Health Professions Division

Family Food & Nutrition
FN 230
Instructor: Noy Rathakette, Ph.D.
Eugene, Oregon

Unit 7: Preparations
Unit 7 Study Questions and Health Recipe Assignment
DUE 11:55 pm Saturday


Check these off as you complete them.

Post at least 2 (on at least 2 different days) responses to Dinner Conversation 7

Complete Unit 7- Study Questions for 10 points.

Using the instructions in the Week 7 section beneath Unit 7 Preparations, submit a Healthy Recipe- 5 points


Child of Mine Ch. 3- Breastfeeding or Formula Feeding pp 85-119
Child of Mine Ch. 6- Formula Feeding Your Baby (selected pages)
Oregon Department of Human Services, Public Health
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) in Oregon

Note from Jackie Lucas, a nutritionist at WIC of Lane County "We also have 3 types of breast pumps available free for clients who are currently enrolled in WIC. There are specific criteria to determine which type of pump the client would be eligible for. We have manual pumps for those needing to pump occasionally, single-user electric pumps for mothers who are working or going to school a certain number of hours per week and hospital-type electric pumps that we loan to clients for short term use when there is a medical need. When a WIC client wants a breast pump they can drop in any Wednesday at 1:30 to our Breastfeeding Chat or call us to arrange another time if necessary."

This is the official website of the WIC Program (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children). 
Birth to Three

I. DINNER CONVERSATION 7 Preparation Questions

We had interesting discussions in the DCs last week about words used to describe a child's size. A student one term posted these comments:

I doubt that changing the words will make a difference.

I was in sixth grade when a teacher changed my life. She was a very good teacher, and I doubt she knew the impact of her words. A small group of us students were walking with her. Many of the students were talking about how much they had grown since the last time she was our teacher (she taught us in 4th grade and then was re-assigned to teach 6th). I remarked that I had grown some too. She said, "Yeah, but more out than up." In that moment, the beginning of my sixth grade year, on the second to the bottom step of the west stairwell between the basement and the first floor, I became a fat girl. No matter what my weight, even in my 'skinny' years, I saw myself as a fat girl.

I don't think it is the words that make the difference. It is our social taboos.

Talk to your mother or someone her age. When you were a young baby, what sort of advice was your mother given about:

  1. For a new mother-to-be, what do you think is ONE important piece of advice Satter gives in chapter 3? (please include the page number)
  2. For a new father-to-be, what do you think is ONE important piece of advice Satter gives in chapter 3? (please include the page number)
  3. In general, how did what you learned from your mom (or someone her age) compare with the information Satter gives about newborn feeding?
  4. Have you had any experiences with WIC (Women, Infants & Children Supplemental Food Program) or Birth to Three that you'd like to share?

II. Unit 7 Study Questions (10 points) Preparation Questions

  1. As a baby, were you breastfed for more than one month? (There will be a selection for "I was not able to get this information.")

  2. When you were born, how long was your mom told she should stay in the hospital?
    1. There were complications with my birth so my mom stayed in the hospital longer than was usual then.
    2. I was a normal birth and my mom was told to stay in the hospital 24 hours or less.
    3. I was a normal birth and my mom was told to stay in the hospital more than a day but less than 2 days.
    4. I was a normal birth and my mom was told to stay in the hospital more than 2 days but less than 4 days.
    5. I was a normal birth and my mom was told to stay in the hospital more than 4 days.
    6. I was not born in a hospital.
    7. I was not able to get this information.

  3. Skim last week's Dinner Conversation 6. Do you find at least 2 postings by you on at least 2 different days?

  4. Read the OPINION QUESTION Results for Units 5 and 6 (in the Week 6 section in CAPITAL letters). Regarding the television limits question (Q#30) for the Unit 6 Results, which answer was the most common this term?

  5. Do you know by WHAT WEEK you have to submit your Healthy Recipe assignment?  Don't miss the dateline.

  6. EX 2 Click on the Oregon Department of Human Services, Public Health website in the RESOURCES, click on the right under the menu on "Topics A-Z"

    When you see the list of topics, click on"Breastfeeding".

    On the left under the menu, click where it says "Breastfeeding Benefits", and then "Breastfeeding VS Formula."

    According to this page, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends breastfeeding for at least how long?
  7. EX 2 Click on Women, Infants and Children (WIC) in Oregon in the RESOURCES near the beginning of this Unit.

    Then click on the left where it says " Food List".

    Then read what that page says.

    Then scroll down that page to where it says "WIC foods include:".

    Which of these does it list there as WIC foods?  (Note from instructor: These are foods that WIC food vouchers can be used to buy.) Select all that apply.

