Tamberly Powell, MS, RD

Lane Community College


Special Issues in Nutrition


This week we will discuss some hot topics in nutrition including the gluten-fee diet, supplements, and fad diets.

Learning Objectives:

Instructional Resources:

Gluten Free:


Preparation Questions:

Gluten Free:
  1. What is Celiac disease?
  2. What is the estimation of Americans who have Celiac disease?
  3. What is gluten?
  4. What type of foods is gluten found in?
  5. What are some naturally gluten free foods?
  6. What is non-celiac gluten sensitivity or intolerance?
  7. What are the symptoms of non-celiac gluten sensitivity?
  8. In the article, "Gluten Free-For-All," a survey was discussed that looked at the top reasons people buy gluten-free foods. What were the top two reasons people reported eating gluten free?
  9. What might be some benefits of a gluten free diet?
  10. What might be some drawbacks to a gluten free diet?
  11. Do people usually lose or gain weight on a gluten free diet? Why?


  1. What are some reasons you may want to think about taking a multi vitamin supplement?
  2. What are some drawbacks to taking multivitamin supplements?
  3. Experts don't necessarily agree whether people need to take a multi or not, but what do they agree on?
  4. What type of claims should you watch out for when shopping for a multi?