1-9: Due before Sunday
11:59pm Week 10: Due before Thursday 11:59pm |
of grade |
Monday, April 27 at
9am Closes: Monday, May 4 at 11:59pm |
of grade |
Monday, May 18 at 9am Closes: Tuesday, May 26 at 11:59pm |
20% of grade |
Wednesday, May 27 at
9am Closes: Friday, June 5 at 11:59pm |
of grade |
Monday, June 8 at 9am Closes: Friday, June 12 at 11:59pm |
of grade |
GRADING: There is no curve. At the end of the term, the class will be graded on the following absolute scale, with course totals rounded up to the nearest whole number:
A+ 97% -100% | A 93% - 96% |
A- 90% - 92% |
B+ 87% - 89% | B 83% - 86% | B- 80% - 82% |
C+ 77% - 79% | C 73% - 76% | C- 70% - 72% |
D+ 67% - 69% | D 63% - 66% | D- 60% - 62% |
F 0% - 59% |
are having difficulties with the class, please
see the philosophy tutor as soon as
possible. The tutor's Zoom
office hours are at the top of this syllabus and
linked near the top of the main course page in
Moodle. The tutor can go over your exam with you and
help you to improve your grade on the next one as
well as on the Comprehensive Midterm Exam. If you
have questions about basic concepts or the study
questions, please see the tutor before seeing the
instructor. You can earn extra credit for each tutor
visit of at least half an hour, up to a total of
At Lane Community College, we want every student to
be successful. The Early
Outreach and Referral (EOR) Program is a
campus-wide effort to support students early in the
term when they first begin experiencing difficulty
in a class. If I see you are having difficulty in
this class (ex. missing classes, missing
assignments, and/or receiving low test or assignment
scores) I may refer you to our Early Outreach
Specialist. Once referred, the Early Outreach
Specialist will follow up with you by phone or email
to find out how to best support you by connecting
you with necessary resources and helping you develop
and implement a success plan, which may include
individual tutoring or other services. Please
respond to these messages. Our current specialist,
Mike Walker is really nice, a good listener and has
helped many struggling students to succeed. If he
contacts you, let him help.
ADVANCED QUESTIONS: If you have a particular
issue from the readings, audio podcasts or
PowerPoints which you would like to explore, discuss
or perhaps debate in more depth than is practical in
Moodle messages, please visit me during my zoom
office hours. I am also happy to help clear up any
questions you may still have after seeing the tutor
AND HELP: This is an online course. It
requires you to use (but not necessarily
own) a computer, tablet or smart phone with access
to the internet.
The syllabus, schedule, announcements,
supplementary material and resources,
quizzes, exams and grades are all
distributed via Moodle.
Campus labs are staffed with people who can
help you if you are new to computing devices
or have difficulty using them. Contact the Student
Help Desk (SHeD) or call them at
463-3333 for assistance with all of your
education-related technology questions.
WEEK 1: What is Critical Thinking and Why Is It Important?
Objectivity, Truth and Knowledge. Language and Meaning. The
Problem of Vagueness. The Law of Excluded Middle.
Podcast Quizzes for online students due before Sunday 11:59pm
Weeks 1-9.
WEEK 2: The Problem of Bias. The Ethics of Belief. Arguments,
Premises and Conclusions. Inductive and Deductive Arguments.
Validity and Soundness. Valid and Invalid Arguments. Strong and
Weak Arguments.
WEEK 3: Logical Operators. Basic Valid Arguments. Basic Formal
WEEK 4: The Limits of Formal Logic, Argument by Analogy,
Informal Fallacies
First Midterm Exam on Weeks 1-3 opens Monday 9am
WEEK 5: Informal Fallacies
First Midterm Exam closes Monday 11:59pm
WEEK 6: Thinking Critically About Economics
WEEK 7: Thinking Critically About Science
Second Midterm Exam, on Weeks 4-6 opens Monday 9am
WEEK 8: Thinking Critically About Religion and Ethics
Second Midterm closes Tuesday 11:59pm
Comprehensive Midterm Exam on Weeks 1-6 opens Wednesday 9am
WEEK 9: Thinking Critically About the Academy
Comprehensive Midterm Exam closes Friday 11:59pm
WEEK 10: Thinking Critically About the News Media and Politics
Week Ten Quiz closes early, Thursday 11:59pm
Final Exam closes Friday 11:59pm
Option/Drop Deadline Saturday 11:59pm (change
at http://mylane.lanecc.edu)
Lane Community College (LCC) is dedicated to providing inclusive learning environments. The Center for Accessible Resources (CAR) coordinates all academic accommodations for students at LCC. If you anticipate or experience academic barriers due to a disability, to request assistance or accommodations, contact the Center for Accessible Resources (541) 463-5150 or accessibleresources@lanecc.edu.