Welcome to LCC's media server (media.lanecc.edu). This is a new repository for media and other files that need to be accessible over the world-wide web. Instructors are allowed to use this server to make instructional materials available to their classes. Files are uploaded using SFTP (secure FTP), and once uploaded can be accessed by anyone with a web browser. If you need help, you can contact the Academic Technology Center (ATC) for assistance at atc@lanecc.edu, or by telephone at 463-3377. Any files and folders uploaded here will be accessible via the web at http://media.lanecc.edu/users/. will be the same as your LCC Groupwise email address--typically last name, first initial. (The server administrator will confirm your whenyour account is enabled.) To log in to the media server to upload files, use your L-number as your username and the FIRST SIX CHARACTERS of your ExpressLane PIN as your password. You can organize your files here however you wish--if you have materials for multiple classes, you might create a folder for each one, for example; or you could just combine everything into one place. It's completely up to you. If you do put your files into subfolders, be sure to include the full path to the files when you want to access them from the web. If you uploaded a movie file called 'civilwar.mpg' into the subfolder courses/hist201, for example, the files in that folder would be accessible at http://media.lanecc.edu/users//courses/hist201/civilwar.mpg (replace with the short ID given to you by the server administrator). Questions? Please contact the ATC (email: atc@lanecc.edu, phone number: 463-3377).