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Here is a list of the terms and definitions on each card.

Card 1:
Term: Chronic Bronchitis
Definition: Obstructive; Tobacco smoking and productive coughing
Card 2:
Term: Asthma
Definition: Obstructive; Wheezing, cough, dyspnea; can be triggered by environment
Card 3:
Term: Emphysema
Definition: Obstructive; Tobacco smoking and dyspnea
Card 4:
Term: Asbestosis
Definition: Restrictive disease classified by long term exposure to asbestos
Card 5:
Term: ARDS
Definition: Restrictive; Characterized by bilateral inflitrates and measureable decreased lung capacity and arterial oxygen
Card 6:
Term: IRDS
Definition: Restrictive; Characterized by a lack of surfactant production in infants
Card 7:
Term: Common Cold
Definition: Upper respiratory infection, also known as rhinovirus
Card 8:
Term: Pneumonia
Definition: Bacterial or Viral Lung Infection
Card 9:
Term: Empyema
Definition: Pleural Disease; Collection of pus in the pleural cavity
Card 10:
Term: Pulmonary Embolus
Definition: Pulmonary Vascular Disease; Blood clot lodged in the lungs
Card 11:
Term: Tension Pneumothorax
Definition: Pleural Disease; Decreased or absent breath sounds, tachycardia, hypoxia, cyanosis; relieved with placement of chest tube

Flash card of pulmonary diseases and definitions

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