FN 225: Nutrition
Noy Rathakette, Ph.D.
Health Professions Division
Lane Community College
Eugene, Oregon

Results for the class of #1 on SQ 1:

Look again at the Syllabus and go to the SUGGESTIONS FOR SUCCESS IN THIS CLASS near the end. Which of these do you think will be most helpful for you to know to be successful in this class?

UNDERSTANDING              14 (42%)

It's not surprising to me that TIME is the one that 50% of you selected, but I hope you agree with me that all of them are important for you to be successful in this class.

Results for the class of #18 on SQ 1:

Read "Can I Live on Just Supplements?" in our text. Of the points this section makes, which is most convincing to you regarding why real food supplies something to health that formula drinks (like Ensure or Slim Fast) don't provide?

NUMBER OF STUDENTS 29 39 30 32      33
Elemental diet formulas do not support optimal growth and health. 2 3 3 5
Elemental diet formulas may lead to medical complications. 1 2 3 0

Healthy people who eat a healthful diet do not need such formulas. 1 2 0
Hospitalized clients who are fed nutrient mixtures through a vein often improve dramatically when they can finally eat food.   3 6 5 4

When a person is fed through a tube, the digestive organs become smaller. 0 3 6
Lack of stimulation of the digestive tract may weaken body's defenses against infections. 6 7
6 9

The digestive organs release hormones in response to food, and these send messages to the brain that bring the eater a feeling of satisfaction. 0 5 1 2

Foods offer both physical and emotional comfort. 5 5 4 5 3
Besides nutrients, foods contain beneficial non-nutrients and phytochemicals. 11
5 2 3

Results of the OPINION QUESTION question #20 SQ 1 this term:
Which of the characteristics of a nutritious diet do you think is most important?

Adequacy 11 7 8 7
Balance 14
Calorie control (I prefer the terms "portion control") 4 1 5 4
Moderation 5 6 0 5
Variety 4 4 1 4

Results of the OPINION QUESTION question #48 SQ 1 this term:

I have not yet decided on a major.
My major is fitness. 3
"My major is nursing. 10
My major is dental-related. 3

My major is respiratory care.
My major is another medical career.
My major is not listed here. 10

Which was your favorite caption in the "Mr. Potato Head" New Yorker cartoon? (
OPINION QUESTION question #49 SQ 1 this term)

"If I start to drink too much, pull off my lips."  14
"My wife left me for Mr. Peanut." 9 9 8
"I should have stopped after the Botox." 7 7 6
The winner in the magazine was also the first one.
That one was submitted by Lynn Tudor of New York City."

  • The "A" Lecture will usually be posted the Friday before the week of that Lecture, in case some of you want to get an early start.

  • The "B" Lecture will usually be posted on the Monday of that week's Lecture.

Exam 1 is next week (Week 3)

Exams are always due THURSDAY at 11:55 pm and they will start being available on MONDAY evening.  As long as you submit your Exam before the due date and time, you may take your Exams at any location, just as you submit your Study Questions and you may use your notes, packet and text. 
During the exam, you will be asked if it is true that you are taking the Exam by yourself and not receiving help from anyone else while you are taking an exam. 

There are 50 questions on each exam and you have one hour.

Study Question results will be available Monday afternoon so you can study them for the exam.

If you need to take an Exam late, please tell me BEFORE  the due date. 

of what the SYLLABUS says about LATE Exams:

If you do not meet the exam deadline and do no contact the instructor BEFORE the due date, as of the following Monday, you may take a makeup exam at the Testing Lab on the LCC Main Campus (CENTER 456).  Students taking an exam in the Testing Lab are allowed to use only ONE 3 x 5 notecard (both sides).   If you do not live in the Lane County area, contact the instructor with the proctor you would like to use for taking a late Exam.  If using a proctor to take a late Exam you are allowed to use only ONE 3 x 5 notecard (both sides).


Be sure to take the exam at a time when you won't be interrupted.

prepared- you'll be timed, so it will be to your disadvantage to spend a lot of time looking up answers.

Take a look at the Notes About Exam 1 in your packet on page 34.

