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PHL 221 - Winter 2018
Online (CRN 33517)
Honors (CRN 33822)
Prof. Borrowdale

Please use Moodle messaging to contact me. I will do my best to reply within 24 hours, excluding Saturdays and holidays.
You may receive an email copy of Moodle messages in your email. Please don't reply to those directly; log into Moodle and reply there.
I check email sporadically, so replying directly to email copies of Moodle messages will result in a delayed response to your question.

Office Hours
Tuesday & Thursday 3-4pm in CEN 410J
(and by appointment)

IMPORTANT STUFF: There is a quiz on the syllabus due Thursday 3PM. Please take it right away. If you take it before the deadline, I'll add two percentage points to your First Midterm Exam. If you don't take the Syllabus Quiz by the deadline, you may be dropped from the course for non-participation.

If you decide this class is not for you, please drop right away on MyLane, as there is no guarantee you will be dropped for non-participation and there are other students waiting to get in. If you don't drop by 11:59pm Sunday, you will be charged for the class. Also, after Sunday the class will be recorded on your transcript, and even if you drop it will be listed with a"W" (withdrawn) next to it. The last day to drop or change your grading option to pass/no pass is always Friday of the 8th week, which this term is March 2, 5pm.

MORE IMPORTANT STUFF: This course requires testing at an LCC campus lab or with approved proctor. You cannot take exams at home. If you live outside the greater Eugene area and can't make it to the Instructional Testing Center, Cottage Grove Center or Florence Center, you will have to arrange a proctor. Tests are multiple choice and true false and should take you less than an hour.

There is no text to buy. We will be using OERs posted to Moodle.


FORUM POSTS (Students enrolled in regular online section only)
Due before Sunday 11:55pm each week 10% of grade
CRITICAL ESSAY (Students enrolled in Honors section only)
Due Friday, March 9, before 11:59pm
10% of grade
FIRST MIDTERM EXAM Begins: Thursday, January 25 at 9am
Ends: Thursday, February 1 at 7pm
30% of grade
Begins: Thursday, February 15 at 9am
Ends: Tuesday, February 27 at 7pm
30% of grade
FINAL EXAM Begins: Thursday, March 15 at 9am
Ends: Thursday, March 22 at 5pm
30% of grade

This course is aimed at developing practical reasoning skills. Students will learn to analyze and evaluate arguments, detect fallacies, distinguish science from pseudo-science, recognize media bias, and better understand methods of deception employed by advertisers, political organizations and others. A central goal of this course is to develop an attitude of fair-mindedness and intellectual honesty while learning to avoid the pitfalls of defensiveness and rationalization.

: The objectives are this course are for students to (1) be able to identify, analyze and evaluate arguments, including being able to detect hidden assumptions and recognize implied conclusions (2) be able to identify various kinds of valid and strong arguments and to distinguish them from formal and informal fallacies (3) develop an awareness of various kinds of psychological bias that can cloud clear thinking and to develop effective strategies for overcoming it (4) develop an awareness of social, cultural and institutional bias and to develop strategies for correcting for its influence (5) be able to guard against non-rational means of persuasion such as slick sales techniques, rhetoric and propaganda (6) be able to apply critical thinking skills in different contexts, e.g. advertising, science, religion, ethics, politics (7) understand and appreciate the value of rationality and objectivity.

COMPUTER USE: This course requires you to use (but not necessarily own) a computer. Testing, distribution and archiving of notes and handouts and reporting and calculation of grades are all done via Moodle. Campus labs are staffed with people who can help you if you are new to computers or have difficulty using them. Visit the Student Help Desk (SHeD) website at, call them at 463-3333 or visit them in the Center 221B (in the Library). Campus computer labs and hours may be found at Please make sure your current email address is in your myLane account and Moodle profile.

EXAMS: You will have a window of several days during which you must take each exam in Instructional Testing Services in the  in CEN 311 on the Main Campus or at the Cottage Grove Center or with an approved proctor. Exams cannot be taken at home. You will need a photo I.D. and to know your L Number and myLane PIN to log into the test. The exam format will be multiple choice and true/false questions. During the exam you may use a 3 x 5 card note card (both sides) or a piece of paper measured with a ruler and cut to the same size. The final will not be comprehensive. Opening and closing times of exams are in the syllabus and may also be seen by clicking on the exam name in the main course view or consulting your Moodle Calendar. Hours for Instructional Testing Services are posted at You must arrive one hour before closing. See for details on proctoring if you are taking the course from out of the greater Eugene area. If you need help locating a proctor, try The National College Testing Association at A per test fee is usually required, though fees will vary by institution. Note: LCC Testing labs will be closed Monday, January 15 (Martin Luther King Day) and Monday, February 19th (Presidents' Day).

