Health Professions Division

Family Food & Nutrition
FN 230
Instructor: Noy Rathakette, Ph.D.
Eugene, Oregon

A Unit 10 Study Question: The next time you travel some place by car or bus, in a 10-minute period, count how many places you pass whose primary business is selling food, such as some sort of grocery/convenience store or a restaurant. Consider it "passing by" if it's easily in your line of vision and no more than about a block away. If it's some sort of food place connected to a gas station, it still counts, but stores like BiMart do NOT count.
  Unit 9 PREPARATIONS (Study Questions DUE before midnight [11:55 pm] Saturday)

 ACTIVITIES AT A GLANCE. Check them off as you complete them.

Post at least 1 response to Dinner Conversation 9.
Watch one of the two assigned videos (see Video Questions in the other Unit 9 document) and complete the VIDEO QUESTIONS "quiz". See Quizzes & Surveys, under Unit 9. DUE Saturday of Week 9  at 11:55 pm. (7 points).
Complete Unit 9 Study Questions for 8 points (Be certain you've FIRST done ALL of the Preparation Questions below). DUE Saturday



If you try any of these numbers below, please let me know what you found out. I. DINNER CONVERSATION Read the Dinner Conversion topics of the week from the moodle.

III. Unit 9 Study Questions (8 points) Preparation Questions

If you need to find out how to view one of the videos, check the information about videos (in the Units section beneath Unit 9).

  1. Read the results of Opinion 8 Questions including the the Healthy Recipes from the class (Week 8 section in CAPITAL letters). What was the most interesting (or surprising or NOT surprising) result to you?
    List the SPECIFIC result and EXPLAIN what was interesting.

  2. Skim last week's Dinner Conversation 8 (swallowing, juice, fluoride, etc.). Do you find at least 2 postings by you on 2 different days, including at least one in your Berry group?

  3. What was one important SPECIFIC thing you learned from skimming Dinner Conversation for Unit 8 (swallowing, juice, fluoride, etc..)?
    Put the person's name as well as what you learned.

    During DC 8, it was wonderful reading all of your good ideas about encouraging children to drink plain 'ol water. We are lucky that the water that comes out of the tap here in Eugene and Springfield is good-tasting, safe and inexpensive.

    Municipal water supplies are amazingly inexpensive. We can get over 10 gallons of water from the tap for a penny!!!!

  4. EX 2 (We're doing this in Unit 9 because it applies to an activity we'll do NEXT WEEK in Unit 10.) Click on the "Food Guide Pyramid" in the RESOURCES above?

    When that site opens, you will see on the LEFT "Subjects". Click on Food groups

    Next Click on Grains.

    What does this Food Guide Pyramid chart say is the Daily recommendation of Grain foods for a woman 19-30 years old?
    1. 4 ounce equivalents
    2. 6 ounce equivalents
    3. 8 ounce equivalents

  5. EX 2 What does this Food Guide Pyramid chart say is the Daily recommendation of Grain foods for a man 19-30 years old?
    1. 8 ounce equivalents
    2. 10 ounce equivalents
    3. 12 ounce equivalents

  6. EX 2 Near the bottom of this chart, click where it says **Click here to see what counts as an ounce-equivalent of grains.
    On the next screen you will see What counts as an ounce equivalent of grains?
    On that screen, click where it says Click here to see chart.

    For dinner a 25-year-old woman served herself a portion that was one cup of cooked pasta. What does the Food Guide Pyramid call that?
    1. 1 ounce equivalent of grains
    2. 2 ounce equivalents of grains
    3. 3 ounce equivalents of grains (Note: If you have diabetes and are familiar with counting carbs 1/3 of a cup of rice or pasta counts as one carbohydrate choice. However, please re-read this question if you're tempted to choose "c" as carb counting and MyPyramid are DIFFERENT because one counts grams and the other counts ounces.)

  7. EX 2 Does that mean she ate more than she should eat?
    1. Yes. It means she ate more than she should eat, using the recommendations of the "Food Guide Pyramid".
    2. No. It does not mean that. It means that she has 5 ounce equivalents left for the day, using the recommendations of the "Food Guide Pyramid".
    3. No. It does not mean that. It means that she has 4 ounce equivalents left for the day, using the recommendations of the "Food Guide Pyramid".

  8. EX 2 Read the "Water, Water Everywhere" article listed in the RESOURCES near the beginning of this document. This article quotes a study conducted for the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) . What three contamination hazards does it mention can affect bottled water?
         a.  contamination from workers
         b.  contamination from bottles
         c.  contamination from storage environments
         d.  contamination from sodium
         e.  contamination from air pollutants
         f.   contamination from pipes

  9. EX 2 Please read this "Water, Water Everywhere" article carefully as it's a little difficult to answer this one correctly from how it's written in the article.

    Municipal water is regulated by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) while bottled water is regulated by the FDA (Food and Drug Association). What are the INITIALS of the agency whose guidelines are enforced more stringently (strictly)?

