Procedures and Equipment

PTA 103 cuff.jpg


Reading Assignment

Chapter 25 in Cameron and Monroe, pages 348-352 on BP.
This section is a review of BP content from PTA 101. Basic vital sign information can be cross referenced in Week 1. Be sure you make special note of Table 22-3. Focus your studying on recognizing risk factors and BP values which may result in cessation of activity. 

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A drop of 15 mm Hg systolic is considered orhtostatic hypotension


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What is a common range for a geriatric blood pressure?


Applying Principles of De conditioning to Cardiac Conditions

Go back through your notes from Cameron and Monroe, pages 359-360, 361-362, and 363-366 (stopping at case study) 23-1. Again, the emphasis will be on reinforcing strategies for assessing exercise tolerance and safe exercise progressions. The Borg RPE scale is a reliable measurement for patients with cardiac conditions (Box 23-1).


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What would a 4 mean on the perceived breathlessness scale?


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Stroke volume drops about 12% during the first 30 days of bed rest



Cardiac Telemetry

This is one option for patients to monitor energy expenditure and conservation.

to watch and for a brief explanation on video



Here is the You Tube address if you are having trouble opening the video