Economics Reading Room

A. Smith, T. Malthus, D. Ricardo, K. Marx, J.S. Mill, Jr.


Lane Community College Sites
Econ Home Page

 LCC Home Page

LCC Library


 General Economics Resource Sites

Graphing Page
Methodology and History of Economic Thought
Welcome to the Electronic Policy Network
WebEc - WWW Resources in Economics
WebEc - WWW Resources in Economics - Index

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Redefining Progress
Economic Policy Institute
Resources For Economists

An Economic Information and Analysis Web Site: The Dismal Scientist

Statistical Resources on the Web/Economics
The Social and Economic Development Reference Room
Additional Resources for Educators and Others
The Economist

The Official Paul Krugman Web Page

Wealth and Income Gaps

Responsible Wealth
United for a Fair Economy
The spiral of inequality
Divided Decade Report
How the Pie is Sliced: America's Growing Concentration of Wealth
Economic Policy Institute
Tax Reform Comparison Chart

Introduction to Economics (Econ 200)

If the GDP is Up, Why is America Down?
What is the Genuine Progress Indicator?
Genuine Progress Indicator Homepage - Redefining Progress

Consumer Price Indexes Home Page

What Is The Consumer Price Index?
Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W): Selected areas

  <>Introduction to MicroEconomics (Econ 201)

< style="font-family: stone sans os itc tt-semi;">U.S. v. Microsoft: Court's Findings of Fact
Microsoft Antitrust -Transcript of Which Remedies?

What Are We Learning from the Microsoft Case?
The Betrayal of Adam Smith
The Capitalist Threat
Index of Articles Related to The Capitalist Threat


Introduction to MacroEconomics (Econ 202)

The Federal Budget and National Debt
What is the Genuine Progress Indicator?

Introduction to International Economics (Econ 204)

International Economic Development

Academic and Research Sites

International Trade: Statistics & Government Sites

The World Trade Organization

The World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - IBRD)

The International Monetary Fund

Criticisms of the International Institutional Structure

Asia crisis

Free Trade Agreements
Petition of Candlemakers, 1850


Race, Class, Gender in the U.S. Economy (Econ 250)

A Portrait of Poverty in Oregon

Resegregtion in America

UO Multicultural Resource Guide

Race Relations Newsletter

The Racial Wealth Gap: Left Out of the Boom

Economic Apartheid Data Center

Introduction to Environmental and
Natural Resource Economics (Econ 260)
TOPIC: Ecological Economics - General Sites
Environmental Economic
Centre for Economics and Social Studies on the Environment
Friends of the Earth
Resources for the Future
World Watch Institute
Economic Policy Institute
EPI Issue Brief
  TOPIC: The Environment and Ethics

History of Environmental Ethics for the Novice

Environmental Ethics & Public Policy @ Harvard University

Subjects in Environmental Ethics @ Harvard University

Can Selfishness Save the Environment?, The Atlantic Monthly

Environmental Ethics:  Dr. Ron Epstein, Philosophy Dept., SFSU

Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics

Center for Environmental Philosophy
@ University of Texas

Environmental Justice Resource Center @ Clark Atlanta  University

TOPIC: Religion, Spirituality & The Environment

Religions of the World and Ecology @ Harvard University

Eco-Theology Website

St. Francis of Assisi and Environmental Theology

TOPIC: Environmental Economics
The Gaia Hypothesis - Dr James Lovelock & Dr Lynn Margulis
TOPIC: Economic Measurement Issues

The Gross Progress Indicator (GPI)

Green Ledgers: Case Studies of Corporate Environmental Accounting

WRI: "Green Ledgers" Contents

TOPIC: Environmental Studies & Reports


ECONorthwest | Project Descriptions | Resource Management

Index & Summary of Projects

ECONorthwest | Available Reports

Pacific Rivers Council Economic Reports

Australian Department of Environment and Heritage

TOPIC: PBS Reprorts
                PBS : Trade Secrets 
PBS : Trade Secrets The Alar Scare

PBS - Bill Moyers Reports: Earth on Edge
PBS - Bill Moyers Reports: Earth on Edge - Interactive Quiz
PBS - Bill Moyers Reports: Earth on Edge - Resources
PBS - Bill Moyers Reports: Earth on Edge - Get Involved
TOPIC: "Green" Business

"Natural Capitalism", Amory Lovins, Paul Hawkins, Harvard Business Review

"Natural Capitalism", Paul Hawkins, Mother Jones

"Natural Capitalism", Book Excerpts and Downloadable Chapters

TOPIC: Taxation and the Environment

Citizen's Guide to Environmental Tax Shifting, Friends of the Earth

Government Spending Subsidies for Pollution

Government Taxation Subsidies for Pollution

Citizens' Guide to Environmental Tax Shifting: Chapter 5

Citizens' Guide to Environmental Tax Shifting
Welcome to Paying for Pollution
Welcome to Paying for Pollution: Tax Subsidies

EcoTaxation sorted : Re: Efficiency Losses / Richard Norgaard

TOPIC: People

<>Edward Abbey<>
< style="font-family: stone sans os itc tt-semi;"><>
< style="font-family: stone sans os itc tt-semi;"><>
<><>Jacques-Yves Cousteau
< style="font-family: stone sans os itc tt-semi;">Herman Daly
<>Theodore Roosevelt
<> <>


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