ECONUSA Telecourse

Dear EconUSA Telecourse Students,

Welcome! I hope this course is both interesting and challenging for each of you. This course is an Econ 200 course, a prerequisite for Econ 201 and Econ 202. Please read the linked Syllabus and all course and distance learning materials thoroughly.

I have chosen the videos, text, articles, and assignments to provide the most consistency with the lecture-based Econ 200 courses. For this reason there is a required packet of articles in addition to the text book.

I have chosen each article in the packet either because it does a more complete job in presenting material covered in the video and text, or because the article is stimulating and thought-provoking.

When you read each article you should take notes, both in the article itself and in a notebook. You should also take notes during the videos and as you read the textbook.

Most importantly, have fun with the course by letting yourself ponder while you learn. If you have any questions or problems please feel free to contact me.

Best Wishes, Phil Martinez

ECONUSA Syllabus

Assignment #1

Study Questions 1 (for Exam )1

Study Questions 2 (for Final)

Study Questions 3 (for Final)

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