Hand Function Review


  • Extrinsic and intrinsic muscles coordinate for optimal hand function

    • wrist provides a stable base for the hand; distal carpal row (hamate, capitate, trapezoid, and trapezium) is the stabilizing segment
    • as wrist position changes, functional length of finger musculature changes
    • intrinsic muscles (within the hand) are interossei (from MCP to PIP-DIP on same digit) and lumbricals (originate from flexor digitorum profundus - insert on extensor expansion/hood)
    • intrinsic muscle function is essential for fine motor control and a pinch grip
    • At Home Study Guide
  • Major functions include
    • manipulation of objects
    • fine motor control
    • grip (prehension: power and precision)
    • Grips.jpg
    • 15 degrees of wrist extension is ideal for functional grasp
    • sensory
    • defense
  • Length-tension relationships between opposing muscles, and joint and ligamentous stability determine effectiveness and efficiency in the hand
  • Resting position of the hand facilitates preservation of length tension relationships during periods of immobility or neurological recovery

Resting Hand Position.jpg


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