Thinking vs. Feeling
To begin with, critical thinking is a kind of thinking as opposed to
feeling. Thinking has to do with comprehending ideas and concepts,
seeing how they relate to one another and to the world and using
them to understand objective reality. Feeling has to do with
subjective sensations and emotions which may or may not represent
reality. That uneasy feeling you are getting from a stranger coming
toward you late at night on a deserted street may be based on
something real, or it may be based on an irrational fear based on
fragments of old movies you’ve seen or the way the local TV news
leads with crime stories to drive up ratings.
Sometimes, especially in crisis situations, it makes sense to go
with a “gut feeling” but feelings are notoriously unreliable guides
to life. Ask anyone who’s been in a bad relationship. Early on, when
infatuation sets in, she would tell you that she had an idealized
view of her partner, being blind to his faults; otherwise, she never
would have stayed wit him. Later, she felt that she couldn’t live
without him, even though she realized he was bad for her, and even
after he became abusive. This is an all-too common story that
afflicts both men and women when they put their feelings in the
driver’s seat.
Feelings are great. Our desires and preferences tell us what’s
important to us and help us set goals. Deep emotions of compassion
or righteous indignation help motivate us to do the right thing. But
to discover how to obtain our goals or what actually is the right
thing to do in a particular situation, feelings fail us. That’s
because feelings are essentially subjective and relate, at most,
indirectly to the objective world. They are at best indirect and
thus imprecise guides to how life is going and what things might be
harmful or helpful to us. They can also easily be clouded by our own
biases and or cleverly manipulated by others.
Objective vs. Subjective
Critical thinking calls us to be objective, guarding against
subjective biases, prejudices, preferences and wishes, and to
dispassionately weigh the evidence. The goal of critical thinking is
knowledge of the truth. You consider various beliefs or entertain
different ideas over, say, whether God exists or Bitcoin is a good
investment, who to vote for in an upcoming election or whether to go
vegetarian and then you either make a decision or withhold judgement
until you can gather more evidence. Because you have to act in the
world and because windows of opportunity pass with time, you can’t
withhold judgement on all things until you have perfect information.
Apart from the basic self-evident rules of logic, you’ll never have
complete certainty about anything anyway, so eventually you make a
judgement. What are you doing when you make such decisions? You are
giving your assent to a belief. You accept it as true. You are
saying to yourself, “The world is such and such a way.” Note that
beliefs are not about you or your feelings; they refer to objective
reality. If you make a mistake and reality is otherwise, your belief
is false. You probably won’t know that it’s false. Despite complex
psychological mechanisms of self-deception and rationalization, most
of the time people don’t intentionally form false beliefs. But if it
is at variance with reality, then it is still false, no matter how
strongly you may believe it and no matter how convincing your
reasons for believing it are.
Small children have trouble distinguishing fantasy from reality.
They think that their subjective perceptions and beliefs can affect
objective reality. A cat will stick its head in a box and because it
can’t see you, thinks you can’t see it. Play peek-a-boo with a
child. Cover its eyes and the whole world disappears. Uncover them
again and it appears, like magic. Some adults in mental institutions
are under the delusion that the world is a manifestation of their
mind and complete masters of reality. Neurotic people who are more
functional have the expectation that things will always go their way
and are frustrated and surprised when they find it doesn’t. Many
people with psychological difficulties have suffered trauma and then
developed coping mechanisms of denying reality, of lying to
themselves or others. A well-adjusted, rational human being adjusted
his beliefs in accordance with reality and doesn’t expect reality to
adjust itself to her beliefs.
Why is Bias Bad?
We are all affected by bias of various kinds. Why is bias bad?
Because it gets in the way of having an objective assessment of the
evidence and thus the truth about reality. You are predisposed to
accept some beliefs and reject others based on your upbringing,
culture and personality. But all these thing are accidents of brith.
Why should it be that you had the good fortune to be born with the
world’s most reliable parents and teachers, who infused you with the
best beliefs of a best culture on the earth? Why should it be that
your religion, your political beliefs, your beliefs about society
and human nature and science should happen to be the true ones and
all contrary beliefs false? That’s an irrational assumption, though
one that we are predisposed to make because of the way learning and
socialization work. Critical thinking tries to make us aware of
these biases and attempt to step outside of the narrow confines of
our existing assumptions and examine them to see whether they are
true. Socrates, the father of philosophy, said, “The unexamined life
is not worth living.” He devoted his life to critical examination of
his own beliefs and those of his fellow citizens. If we are to be
rational, self-respecting human beings and want to have successful
lives based on an accurate understanding of the world, we need to
devote at least some portion of our lives to honing our critical
thinking skills.