The goal
with exam preparation is to get the information into a part of your brain where you can retrieve it quickly both during the exam and later.  Following are some steps that might help you do that.  
  1. Review your lecture notes.
  2. Review the results of your Study Questions and evaluate the scoring.  Send me a message if you don’t understand something or think you were scored incorrectly.  Explain to me what in the text or the Lectures lead you to select the answer you did.
    Write the correct answers in your packet.
  3. Take the online review quiz and review the results.
  4. Reflect and decide what you understand and write down questions you have.  Post those questions in our FORUM.
  5. Rough Draft.  On paper, write down information you think that you might want nearby while taking the test.  
  6. Organize and Condense.  Learning what to leave out of your nearby is just as important as deciding what to leave in. Use of color and organization can help you find the information when you need it during the test.

FORUM Week 2
  1. Lecture 2A looked at 3 government agencies who give information about nutrition- the USDA, the FDA and the National Academy of Sciences.  And I haven't even mentioned the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Health and Human Services.  All the sometimes conflicting information can be, like white noise, something that we pay no attention to.

    What is one thing you take away from all this Chapter 2 information (text or lecture) that IS something you think you can enjoy paying attention to?

  2. Please  discuss ONE of the different organs that participates in digestion and how it participates.

    Is mechanical or chemical digestion taking place? (This information is not discussed in the lecture, but is in the text). You will have a test question on this on Exam 1. Note: Please don't repeat postings. Try to add something new or different to what other students have posted.

As you're watching this lecture, be thinking about how you'll answer the question on SQ 2/3- “Considering the visuals (pictures, etc., rather than text or the words I use in a Video Clip) shown during Lecture 2B: chapter 3, what did you learn OR what did you see that you already knew?

LECTURE OUTLINE  2B: Chapter 3: The Remarkable Body

As you're looking at this, have before you pages 32-33 in your packet and fill it in.

The last Study Question will ask you one or more MYSTERY QUESTIONS that will ask you what you filled in for some of the blanks and questions asked in the LECTURE OUTLINE.

I How the human body is put together and organized

The human body is composed of billions of cells that need energy, water, other nutrients and oxygen.  Cells are organized into tissues and tissues are grouped to form organs.

During this lecture, I will be comparing
The Remarkable Body to The Remarkable Plant since it's plants that give us so much of what we need and we return the favor by giving them some of what they need carbon dioxide).

As you can see with the illustration below, plants also have organs.

Body Systems

  1. Communication Systems (Hormonal and Nervous Systems)
  2. System for Digestion and Absorption
  3. Circulatory System
  4. Storage System
  5. Excretory System    
The overall objective of ALL of these body systems (human AND plant) is to help cells work so our body (or a plant's body) can survive and reproduce.

1.    Communication Systems (Hormonal & Nervous Systems)

Hormones are chemical messengers secreted by one part of the body into the blood to tell another group of cells to do something.

For example, the hormone insulin is secreted by the pancreas when it perceives that blood sugar has risen.  

The insulin goes into blood where it travels to cells everywhere and tells the cells to let in the sugar.

Our text says that "the nervous system receives and integrates information from sensory receptors all over the body--sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste and others--which communicate to the brain the state of both the outer and  inner worlds".


Plants also have something like our nervous system which receives information and communicates.  Consider vines.  When the vine above realized that something was nearby that it could climb to get more access to the sun, within hours it had sent out something that could hook around that post.

Plants also have various responses to light and other cues.  The flowers of the 4 o'clock plant are shown below.

4:00 pm

7:30 pm

The short one-morning life of a
Spiderwort flower

6:00 am

8:00 am

1:00 pm

2:00 pm

2:15 pm
The flower is really dying quickly now.
Each flower lives just one morning.

3:15 pm

6:00 pm
Each cluster has many flowers with one opening per day.

I saw the illustration below in Newsweek.

2.    System for Digestion and Absorption 

The overall function of this system is to get nutrients from food to cells.

From looking at the above diagram, you should be able to label where the pancreas would be in the diagram in your packet.


