Health Professions Division

Family Food & Nutrition
FN 230
Instructor: Noy Rathakette Ph.D.
Eugene, Oregon

Results of Opinion Questions, Unit 1

Which Course Objective sounds most interesting to you?

Develop eating patterns that promote health. 24%
Make eating choices based on some knowledge of the U.S. food production system. 4%
Avoid restrictive dietary formulas that perpetuate fearful and anxious attitudes about food and eating. 7%
Describe the responsibilities of parents and children when it comes to feeding. 0%
Identify the role of each food group in a nutritionally adequate diet. 6%
Select, prepare and enjoy wholesome food that tastes good and is easily prepared using inexpensive, locally available foods. 33%
Have a collection of recipes for the above types of foods. 13%
Describe appropriate techniques for feeding infants and children. 2%
Suggest appropriate solutions to feeding problems with infants and children. 4%
Understand both sides of some nutrition issues such as breast vs. formula feeding and vegetarianism for children. 2%
Write appropriate menus for adults and children of all ages. 4%
Evaluate children's books for their messages about food and health. 2%

Which statement on page xiv of the Preface about the importance of meals
is most important to you personally?

For adults, meals suppport stable body weight.
For adults, meals suppport positive nutritional status.
For adults, meals suppport positive health indicaors.
Children who have family meals do better socially.
Children who have family meals do better emotionally.
Children who have family meals do better nutritionally.
Children who have family meals do better avoiding overweight.
Children who have family meals do better avoiding eating disorders.
Children who have family meals do better avoiding early sexual behavior.
Young adults who have family meals as adolescents take good care of themselves with food when they get out on their own.

Results of Opinion Questions, Orientation Quiz

In Chapter 1 of Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family the word healthy has been spoiled by it's current implications of "don't eat so much, and don't like foods you like." According to Ellyn Satter, "Being a good eater is not about being a good dieter, but rather a good eater is a competent eater." The following questions were meant to allow each of us to assess our relationship with specific words and foods. Please note that there is no wrong answer to opinion questions, they are afterall opinions.

Health Pleasure
Which word do you most associate with the word food, health or pleasure?
46% 29%

Which word do you most associate with the words ice cream, fattening or delicious?