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What are the strengths and weaknesses of Shaheeda's argument?


The strengths of Shaheeda's position include her positive attitude to research as potential source of useful ideas. She is clearly willing to try new things out in practice and is open to new techniques and models. Her commitment to making a difference in practice is evident as is the sense of purpose and meaning she derives from her work with patients. She wants to test the value of research by testing its capacity to solve practice problems.

The potential limitation of Shaheeda's view is the way she sees it as useful only to solve problems she has already identified. She is perhaps not so open to finding new questions to address and perspectives on her work. She seems to see research as useful only to provide answers to pre-existing problems encountered in her own practice. Her practice itself is less open to question. Her attitude to research is rather passive and dependent as she wishes to be told the answers rather than develop her own capacity to ask new questions.

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