  10. EX 2 According to the second-to-the-last paragraph of this "Water, Water Everywhere"article, why is the trend toward bottled water actually adding to pollution?
    1. It requires hundreds of thousands more tons of plastic for bottles.
    2. It causes more delivery truck emissions into the air (fluorocarbons for example).
    3. both of the above

  11. OPINION QUESTION: The "Water, Water Everywhere" article says that the International Bootled Water Association (IBWA) has a voluntary code. Take a look at a label of bottled water. Does it have the IBWA trademark?
    1. Yes, the bottled water label I looked at had an IBWA trademark on it.
    2. No, the bottled water label I looked at did NOT have an IBWA trademark on it.
    3. I did not look at a bottled water label.
  12. OPINION QUESTION: If you saw this IBWA trademark, what was the BRAND NAME of the water and WHERE did you buy it? Please make sure to include BOTH the name and location for full credit.

  13. Read the article in the RESOURCES called "Nutrient-Enhanced Water".  The article says that "The average price of the enhanced water is $2; over the course of a year, a consumer who drinks one bottle daily will have spent over ____________ on vitamins that could have been easily obtained in a healthy diet"

  14. Look at the label in the RESOURCES above for Glaceau's "multi-v" brand "Vitamin Water".  The calories listed on the label are for one serving.  How many servings does the label say are in the bottle?

  15. So if someone drank the whole bottle of Glaceau's "multi-v" brand "Vitamin Water, how many calories would they be consuming?

  16. EX 2 On page 311, Satter says that toddlers go through a sampling and removing process with new food. She says that studies show a toddler may do this how many times before she feels comfortable enough to swallow the food?

  17. EX 2 What does Satter say on page 313 is the reward for a baby when he gives up his narcissistic stage?

  18. EX 2 On page 321, Satter describes some experiments done by psychologist Leanne Birch. When children tried a new juice, she rewarded them with a trip to the playground. What happened to their likelihood of trying the juice on their own the next time it was offered?

    (This is the same Leanne Birch pictured in the Fat and Happy video some of you are watching this week.)

  19. EX 2 At what age can a child be allowed to begin serving herself, according to Satter? (see page 330)

  20. After reading what Satter says on pages 331-332 about the no-thank-you bite, select all the statements she makes. (Select all that apply.)
    A. It [the one-bite rule] is a control tactic that interferes with children's food acceptance.
    B. Children want to grow up with respect to their eating.
    C. Children have within them the driving need to experiment with and master new food.
    D. Even the slowest and most cautious child takes joy, satisfaction, and pride from mastery.
    E. If we make it our business to get a child to try a food- even just one bite- she gets the message that we don't trust her to learn and grow, and the lack of trust takes the joy of accomplishment away from her.
    F. If a food is presented over and over in a neutral fashion, sooner or later a child will taste it, and in most cases after she tastes it lots of times, she will like it.
    G. If you try to speed up the process, you will in fact slow it down.
    H. In a child's mind, the response is something like this:  If they have to make me eat that, then it must not be so good.
  21. OPINION QUESTION: Do you agree with her suggestion on pages 331-332 to AVOID a rule asking to try one bite (the no-thank-you bite)?

    1. I have NOT read those pages so I can't give an opinion.
    2. I have read those pages and I AGREE that you should AVOID the rule requring a no-thank-you bite.
    3. I have read those pages and I do NOT agree that you should AVOID a rule requiring a no-thank-you bite. In other words, I think the no-thank-you bite is a good rule.

  22. EX 2 On pages 349, what is the age Satter recommends for a child to have her first whole cow's milk that isn't formula?

  23. EX 2 Why can a child of this age tolerate cow's milk when they couldn't before? (page 349 & you can select more that one answer)

  24. EX 2 According to Satter, at what age is it okay to switch to 1 or 2% milk if the child likes it? (page 350)

  25. EX 2 On page 362, Satter talks about parents of fragile children who are tempted to follow their child around offering food. Why does she think this can actually make a child's eating worse?

  26. EX 2 Read what this chapter says about choking on pages 360-361. How can you tell the difference between normal gagging and choking?

  27. EX 2 Which of these foods might lead to choking, according to these pages? (You can select more than one answer.)
    whole grapes, whole hot dogs, tough meats, hard nuts, hard candy, large wads of peanut butter, gum drops, raw carrots, jelly beans, ungrated raw apples

  28. EX 2 Read page 368. Why does Satter feel on this page that it's better to recognize a child for trying a new food, rather than praise her for it?
    1. She is more likely to take pleasure and pride in her accomplishment because it's her thing and not just yours.
    2. She is less likely to overeat the next time.

  29. EX 2 Read about Tobin on pages 372-373. What led to improvement in his eating habits
    1. His parents included him in the family's meals and encouraged him by clapping & cheering him on.
    2. His parents included him in the family's meals and helped him position his arms so he could more easily feed himself.

  30. EX 2 (When I read these pages, I felt sheepish. I've done what she describes when my nieces were little. Once I got over being hurt when she called it "bad parenting", what she was saying made sense to me.)

    Read about "Enticing Your Child to Eat" on pages 383-384. What does Satter say can happen if you start trying to control another person, like a child?

  31. EX 2 She goes on to describe one mother's approach of enticement (described on a radio talk show) was to make the child think a new vegetable was something just for the parents. The mother said that her children now eat those vegetables readily.

    How does she say a child might fight back when they realize they are being manipulated?