Health Professions Division

Family Food & Nutrition
FN 230
: Noy Rathakette, Ph.D.
Eugene, Oregon

Unit 2: Preparations (Unit 2 Study Questions DUE before midnight [11:55 pm] Saturday)

People have done a great job with THE BIG 3:

  1. following instructions
  2. asking questions when things aren't clear
  3. interacting with each other in the Dinner Conversation
    Please continue checking the DC when you can and answering people's questions to you or responding to their comments.

This class may not be like one you've taken before, so it's not surprising if you're sometimes confused. If you're ever confused and would like help with something

  1. The fastest strategy is to fix a cuppa coffee or tea (or?) and read this document again. Perhaps there's something you missed.
  2. If that doesn't work for you, post your question in the Dinner Conversation. Perhaps the next person who logs in can help you.
  3. And if that doesn't work for you, send me a message.

By Monday evening (or maybe earlier in the day), I will have downloaded the Unit 1 Opinion Question Results. You can find the results in last week's section in CAPITAL letters. 

If you want to send mail:

  1. Click on "Participants" in the Administration box.
    If you want to send mail to me, you can just click on my name.
  2. If you want to send mail to another student, just click on their name.

To edit your profile (and disable your email address):

  1. Click on "Profile" under the "Administration" box.
  2. You will have the opportunity to "Edit Profile".

Notice the section about "Email activated".
In the "Description" area, you are required to type something (something as short as a period).

If you're seeing only one week of the class:
  1. Roll your cursor over the little icon of the screen to the right of the dates. It will say something like "Show only week 2" or "Show all weeks".

How to view YOUR RESULTS on the Unit 1 Study Questions

Follow the instructions BELOW to view YOUR results on the Unit 1 Study Questions. Following this procedure will allow you to see the correct answers to EACH question and will allow you to read any notes I've written about a question. Some of the questions are individually graded by me while many of the questions are graded by the computer. Either one of us can make a mistake. If you find a mistake, send me a message and I can change your score.
STEP #1 to view YOUR results:

Once the "availability" closes (generally Monday at midnight [11:55 pm], although it's usually DUE Saturday at midnight [11:55 pm])

Click the title of the Quiz or Study Questions listed in the week they're due.

STEP #2 to view YOUR results:

Click on the blue 1 under "Attempt" to see the correct answers for each question.

ACTIVITIES AT A GLANCE: Check them off as you complete them.

Post at least 2 (on at least 2 different days) responses to Dinner Conversation. My goal is for you to take part in the DC on TWO different days and to post at least one message EACH day. This can be a Reply to MY question or a Reply to another STUDENTS' response. So the total MINIMUM is 2 postings on TWO different days. You don't have to respond to all of the threads if you don't feel you have anything to add. You can also choose to respond more often.

In Unit 3, one of the Study Questions will ask you if you responded to ANOTHER student during DC 2. This can be a comment or a question or an answer to their question or another type of response. You will still get partial credit if you answer "No",  but you'll earn FULL credit if you did it.  Please answer honestly. 

By Saturday, 11:55pm Complete Unit 2 Study Questions for 15 points (be certain you've FIRST done ALL of the Preparation Questions below).


 By completion of Unit 2, you will be able to:


Secrets of Feeding A Healthy Family Part I  "How to Eat" 

Prologue & Ch. 2- Adjust Your Attitude pp 7-16
Ch. 3- Honor Your Attitude pp 17-25
Ch. 4- at As Much As You Want pp 27-43
Ch. 5- 
Feed Yourself Faithfully & Epilogue  pp 45-55

Notes: Before you start answering the Unit 2 questions, I would suggest reading the chapters once through non-stop so you can follow all that she's saying. I will then direct you to specific page numbers to find the answers to questions I'm asking.

At times, Satter seems judgmental and too prone to give negative examples. I hope you'll find, as the term progresses, that she doesn't always strike you that way.

(IMPORTANT NOTE Words that are underlined and usually in color are usually hyperlinks ("hotlinks") and you can click on them while you're online & go there. Sometimes on the Internet, the words don't become underlined until you roll the cursor over them. You can tell something is a hyperlink on the Internet when you roll the cursor over them and a little hand appears.)

New York Times Syndicate 1/9/2002. Eating right not always wise, expert says. By KATHERINE SELIGMAN

Our National  Eating Disorder (Note that this article continues to more pages.) by Michael Pollan; New York Times Magazine; Oct 17, 2004. p. 74 (4 pages). Click here to try another way to get this article.  


Secrets of Slim French revealed. BBC News- UK Edition. 22 August, 2003. Just 7% of French adults are obese - three times lower than in the United States. Now, researchers, on both sides of the Atlantic including Dr. Paul Rozin of the University of Pennsylvania, believe they have cracked the riddle. The answer, they say, is simply smaller portions.

