CIS 101 - Lab 10 - Basic Web Page


Lab Exercise 10 - Making a very very simple web site.

Purpose:  to introduce students to web topics like HTML, CSS, and browser differences. To assure that the student is familiar with a basic web page formatting, links, and pictures.

At this point you should be able to complete a lab with more general instructions instead of the minute step-by-step instructions at the beginning of the text's chapters. An outline of the lab is provided here. Much of this lab will be done in class or via questions on the class message board/forum.

The example files are .PDF and require Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you don't have it, you will need to download and install it from Adobe.

Note: Essentially you will be copying the code/html that is in the PDF files. (This is a case of doing the task before understanding it, so please be patient. We can't cover all of HTML in CIS101, but we can expose you to it.) You can check your work by viewing the file in your browser.

Getting started (suggestions):

  1. Get your tools together.
  2. Download and uncompress it. Put/keep all the uncompressed files in the same folder called lab10. There are 7 files in the and there will be 7 files in the folder:
  3. Open the 4 sample files in Acrobat.
  4. Use Notepad++ to type/copy the code for the 2 documents (cis101_lab9sample1.html first and then cis101_lab9sample2.html) and save them into the Lab folder. You will be copying these 2 html files exactly from the pdf examples.
  5. Ask instructor if you get stuck. Make sure you bring your files to class. (If you are online post to the message board.)
  6. Remember, in this lab understanding may FOLLOW doing. Be patient with yourself.

Tips for Lab:

Upload your finished html files to Moodle.

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