Go over your notes from class videos, the readings and take the two
sets of practice questions. There will be 50 questions on the actual
exam. You are allowed a 3x5 card of notes (both sides). To guide
your study, use the review questions below:
What is the scientific method? What are the differences between
science and pseudo-science? Were the theories of the people at the
"Electrical Universe" conference science or pseudo-science? Why? Is
microwaved water harmful to plants? Is this experiment purportedly
done by someone's granddaughter in 2006 evidence that it is? What
did Snopes' attempt to replicate the experiment reveal?
What is modernity? What does the "God of the Gaps" refer to? How are
the religiosity of a society and its economic development generally
related? How religious is America for an economically developed
nation and compared to Western Europe? Why? According to evidence
presented in class, where did the abstract concept of God prevalent
in modern societies come from? What psychological functions does
religion fulfill? According to arguments presented in class videos,
how should this affect the way we treat such beliefs?
What are some ways in which religious texts of major world religions
clash with modernity? What cognitive strategies discussed in the
videos do people of faith use when their own religious texts clash
with modernity or to deny such a conflict even exists? What are some
problems with the view that faith is the way spiritual truths are
discovered whereas reason is the way we discover truths about the
material world? What did John Locke mean when he said, "Whatever God
hath revealed is certainly true: no doubt can be made of it. This is
the proper object of faith: but whether it be a divine revelation or
no, reason must judge"?
How did Lutheran theologian Paul Tillich define God? According to
Episcopal theologian John Dominick Crosson, did God exist in the
Jurassic period? How do “mainline” liberal churches deal with
Biblical teachings about demons, Satan, Hell and miracles? What do
they focus on instead of these beliefs? What is the advantage to
adopting liberal or metaphorical interpretations of religious text
in order to reconcile them with modernity? What can be a problem
with such interpretations?
What is the problem of religious pluralism? What are some
differences between Eastern and Western religions? What does the
phrase “There are many roads to God” mean? According to arguments
presented in class videos, is there any reason to adopt this as an a
priori assumption? According to information presented in class
videos, is it possible to “grade” religions as to their truth value?
If so, how would we do this?
What is Pascal's Wager? How does it attempt to sidestep the question
of sufficient evidence for God's existence? Why does Pascal say
believing in God is a bet you can't lose? Why do we need to bet in
the first place? What are some criticisms of the argument?
What are some problems with cultural relativism? If cultural
relativism is true, what does this imply for the concept of moral
progress? What does evolutionary psychology suggest about morality?
According to class videos and the Rethinking Diversity reading (and
videos in the weekly outline), what is the broad ideological
orientation of institutions of higher education (i.e., the
orientation of administrators and the institutional commitments as
evidenced in official mission statements, core values and college
policies)? What is the ideological orientation of professors who
teach at these institutions? In "Missing Diversity on American
Campuses," what does David Horowitz see as the biggest problem
facing academia? In what way is diversity missing and how does that
interfere with the proper mission of academic institutions? What
does "diversity" mean when used in academic institutions? According
to Peter Schwartz, how is it different from the goal of racial
integration? How does Schwartz argue that the concept of diversity
is actually a racist concept which divides rather than unites
What does the National Association of Scholars say about replacing
classic works of Western literature with works by women and
minorities? What is Whiteness Studies?
According to Jonathan Haidt, how have views about political issues
such as immigration changed in academia? According to Haidt, why
have the attitudes of Republicans flipped from seeing higher
education as an overall benefit to seeing it as negative in the last
two years? What reason do Jonathan Haidt and Frank Bruni suggest for
the new crop of fragile students who require trigger warnings and
won’t tolerate certain ideas?
According to class and other provided videos, when there was no
worldwide workers revolution (due to the success in capitalism
creating prosperity for average workers), how did Marxist
intellectuals respond? What was the Frankfurt School and how has it
affected modern academia? What are cultural Marxism, critical theory
and political correctness, and how are they related to the Frankfurt
School? College professors are well-paid, unionized government
employees with an interest in perpetuating a political system which
makes their jobs possible and keeps them safe; how, if at all,
should this affect how students evaluate statements professors make
about politics or the funding of education, especially when students
themselves also benefit from such funding?
In "Death of the West by A Thousand Cuts," (titled "Threats to
Science, Objectivity, Free Thought and Free Speech on Campus"),
Lebanese Jewish professor Gad Saad discusses threats to the academy.
Where are these threats coming from and what are they? What is
post-modern philosophy?
What evidence does social psychologist Lee Jussim provide that
left-wing bias is destroying the field of social psychology? What
examples does he use? In studying the data on the possible negative
effects of teacher stereotyping on student learning in early
education (described in the Quilette interview), what did Jussim
discover? In the survey of academic social psychologists described
in the article from “The Week,” what percent of respondents admitted
they would be “at least a little bit prejudiced” against a
conservative job candidate?
What definition of government was offered in class videos? How is it
different from culture or civil society? In the traditional view of
the political spectrum, what characterizes the conservative or right
wing side and the liberal, left wing or progressive side of American
According to Stefan Molyneux, what inconsistency do most people have
in their attitudes about "anarchy?" What explains this conflict?