Econ 204 - Introduction to


Phil Martinez - Fall 2009

Exam 3 – International Institutions
(90 Points)

DUE: WED.  Dec. 9, 2009

Instructions:  This is a take home exam, therefore, please take your time to provide clear, thoughtful answers.  Remember, the goal of this assignment is for you to illustrate to me that you’ve covered the required material, that you understand it, and that you’ve thought about it enough to provide concise, thoughtful answers.

PLAGIARISM: All answers must be your own words reflecting your own understanding and knowledge of the material. All reprinted statements must be fully cited to the original author. Students may not copy statements, data, or any other information from any source, including internet websites.

Globalization and Its Discontents (30 Points - no more than 3 pages)

1) According to Stiglitz in Chapter 1, The Promise of Globalization of Globailization and Its Discontents what policy errors did the major international institutions (IMF, IBRD, and the WTO) impose on developing countries? How do these polices compare to the policy recommendations of the Washington Consensus as presented at the beginning of the course?

Making Trade Fair (30 Points - no more than 3 pages)

2) According to Stiglitz in Chapter 3, Making Trade Fair, from Making Globalization Work : Explan at least 5 reforms Stiglitz says should be implemented to make trade fair (both pro-poor and pro-development)?

Democratizing Globalization (30 Points - no more than 3 pages)

3) What is the "democratic deficit" according to Stiglitz in Chapter 10, Making Trade Fair, from Making Globalization Work. What reforms does Stiglitz propose in order to promote democratize  the international institutions? (Stiglitz presents a total of 10, you need to only summarize 5.)