French Women Do Too Get Fat: What the best seller neglects to mention, By Kate Taylor, Slate (a daily magazine on the Web), Feb. 23, 2005.

I. DINNER CONVERSATION 2 Preparation Questions

Note: To make for lively discussion, please post at least 2 (on at least 2 different days) responses to Dinner Conversation on 2 different days.  You can either reply to my topic or to the response of another student.

When you go to the Dinner Conversation, you'll see questions for discussion.

  1. Read the section on pages 13-14 with the heading CONSIDER TRADITION.  What "positive traditions of eating and feeding" do you have in your family history?
  2. EATING SITUATIONS: Describe a situation you have seen or experienced that is similar to (all page numbers are the the SECOND edition of Secrets)
    the chubby 10-year-old or her parents (page 3 ), OR
    Holly's (page 13), OR
    Wesley's (page 18)  OR
    the "finicky father's" (page 22-23)   OR
    (page 24)  OR
    Amy's (page 30-31)  OR
    Clio's (page 45-46)
  3. Describe a situation when you have seen a parent use the "Golden Rule of Feeding" described on p. 5 of the SECOND edition of Secrets.

II. Unit 2 Study Questions DUE Saturday, 11:55pm ( 15 points) Preparation Questions

Note: Remember that EX before a question below means that you may see that question on an exam

