion, even before the point of the
viability of the fetus.
16. The reason Venezuela's economy failed was that Chavez
borrowed billions on the bet that oil prices would remain
high in order to dole out free goodies to the masses. Then
U.S. production came on line with fracking, the world price
dropped and the Venezuelan economy imploded. Blaming U.S.
foreign policy is a ridiculous theory, since the oil price
both rose and fell, and the Venezuelan economy with it, without
U.S. help. It was the flawed centrally planned economic
system, which operated on simplistic, corrupt and
plutocratic principles, not the market, which impoverished
the people of Venezuela. U.S. sanctions came after
the economy was so bad that there was mass starvation and
food riots, and the police were shooting people in the
streets. U.S. sanctions were a reaction to the human
rights abuses after socialism destroyed their economy,
not an attempt to sabotage it.
17. Death is not an evil. For either death is an endless
sleep or a transition to a better life. If it’s an endless
sleep it’s not an evil (because you have to be conscious to
experience something bad). If it’s a transition to a better
life it’s not an evil. Who wouldn’t enjoy meeting the heroes
of old and finally getting to talk to the gods? So, either
way, death is not an evil.
18. Recently an NBA general manager tweeted in support of
the Hong Kong pro-Democracy protestors. He was forced by the
association to delete the tweet and say he was sorry. NBA
officials and players did the same, apologizing for
offending the repressive communist dictatorship in China,
where they have a huge fan base which could be eliminated at
any moment by the Chi-coms. This is the same NBA who
threatened to boycott North Carolina for passing a law
saying men have to use the men's room and whose owners have
participated in participating in boycotts of Israel, a
liberal Western Democracy where people possess full human
rights. They've gotten behind "woke" causes in America
popular with some of their fans, like police brutality or
banning guns, but when it comes to China suddenly they
"don't get involved in politics?" They're a bunch of
hypocrites who only care about their bottom line. Obviously,
their support for causes is empty PR and virtue signaling of
the worst sort!
19. The Administration's offer of zero salary steps and
zero cost of living increase is an insult to faculty. They
claim they don't have the money, but after they balanced the
budget, they received an increase of $2.5 million in funding
from the State. Enrollment is on a slight uptick, and
they're floating a huge construction bond next year. Their
offer is absurd.
20. Trump cut funding to the Special Olympics! I think the
American people are finally wising up on to how immoral this
president really is. Nancy Pelosi is right to ditch the idea
of impeachment. Let his presidency play out and we’ll
trounce the Republicans in November!
21. I believe love is the answer, but I own firearms just
in case.
22. This moral panic against vaping is ridiculous. When you
think of the millions of people who vape and the very small
number of illnesses, it makes no sense to regulate it. The
people who got sick nearly all admitted to using black
market THC juices, which are cut with vitamin E to save
money, and are already illegal. New regulation will just
drive small, independent producers out of business. Shame on
President Trump for considering such a move, which goes
against his general record of slashing needless regulations.