EXTRA CREDIT EXAM: There is an optional Extra Credit Exam, based on the material from the First and Second Midterm Exams. It opens Monday of Week 8 and closes Friday of Week 10. It will replace your First or Second Midterm Exam score, whichever is lower. If you score lower than either midterm, it will have no effect. The Extra Credit Exam cannot be used to replace a missing exam. If you miss one of the midterms, you will receive a zero on that exam and the Extra Credit Exam will have no effect.

MAKE-UP EXAM POLICY: Since you will have at least a week to take each miderm exam, you will be expected to meet the deadline. You may contact me before the deadline via Moodle messaging (not email) or in person to request an extension without penalty. If you miss the Final Exam due to some unforeseen circumstance, send me a Moodle message ASAP to discuss options.
PENALTIES FOR CHEATING: Students caught cheating will be given an F in the course (not just on the exam). Security measures in the lab are excellent, with mirrors, cameras and watchful staff who send immediate reports of incidents directly to me.

FORUM POSTS: The purpose of the forum assignment is to allow you the opportunity to interpret, evaluate and apply what you have learned, and to discuss the merits and implications of class concepts with your classmates. At the beginning of each week, a new forum will be open for posting. To receive credit, you must make one post (or reply) which substantially addresses a class topic.  Postings will be graded on a credit/no-credit basis and are due before Sunday 11:55pm at the end of each week. Late posts will not receive credit. An extra credit forum will be available in Week Ten to make up for one missed post. Students are also expected to read every post.

HONORS ESSAYS: Instead of posting to the weekly forum, honors students must write a critical essay between 1250 and 1500 words in length. A rough draft should be submitted by Friday of Week 6. The final version is due Friday midnight of Week 9.

GRADING: At the end of the term, the class will be graded on the following absolute scale. Any extra credit work (with the exception of the Extra Credit Exam) does not count towards the A+.

A+ 97% -100% A  93% - 96% 
A-  90% - 92%
B+  87% - 89% B  83% - 86% B-  80% - 82%
C+  77% - 79% C  73% - 76% C-  70% - 72%
D+  67% - 69% D  63% - 66% D-  60% - 62%
  F 0% - 59%  

AVAILABILITY OF THE INSTRUCTOR: I am available by Moodle messaging or in-person office visits. We can also set up an appointment to talk on the phone or via a conferencing app like Skype. If you are having difficulties with the class, please contact me as soon as possible; I am here to help. If you performed poorly on your first exam, please come by office hours or make an appointment to see me to see what we can do to improve your next exam score and the Extra Credit Exam, which will replace your lowest midterm score. I am also available to discuss any issue in the class which has piqued your intellectual curiosity, or which you find interesting or important, outside of the realm of assignments and testing.

CLUB, CREDIT AND WORK STUDY OPPORTUNITIES: I am the faculty advisor for Young Americans for Liberty, a locally controlled, independent student club dedicated to individual rights, personal responsibility, limited government and the principles of reason, freedom, tolerance and compassion. The club currently meets Tuesdays 12-1 in Building 1, Room 212, though is open to moving the time or adding a second meeting to accommodate schedules. For more information, check out YAL on OrgSync and click the Join button to be updated on club activities. You can also check out YAL at LCC on Facebook . If you're interested in doing an internship through Cooperative Education (Political Science) to earn 2 or 3 credits helping out with the club, send me a Moodle message. Also, if you have Federal Work Study, I could use a new Philosophy Assistant to help with some research and clerical work.


Note: I may add some material on advertising, risk/reward analysis and science in the later weeks.

WEEK 1: What is Critical Thinking and Why Is It Important? Objectivity, Truth and Knowledge. Language and Meaning. The Problem of Vagueness. The Law of Excluded Middle.

WEEK 2: The Problem of Bias. The Ethics of Belief. Arguments, Premises and Conclusions. Inductive and Deductive Arguments. Validity and Soundness. Valid and Invalid Arguments. Strong and Weak Arguments.

WEEK 3: Logical Operators. Basic Valid Arguments. Basic Formal Fallacies
First Midterm opens Thursday 9a, (taken in Instructional Testing Services, or with approved proctor)

WEEK 4: The Limits of Formal Logic, Argument by Analogy, Informal Fallacies
First Midterm closes Thursday 7pm

WEEK 5 More Informal Fallacies

WEEK 6: Even More Informal Fallacies, Review
Second Midterm opens Thursday 9am

WEEK 7: Thinking Critically About Religion
Second Midterm Exam moved to Monday due to the Presidents Day holiday

WEEK 8 Thinking Critically About Ethics
Second Midterm Exam closes Tuesday 7pm
Extra Credit Exam opens Monday 9am

WEEK 9 Thinking Critically About the Academy

WEEK 10 Thinking Critically About the News and Politics, Everyday Life
Final Exam opens Thursday 9am
Extra Credit Exam closes Friday 5pm

Take Final Exam in the Computer Testing Lab by Thursday 5pm