General Goals of Exercise

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Active Vs. Passive Exercise

Active - Patient assists or performs independently using voluntary muscle contraction

Passive - Therapist or helper provides 100% effort to move the joint. Patient is unable or not permitted to actively use their muscles.

Post-surgical repair, pain, paralysis, paresis, or other medical precautions may allow a pa teint to engage in PROM-only exercise.

Considerations for Selecting Exercise


hip abduction

Take a look at the image above. Notice the patient is participating in hip abduction passive range of motion. The therapist is providing stability to the knee to prevent it from moving and to maintain stable hip motion in the frontal plane. The therapist is providing support at the heel to help control the weight of the left leg during the passive range of motion activity.

Cardinal Planes of Motion

Three planes of motion, using anatomical position as the beginning reference point.

Review the embedded video (approximately 2 minutes) to reinforce your understanding of cardinal planes of motion

Note: the diagonal patterns described in the text and video are covered in PTA 132L/133L


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Types of Exercise for ROM

sidelying hip abduction

AAROM R knee