The Exam will cover all of the material on
Christianity (Part II. of the
text). It must be taken in the Social Science
Testing Lab in CEN 456 or the Cottage Grove Center between the dates listed in the syllabus
and the Moodle weekly outline.
You must have a picture ID, know your L number and pin, and arrive at
least one hour before the
lab closes.
A 3 x 5 card of notes (both sides) is allowed for the exam. You'll also need a copy of your schedule, but you can print one out at the lab, if necessary, with your L number and pin. For more details on testing see the syllabus. To prepare for the exam, focus your study on your class notes, discussion questions from the reading and the questions below. During the testing time class will proceed as normal with new material. Consider testing time to be part of the 2-3 hours of outside work expected of you for every hour of class time.
What is a parable? Why did Jesus teach in
parables? What did the
instructor mean when he said that the Parable of the Sower is a
"parable about parables?" What is the
"messianic secret"? What do some modern, liberal scholars believe it
According to the instructor, what is a more plausible explanation,
found in the text itself? What do the gospels mean when they call Jesus
the Son of God?
What is Jesus' view of the Jewish law?
What does he have to say
about material wealth? What does the term parousi refer to?
According to the
instructor, when did Jesus promise to return and what did his First
Century followers believe about
the timing of his Second Coming? What things did Jesus say would
precede his coming "in the clouds with great glory" in Mark
13? What is the parable of the fig tree and what is its meaning? How
does 2 Peter 3:3-10
attempt to deal with ridicule the early church faced about the delayed
parousia? What effect did the
delayed parousia have on the
Church, as seen in the Gospel of John, one of the lastest books of the
New Testament? What do most Christians believe today about the Second
Why do references to Jesus' brothers and
sisters create a problem
for Catholicism? How do they respond to this problem?
What language did Jesus speak? Approximately when was the New
Testament written, and by whom?
What language was
it written in? Why are three gospels called the "synoptic gospels" and
which are they? What is Gnosticism, and what are its main teachings?
What are the reasons most scholars don't accept Thomas and other
gnostic gospels as an authentic tradition of Jesus' teachings?
What is "Communion?"
Which Jewish festival does it
invest with new meaning, and what is that new meaning? In Judaism,
Pentecost is the Greek name of a religious festival--what is Pentecost
in Christianity?
What miracle did God perform at Pentecost and how did it help spread
What three good
purposes does Paul believe the law served? In what sense did he regard
the law as a curse as well as a blessing? How does one attain salvation
in Christianity? Salvation from what?
What role, if any, did baptism play in the first century church? Was a
Sabbath observed? What was the importance of Mary in the early Church?
What are the main teachings of Christianity as found in the
Apostolic and Nicene Creeds? What
are the three
main branches of Christianity and how do they differ? What do
all have in common? What are Calvinism and
Arminianism? Which does the Catholic Church subscribe to? What is
the "rapture?" According to the instructor, is
it taught in the New Testament?