Nancy Clark's Winning Eating Plan (Nancy Clark is a renowned author and board-certified specialist in sports dietetics)
1. Eat three out of the five food groups at meals. (For example cereal, with milk and a banana)
2. Choose foods in their natural state. (For example oranges instead of orange juice)
3. Think moderation. (Build your diet on a foundation of healthful foods, but don't deprive yourself of enjoyable foods. Think 85-90% high quality foods, and 10% with less nutritional value).
4. Fuel your body on a schedule, eating every 2-4 hours
5. Eat when you are hungry, and stop when you are content.
The Cooking Light Way to Eat-10 Rules for Healthy Eating in 2010 (Taken from Cooking Light Magazine Jan/Feb 2010)
1. Try Something New (Go out of your comfort zone to increase the variety of foods you eat).
2. Choose Healthy Fats
3. Cook More Often
4. Eat Less Red and Processed Meats
5. Eat More Whole Foods
6. Start the Day Off Well ( Eat a Regular Breakfast)
7. Indulge Adventurously (don't deny yourself of the foods you enjoy)
8. Eat Out Creatively (Order what you don't cook, and what is difficult to make)
9. Be Portion Aware
10. Drink Well (Drink in Moderation)
What Should We Eat? Advice given by Michael Pollan in his book, "In Defense of Food." (Michael Pollan is a contributor to the New York Times Magazine, and a Professor of Journalism at Berkley)
1. Don't Eat Anything Your Great Grandmother Wouldn't Recognize As Food (For example, GoGurt)
2. Don't Eat Anything Incapable of Rotting (For example, Twinkies)
3. Avoid Food Products Containing Ingredients That Are A) Unfamiliar B) Unpronounceable C) More Than Five In Number or That D) Include High Fructose Corn Syrup
4. Avoid Food Products That Make Health Claims
5. Shop the peripheries of the Supermarket and Stay Out of the Middle
6. Get Out of the Supermarket Whenever Possible
7. Eat Mostly Plants, Especially Leaves
8. You Are What You Eat Eats Too
9. If You Have the Space Buy a Freezer (so you can buy pastured meat in quantity)
10. Eat Like an Omnivore (Add biodiversity to your diet)
11. Eat Well-Grown Food From Healthy Soils
12. Eat Wild Foods When You Can
13. Be the Kind of Person Who Takes a Supplement (people who take supplements are generally healthier and in controlled studies, most of the supplements don't appear to work)
14. Eat More Like the French, or the Italians, or the Japanese, or the Indians, or the Greeks
15. Regard Nontraditional Foods with Skepticism
16. Don't Look for the Magic Bullet in the Traditional Diet
17. Have a Glass of Wine With Dinner
18. Pay More, Eat Less (there is a trade-off in eating between quantity and quality)
19. Eat Meals
20. Do All Your Eating at a Table
21. Don't Get Your Fuel From the Same Place Your Car Does
22. Try Not to Eat Alone
23. Consult Your Gut (Don't allow external visual cues to determine how much you eat)
24. Eat Slowly
25. Cook, and if You Can, Plant a Garden