Some Results from SQ 2 & 3

For which of the following nutrients was your intake BELOW the “Recommendation or Acceptable Range”?

Spring 2009 Winter 2010 Fall  2010 Spring   2011  Winter  2012
Protein 12% 12% 24% 35% 23%
Total Fiber 46% 61% 62% 71% 61%
Saturated Fat 12% 23% 15% 32% 18%
Vitamin E 62% 70% 79% 74% 67%
Vitamin B6 27% 30% 44% 32% 25%
Vitamin B12 27% 35% 41% 45% 25%
Calcium 19% 53% 62% 74% 49%
Magnesium 38% 51% 62% 55% 39%
Iron 38% 58% 56% 65% 52%
Zinc 15% 39% 44% 32% 25%
Selenium 12% 14% 18% 29% 21%
Potassium 50% 74% 74% 74% 67%
None of the above.  I was above my “Recommendation or Acceptable Range” for all nutrients.
12% 2% 9% 0% 2%

Which groups were you below "100 Percent Recommendation"? (Select all that apply.)

Spring 2009 Winter 2010 Fall  2010 Spring   2011 Winter 2012
Milk 50% 67% 68% 74% 66%
Meat & Beans 54% 51% 50% 61% 41%
Vegetables 58% 61% 76% 74% 64%
Fruits 50% 65% 68% 68% 67%
Grains 35% 47% 47% 58% 49%
 None of the above. I was above "100 Percent Recommendation for all groups.
4% 2% 6% 3% 2%