    • adult cereals fortified with iron and folic acid
    • vitamin C-rich 100% fruit juices
    • iron-fortified infant formulas
    • infant cereals
    • milk, eggs and cheese
    • canned unsweetened fruits
    • tuna fish

    • dried beans or peas
    • lean beef and chicken
    • peanut butter
    • carrots
    • Special infant formulas and certain medical foods

  8. EX 2 In the RESOURCES above, below the link for "Women, Infants and Children (WIC)", the note from Jackie Lucas, a nutritionist at WIC of Lane County says that what types of breast pumps are available free from the WIC office?
    1. manual pumps
    2. electric pumps

  9. (Keep in mind that there are only a limited number of FMNP (Farmers' Market Nutrition Program) coupons issued each spring, so if you participate in WIC and are interested in this program, ask about it right away.)

    Go to the "official website of the WIC Program (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children)" (in RESOURCES above).

    Near the top right, click on the

    "Topics A to Z", then on

    "Farmers' Market Nutrition Program" then look at

    question 2: "Where does the FMNP operate?"

    Currently how many State agencies operate the FMNP?

  10. Birth to 3 is an internationally-recognized organization that, among other things, helps bring together parents of young children.

    Click on the Birth to Three website in the RESOURCES above.

    Once there, click on "About Birth to Three" on the top left of the screen. Then still looking at the left of the screen, click on

    "About BT3 FAQs" (Frequently Asked Questions). Then look at

    Q: Are there Birth To Three organizations all over the country?

    Where did this organization (Birth to Three) begin?

  11. Staying on the same page, look at "Q: How many families does Birth To Three serve?"

    Every year close to how many families in Lane County participate in Birth To Three parenting groups?

  12. EX 2 According to page 88 of Child of Mine, about what percent of women simply cannot breast feed?

  13. EX 2 According to page 92 of Child of Mine, when is the best time for the first breastfeeding after a baby is born, if breastfeeding is the choice?

  14. EX 2 According to page 95-96, which is more important for the baby of a breastfeeding mom, the quality of the mom's diet or the quantity of the mom's diet?

  15. EX 2 According to page 97, after a day or two of frequent nursing, does a mother's milk production decrease or does it increase?

  16. EX 2 According to this page, can a flat-chested woman nurse effectively?

  17. EX 2 According to page 101, why is it good for the baby that breast milk is high in cholesterol?

  18. EX 2 According to page 101-102, what problem can happen because a baby only absorbs about 10% of the iron in iron-fortified formula?

  19. On page 103, Satter says that the American Academy of Pediatrics estimates that breastfeeding is half as expensive as the most commonly used formula. The footnote at the end of that paragraph says "2". Looking at the "Selected References" at the end of the book, when was that information published in the journal Pediatrics?

  20. EX 2 On page 107, which IS a statement Satter makes? (Select all that apply.)
    1. Breastfeeding helps you lose your pregnancy fat.
    2. Breastfeeding helps you lose weight.
    3. Breastfeeding may or may not help you lose weight.
    4. Dieting can impair breast milk supply.
    5. Weight loss of even a half pound a week during breastfeeding is NOT safe.

  21. OPINION QUESTION: Re-read page 86 of Child of Mine.
    AFTER reading this chapter, do you agree with her statement there that "Encouragement helps, pressure doesn't"?

  22. OPINION QUESTION: Re-read page 87 of Child of Mine where Satter says "It doesn't make a lot of sense to make breastfeeding a national health priority and then allow formula companies to give formula and other gifts to health workers." AFTER reading this chapter, do you agree with this statement?

  23. EX 2 According to the bottom of p 160, is breast milk a good source of Vitamin D (even when Mom gets plenty in her diet or supplements)?

  24. EX 2 According to page 501 (Child of Mine), under what situations might breastfed infants need a supplement of Vitamin D (200 IU daily)?
    1. if they have dark skin
    2. if they have limited exposure to sunlight
    3. all breastfed infants need this supplement

  25. EX 2 According to page 198, why does Satter feel that drinking alcohol can interfere with milk letdown when breastfeeding?
    1. Alcohol can interfere with relaxation for you.
    2. Alcohol can interfere with relaxation for your baby.
    3. Alcohol can cut down on oxytocin release.

  26. EX 2 In chapter 6 on page 201, Satter says "The _______ you feed your newborn is as important as the what you feed her".

  27. EX 2 In the section "Don't Prop the Bottle" (pages 209-210), which does she say can cause nursing-bottle tooth decay when a baby falls asleep during a feeding with it? (You can select more than one.)
    1. formula
    2. breast milk
    3. real fruit juice (100%)
    4. fruit drink like Sunny Delight

  28. EX 2 On pages 235-237, she says "Dilute Formula Exactly Right". Which does she say can stress a baby's kidneys and digestive system?
    1. making the formula too concentrated (using too little water)
    2. making the formula too dilute (using too much water)

  29. EX 2 Which does she say on pages 235-237 can put a burden on the baby's circulatory system?
    1. making the formula too concentrated (using too little water)
    2. making the formula too dilute (using too much water)

III. Instructions for Healthy Recipe Assignment 5 points (in the Week 7 section)