  1. At the top of this document, which do I say is the FASTEST way to get help if you're confused about something:
    1. Send me a message.
    2. Post your question in the Dinner Conversation. Perhaps the next person who logs on can help you.
    3. Come see me during my office hours.
    4. Read this document again. Perhaps there's something you missed.
  2. Also near the top of this document, where do I say you can find LAST WEEK'S Opinion Question Results? _________________
  3. I'm hoping our DCs will have just enough lively conversation to be interesting but not too time-consuming to read. In the ACTIVITIES AT A GLANCE above, what do I say will happen if you respond in the DC this week to another student?
  4. In this Unit 2 document under the DINNER CONVERSATION section above, how many different days do I specify that you make Dinner Conversation postings this week (Unit 2)?
  5. Which way do you most frequently notice if you have a message from me regarding this class?
    A.  I see a message from you in my personal email account.
    B.  When I go online to our Moodle class, under the black word "Messages", I see an envelope icon beside the instructor's name.
    C.  Neither.  I don’t read your messages and I understand this will probably have a negative impact on my grade.
  6. Once the Week 2 Dinner Conversation is happening, take a look at any posting AFTER my original one.  What are the words Moodle uses to direct you to the posting a student is responding to?  (When you click on it, the message appears as the top one.)
    1. Branch from
    2. Show parent
  7. Go to LAST WEEK'S Dinner Conversation (Week 1, Introductions).  Do you find at least one posting done by you in Dinner Conversation 1?
  8. In the "Administration" block of your Moodle account for this class, what is it called where you can check your grades?
    A. Grades
    B. Scores
  9. OPINION QUESTION: Which of the areas of the EATING COMPETENCE MODEL on page 7 do you feel you do the best job with?
    A. Eating attitudes
    B. Food acceptance and skills
    C. Internal regulation attitudes and skills
    D. Contextual attitudes and skills
  10. OPINION QUESTION: Which of the areas of the EATING COMPETENCE MODEL on page 7 are you least satisfied with?
    A. Eating attitudes
    B. Food acceptance and skills
    C. Internal regulation attitudes and skills
    D. Contextual attitudes and skills
    E. I am satisfied with all of them.
  11. According to the Note at the beginning of these Unit 2 Study Questions questions, what does EX before a question below mean? __________________
  12. EX Looking at her Hierarchy of Food Needs on page 9, she says that the way you position yourself on the hierarchy and move up it depends on your ___________________.
    A. feelings
    B. thinking
  13. OPINION QUESTION:After reading the Prologue of Part I (pages 7-10), which of the References on page 10 would you be most interested in reading if you had time?
    A. Reference 1 about eating competence (2007)
    B. Reference 2 about measuring eating competence (2007)
    C. Reference 3 about iron (1977)
    D. Reference 4 about motivation (1943)
    E. Reference 5 about food needs (2007)
  14. EX Read what Satter says on page 11 about good motivators [for healthy behaviors].  Select all the feelings that she says are good motivators.  (Be certain to select ALL that apply.)
    A. pessimism
    B. avoidance
    C. self-doubt
    D. optimism
    E. pleasure
    F. self-trust
  15. EX Read what Satter says on page 12 about mortality studies and BMI (Body Mass Index).  According to a review of these studies, who has a lower death rate?
    A. those with a BMI of 18.5-24.9
    B. those with a BMI of 25-30
  16. Read the section on pages 14-15 with the heading CONSIDER CULTURAL BELIEFS.  What is the profession of Paul Rozin?
    A. sociologist
    B. psychologist
    C. anthropologist
  17. EX This section says that while the French consume a relatively high-fat diet, they have a relatively low incidence of heart disease.  This is called the French _________________.
    A. paradox
    B. paradigm
    C. parable
  18. EX Read the section on pages 15-16 with the heading CONSIDER YOUR EATING ATTITUDES.  Satter says the EATING COMPETENCE MODEL is based on ____________.
    A. guidelines
    B. control
    C. trust
  19. Read on page 20 about what Satter calls "out-of-control virtue".  Have you ever known anyone with "out-of-control virtue"?
  20. Page 21 describes a study of Thai women an Swedish women being fed a Thai meal of rice and vegetables flavored with a spicy chili paste, fish sauce and coconut cream.  How much more iron does it say the Thai women absorbed?
    A. 25%
    B. 50%
    C. 75%
  21. Read the section on pages 22-23 with the heading FOOD ACCEPTANCE IS INNATE.  Satter says that "To learn to eat what parents eat, children need opportunities to learn and ________________________.
  22. Read the section called RITA'S VICTORY on page 24. How many months did it take of working together before Rita was eating and enjoying a variety of food?
    1. one month
    2. five months
    3. ten months
    4. twelve months
  23. Page 25 says that studies show that adults give up on a new food after only about  _____________ tries.
  24. EX Read the introductory paragraphs of Chapter 4 as well as the sections with the headings WHY DO WE OVEREAT? and ADDRESS HOW, NOT WHAT and TRUST YOUR BODY.  Satter  maintains that often the reason we overeat is that we chronically ____________________ ourselves.
    1. restrict
    2. reward
  25. In this section, Satter says, "Depending on how consistent you are in giving yourself permission to eat and tuning in on your eating and on yourself, within ____________________ you will discover a trustworthy sensation of truly feeling like stopping."
    1. 2-4 weeks
    2. 2-4 months
    3. 5-6 weeks
    4. 5-6 months
  26. Read Satter's description of  FOOD REGULATION CUES on page 32.  Which CUE (according to how Satter defines them) do you most often feel just before you eat?
    1. Famished
    2. Hunger and appetite
  27. Which CUE (according to how Satter defines them) do you most often feel that makes you stop eating?
    1. Hunger goes away
    2. Full
    3. Stuffed
  28. Read what Satter says  on page 33-38 about "Recovering Internal Regulation" and also read what she says  on pages 38-39 about "Beverages and Activity".  What are THREE things  you read that were interesting or surprising (or NOT surprising) or was something you already knew?
  29. OPINION QUESTION: On page 46 of Secrets, Satter lists two benefits of structure + food acceptance skills.
    Which of those benefits is more important to you personally?
    1. variety and therefore positive nutritional status
    2. energy balance and therefore constitutionally appropriate body weight
    3. They are equally benefits to me.
    4. Neither are important to me.
  30. OPINION QUESTION: Read what Satter says on page 49 about grazing, then select the TRUE statement for you.
    1. I usually have regular meals and I do a good job of regulating my food intake and getting the nutrients I need.
    2. I usually have regular meals and I do NOT do a good job of regulating my food intake and getting the nutrients I need.
    3. I am usually a grazer and I do a good job of regulating my food intake and getting the nutrients I need.
    4. I am usually a grazer and I do NOT do a good job of regulating my food intake and getting the nutrients I need.
    5. none of the above
  31. Read the Epilogue to Part 1 (pages 51-54). In that section, Satter lists bullet points for "Determining How Much to Eat" and bullet points for "Determining What to Eat".  Which bullet point is on BOTH of the lists?
    1. Provide regular, reliable, and rewarding meals.
    2. Depend on your capabilities with internal regulation.
    3. Depend on your capabilities with food acceptance.
  32. EX Read the Eating right not always wise, expert says article in the RESOURCES above. What is the term that Steve Bratman invented? (Please be certain to spell correctly.) (If you're looking at the print version of these instructions, take a look again while you're online and you'll see that this article is a hyperlink under RESOURCES.) ______________________
  33. Read the article in the RESOURCES above called "Our National Eating Disorder".  The article mentions Sylvester Graham (1794-1851; known as the father of Graham crackers) and John Harvey Kellogg (1852-1943; known as the father of modern breakfast cereal).  What does Michael Pollan call their period of time?
    A. the first golden age of American eating
    B. the first golden age of American eating cereal eating
    C. the first golden age of American food faddism
    D. none of the above
  34. EX Which of the following best describes the "omnivore's dilemma" that Pollan describes? (An omnivore is an animal that eats both plants and other animals).
    A. Humans are omnivores and we can feel stress as we try to decide what we should eat from so many choices.
    B. Humans are omnivores and can eat sugar which is bad for us.
    C. Humans are omnivores and can eat fat which is bad for us.