Introduction Internatiional Economics (Econ 204)
Phil Martinez - Fall 2006
DUE: Thursday, November 13, 2008

Exam I – Introduction and International Development
(100 Points)

Instructions:  This is a take home exam, therefore, please take your time to provide clear, thoughtful answers.  Remember, the goal of this assignment is for you to illustrate to me that you’ve covered the required material, that you understand it, and that you’ve thought about it enough to provide concise, thoughtful answers.

PLAGIARISM: All answers must be your own words reflecting your own understanding and knowledge of the material. All reprinted statements must be fully cited to the original author. Students may not copy statements, data, or any other information from any source, including internet websites.

Section I:    Definitions    (15 Points)
Define each of the terms below in one paragraph or less.

Economic Integration
Economic Liberalization

Section II: Concepts    (30 Points)
Explain each of the following concepts in approximately a half to a full page.

1. What are the relative strengths and weaknesses of both per capita GDP and the HDI as measures of development? (10 points)

2. Explain the difference between economic growth and economic development. (10 points)

3. Briefly explain the goals or objectives of economic development. (10 points)

Section III:    Theory (55 Points)
Answer all of the questions below.

1. Summarize and explain the Dependency theory of development. (15 points, approx. 2 pages)

2. Explain Neoclassical Development theory. (15 points, approx. 2 pages)

3. Compare the development experiences of the United States, Japan, and Mexico. (25 points, approx. 3 pages)