Below are posted all the scores
for the first 5 Eams in this course.
The scores are listed in numerical order of the last four digits of the
student L numbers to ensure the protection of your privacy and identity.
The scores reported here are the highest scores recorded by each
student on each exam.
Note that there were two adjustments made in the scores:
Due to a problem in the software many of the scores for Exam 1 were
accidentally erased. Rather than requiring everyone to retake the exam
I gave full credit to all students. So you will see that everyone was
credited with 20 points for Exam 1.
2) On Exam 5 there were question from the test bank that were based
upon the textbook that comes with the video which we no longer use in
the course. While the questions could be answered with careful
consideration students were confused by the terminology. Upon
inspection I found 3 questions that I agreed were problematic. I
threw out those questions reducing the points from that exam from 50
to 44. Thus the total points possible through the first 5 exams is 194
instead of 200.
Blank spots in the score report indicate that the student did not take
that particular exam as of Tuesday, November 15, when the scores were
downloaded form the testing program.
If you find any errors or have any questions regarding the socres or
this report please contact me.
Remember the
last day to change your status in the course (drop it or change to
Pass/no Pass) is tomorrow Friday, November 18, 2005 before midnight.