Systematic vs. Compartmentalized
Critical Thinking is also systematic. An important skill in critical
thinking is the ability to ferret out inconsistencies in our own
beliefs or those of others. A contradiction can’t be true, so when
we hold mutually exclusive beliefs, one of them should go. Typically
such beliefs aren’t as obviously inconsistent as A and not-A, and it
takes someone else to bring them to our attention. For example, a
political conservative might value the U.S. Constitution and take it
seriously. He may rail against Federal overreach in areas never
intended by its authors, and point out to you that if you say the
Constitution means whatever an activist judge says it means, that it
is a blank check for government to do whatever it wants and run
roughshod over our personal liberties. Words mean thing things, and
the words of the Constitution have a meaning, interpreted in
historical context and the rules of the English language, and it
places limits on what the Federal Government may do. The Tenth
Amendment, regarded by the architect of the Constitution, James
Madison, as superfluous, says, “The powers not delegated to the
United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the
States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
This means that the Federal Government has no powers except
those 18 enumerated powers granted it by the Constitution. A
conservative may quote this in railing against government healthcare
or the federalization of education.
But what about the war on drugs? Bring that up, and the conservative
may suddenly change his tune. We can’t have a nation of addicts.
Drug use imposes huge social costs in terms of increased child
neglect, domestic violence, juvenile delinquency, crime, impaired
driving, lower worker productivity, unemployed and homeless drug
addicts who become a burden the State, etc. He starts to sound like
a liberal, and the Constitution goes out the window. Point out that
the Constitution was actually amended twice - once to prohibit the
manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors and a
second time to repeal that prohibition - and that no such amendment
was ever ratified for illegal drugs, and the problem of federal drug
laws to the Constitutional conservative become obvious. The strange
thing that the conservative probably holds all of these beliefs
already, but never made the connection between them. They are
"compartmentalized" in his belief system.
Sometimes it may take new evidence, or it may take the emphasis of
certain kinds of evidence to bring out these hidden inconsistencies.
You may think about yourself as someone who cares about animal
welfare and the environment and would never participate in a system
which depended on the suffering of animals and environmental
destruction, but if you eat meat and consume dairy and eggs produced
on factory farms in the United States, you’re doing just that. You
may have heard about the horror of factory farms, but you may have
written it off as the ravings of fanatics or joked about PETA
standing for “People Eating Tasty Animals.” You probably haven’t
done any investigation to see how bad it really is. Maybe you don’t
want to know, because meat is so delicious and the thought of giving
it up seems unthinkable. Maybe you’d feel like a hypocrite
pontificating about Michael Vick’s dog fighting ring after thinking
too deeply about how that animal got on your plate. What hidden
contradictions might you have in your beliefs?
Critical Thinking is Skeptical
Finally, critical thinking is skeptical as opposed to credulous. To
think critically is, as W.K. Clifford puts it, “to guard the purity
of your beliefs, with a very fanaticism of jealous care, lest at any
time it should rest on an unworthy object, and catch a stain which
can never be wiped away.” In order to have true beliefs and avoid
having them mixed with a sea of falsehoods, you need to learn to ask
questions and not be satisfied with the answers unless they are
supported by sufficient evidence. Clifford argues that you have a
duty not only to yourself and your own self-respect, but to
humanity, to only accept beliefs which can be rationally justified.
To do otherwise is to be a plague on humanity, like Typhoid Mary,
serving up a soup of beliefs infected by superstition,
pseudo-science, conspiracy theories and baseless rumors, which could
some day prove deadly to the hearers. Take Steve Jobs, founder and
CEO of Apple computer, a high-tech pioneer who eschewed modern,
scientific medical treatment of his cancer in favor of Buddhist
spirituality and a macrobiotic diet until it was too late. Jobs’
case is also a good illustration of the hidden contradictions we may
have in our belief systems. Here we have a man who believed in
science and knew what technology could do but fell under the spell
of superstition when his fate hung in the balance - and paid for it
with his life.
What Critical Thinking Is Not
While empathy is to be encouraged and often lead to more productive
conversations (i.e. conversations where each party learns), it deals
primarily with emotions, not rational thought. Similarly, while
civility is virtuous and helps foster more rational, less emotional
exchanges, it is a catalyst to critical thinking rather than part of
critical thinking itself.
Rhetoric, which is the effective use of persuasive language, is also
not a part of critical thinking. Rhetoric plays on emotions and
often even relies on logical fallacies in order to convince the
target audience. So, while rhetoric can make a logically good
argument more convincing, it can also make a logically bad argument
more plausible.
Critical Thinking and Philosophy
What relationship does critical thinking have to philosophy?
Critical thinking is a method. Philosophy is a method, but also a
subject matter and a body of theoretical knowledge with a rich
history. Philosophy is turning critical thinking to the big
questions in life involving knowledge, reality and moral value.
Critical thinking has much wider and more particular and practical
implications. Thinking critically about a conspiracy theory or
alternative health claim wouldn’t generally be thought as
“philosophical.” Philosophy has a broad scope and deals with “meta”
or “big picture” issues above the fray of sorting out the particular
facts of the world. To be properly philosophical means both to use
the philosophical method and to use it in considering certain
subjects, or to consider them in broad terms. To ask “What is
gender?” or “Is gender a consequence of biological sex or something
distinct from it?" is philosophical. To properly analyze a study
showing differences in brain function between men and women and
correlations of them with masculine or feminine traits would require
critical thinking. So, while all philosophy is critical thinking,
not all critical thinking is philosophy.