form of communication. Please
use this method for any time-senstive issues. To
send me a message, click on my name anywhere in Moodle and
click the Send message
button at the bottom of my profile. If you click the Add Contact button in
the messages tab, you can easily send me messages by
clicking the word Messages
in the Message
block in the upper left of the main course page. When I
respond, you will see an indicator in the Messages block. To
use Moodle messaging, make sure your web browser's pop-up
blocker is off or is set to allow The Student
Help Desk (SHeD) can help you with this. If you
leave the Messages
pop-up window open, it will automatically check for new
messages every minute; otherwise, you will only see new
messages when you click on something in the course or log
in to the course again. You can also set your profile to
receive email notifications of new Moodle messages, which
is recommended if you do not log in to Moodle every day.
You will get the most rapid response using this method of
communication. You will receive a response within 24 hrs
or less between the first day of classes and the day the
Final Exam closes. |
Second preferred form of contact, after Moodle instant
messaging, described above; please use descriptive subject lines
(e.g. "Extension request for Second Midterm Exam") and
include your class (e.g.
REL 203, or "Mideast" and whether classroom or
cable/online) and full name in your email. Note
that emails with no subject or subject lines like "Test"
"Hey" or "Hi there!" will probably be filtered out by the
Digitar spam filter and may never be read. Use Moodle messaging for all
time-senstive issues. |
PHONE | 463-5434. Least preferred form of contact. On voicemail messages please give your name and call-back number clearly and slowly so I can write them down correctly. Phone messages are answered last, after I've answered all incoming Moodle instant messages and email and are generally not checked evenings, weekends, or holidays. |
OFFICE | CEN 410 J (Enter Hallway B, next to the interior North stairs, across from the restrooms) |
OFFICE HOURS | MW 11-12, Tu 3-4, Th 10-11 in CEN 410J; F 11-12 Moodle IM only or by appointment |
SUBJECT MATTER | This is a course in three dominant religious traditions originating in the Middle East: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Our focus will be on the early historical development of these traditions and their sacred texts, essential beliefs, basic practices and major sects. As time permits, we will discuss ways in which these religions affect (or are affected by) contemporary culture, geopolitics and daily life. |
TEXT | Borrowdale, Religions of the Middle East: An Anthology of Sacred Texts from Judaism, Christianity and Islam, 6th Edition (available at the LCC Titan Bookstore) |
Due Sunday, November 23
before 11:55pm (End of Week 8) |
10% of grade |
Judaism) |
Opens: Thursday,
October 23 at 3pm Closes: Thursday, October 30 at 7pm |
30% of grade |
(Christianity) |
Opens: Thursday, November 13
at 3pm Closes: Thursday November 20 at 7pm |
30% of grade |
FINAL EXAM (Islam) |
Thursday, December 4 at 3pm Closes: THURSDAY, December 11 at 5pm |
30% of grade |
GRADING: At the end of the term, the
class will be graded on the following absolute scale. Extra credit work does not count towards the
A+ 97% -100% | A 93% - 96% |
A- 90% - 92% |
B+ 87% - 89% | B 83% - 86% | B- 80% - 82% |
C+ 77% - 79% | C 73% - 76% | C- 70% - 72% |
D+ 67% - 69% | D 63% - 66% | D- 60% - 62% |
F 0% - 59% |
OF THE INSTRUCTOR: I am available by Moodle
messaging, email, phone, or in-person office visits. If
you are having difficulties with the class, please
contact me as soon as possible; I am here to
help. If you performed poorly on your first exam, please
come by office hours or make an appointment to see me to
see what we can do to improve your next exam score. I am
also available to discuss any issue in the class which has
piqued your intellectual curiosity, or which you find
interesting or important, outside of the realm of
assignments and testing.
you need support or assistance because of a disability,
you may be eligible for academic accommodations through
Disability Service. For more information see Lane's On-Line
Resource Page for students with disabilities
WEEK 1: Introduction, Judaism
Tuesday: The
Methodology of Religious Studies, Hermeneutics, Eastern vs.
Western Religion, Textual Criticism, Textual Purity and the
Historical Reliability of the Bible
Conservative, Liberal and Secular Interpretations of Religion,
Introduction to Judaism, The Tetragrammaton
WEEK 2: Judaism
Tuesday: Creation and
Fall, Noah and the Flood, The Tower of Babel, The Patriarchs
Thursday: The Exodus,
The Invasion of Canaan
WEEK 3: Judaism
Tuesday: The Invasion
of Canaan, Judges
Thursday: The United
Monarchy, Divided Kingdom, Successive Conquest, The Messiah, the
Afterlife etc.
WEEK 4: Judaism
Tuesday: The
Babylonian Captivity, Job, Satan, Diaspora, Restoration,
Thursday: Talmudic
and Modern Judaism, Review for First Midterm Exam on Part I
WEEK 5: Christianity
Christianity: Historical Background, The Quest for the
Historical Jesus, Jesus' Life and Ministry, The New Testament,
Parables (Mark)
Thursday: The Law,
Wealth, Oaths, Grudges, Hypocrisy, Pacifism, Prayer, Worry,
Hell, The Messianic Secret, The Kingdom of God, Jesus' Second
Coming, The Delayed Parousia
WEEK 6: Christianity
Tuesday: Jesus'
Trial, Execution and Resurrection (Mark), John vs. the
Synoptics, The Incarnation, Being "Born Again", The Trinity, The
Thursday: Pentecost,
Jewish Sect to Gentile Religion, Christians and the Law (Acts)
WEEK 7: Christianity
Tuesday: Gnosticism,
Calvinism/Arminianism, Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant,
Christian Denominations
Thursday: Liberals,
Fundamentalists and Evangelicals, Modern Issues in Christianity,
Review for Second Midterm on Part II (Christianity)
WEEK 8: Islam - Introduction, The Life of Muhammad, Muhammad and
Jesus, The Qur'an
WEEK 9: Islam - Islamic Expansion, Sunni & Shia, The Qur'an,
The Five Pillars, Sufi Islam
WEEK 10: Islam - Islam and Modernity, Islam and Terrorism,
Review for Final Exam on Part III (Islam)