This is Dustin, the 6' 4" husband of my office-mate and fellow nutrition faculty, Tamberly Powell.  One of our students painted the apron for us one term.


a.    Mechanical Aspect of Digestion. Examples:
stomach churning
a series of organized, wave-like muscle contractions that occur throughout the digestive tract and move food from one end to the other.

b.    Chemicals that help digestion but do NOT break apart nutrients-
i. hydrochloric acid-
acid made by the stomach

among other functions, it uncoils protein from food, making them easier to break apart

ii. sodium bicarbonate-
alkaline (basic as opposed to acidic) substance made by the pancreas

helps to neutralize the stomach acids in the chyme (the partially digested mass of food that is forced into the small intestine from the stomach)

 iii. bile-
alkaline fluid made by the liver and stored in the gall bladder
emulsifies fat in chyme, which allows the fat to be divided into tiny drops that are more easily broken apart

c.    Chemicals that DO cause nutrients to be broken apart: Enzymes.

Enzymes help break down and at other times they also help build.  Enzymes speed up chemical reactions that would occur anyway.  Because of enzymes, they happen much faster.

An enzyme's name is often the same as the chemical they affect, except the enzyme name ends in "ase".  So the enzyme that breaks apart sucrose (table sugar) is sucrase.

the main chemical reaction during digestion is hydrolysis

(the splitting apart of one molecule into 2 with the help of water & an enzyme

d.   Absorption:

from Small Intestine into Villi then into blood or lymph

What are villi?
tiny finger-like  projections from the surface of the intestinal wall

Why are there villi?

In a December 10, 2007 Newsweek article, Patrick J. Skerrett and W. Allan Walker, an M.D., wrote "The gut is composed of the small and large intestine. Stretched out, it's as long as a school bus. Flatten out the millions of finger-like projections that line its sides and it would easily cover a tennis court."  So the villi greatly increase the surface area for absorption to take place, allowing more nutrients to be absorbed.

There is much that can wrong in our intestinal tract.  A 2000 survey in the United States found that 41% of individuals reported one or more adverse digestive symptoms such as abdominal pain/discomfort, or diarrhea/loose stools. ("Laxation and the Like", the journal Nutrition Today, September/October 2008)

I'm very impressed with the wonder that is our body, and wonders are everywhere in the natural world.

Dan Gleason, a retired University of Oregon biology professor and the author of Birds! From the Inside Out wrote the following in a
Register-Guard article about chickadees:

".... the digestive system of a chickadee changes from season to season, reflected in the change in their diet.

"Chickadees can more easily macerate and digest seeds during the winter when their gizzards are enlarged and well-developed.  Like all birds, chickadees have a two chambered stomach, with the gizzard being the muscular rear portion that thoroughly grinds seeds and hard materials.  The front portion is called the proventriculus.  It secretes digestive enzymes and acids to help digest animal material, such as insects.  As spring approaches and seeds become less available, the gizzard decreases in size and the glandular portion of the stomach enlarges, making insects easier to digest."

"The Ever-Present Chickadee"
The Register-Guard
Home & Garden Monthly
January 24, 2008

The really cool diagram that you see if you click on the link below is an owl.  Nothing is labeled a "stomach", but perhaps the proventriculus and gizzard comprise the 2 parts of the "stomach" that Dan Gleason speaks of.

Like us, perhaps this chickadee is choosing sunflower seeds as food they are convenient and easy.  This is summer on our bird feeder, a time when
insects are easier to digest by chickadees rather than seeds.  It could be that the chickadee is eating the insects around the feeder.

3.    Circulatory System

To fill in this part of your Lecture Outline, watch the Video Clip below.  Be certain your computer is set up to both hear and see it since some of has no sound, just text.  This Video Clip will also help you answer the question in the latter half of your Study Questions about the 1950s ad.

Video Clip: The Remarkable Body and
The Remarkable Plant
approximately 10 minutes
If an approximately 2-minute movie isn't showing up just above on your computer, you may not have the latest version of QuickTime on your computer.  Click here to download the newest version of Quick Time.

Viewing the video clips works best with the following browsers:
Safari if using a Mac
Explorer if using a Windows-based computer

I didn't understand why, but Firefox does NOT work.

The very short clip of the spraying that you just saw was from a PBS series called "American Experience".  The episode, aired in 1993, was
Rachel Carson's Silent Spring (The Eugene Public Library has this video.)
Producer- Neil Goodwin

WGBH Educational Foundation

The above Video Clip helps fill in parts

of the
Circulatory System on page 33 of your packet.  Did you catch that the Blood and the Lymph pick up different nutrients from the villi?

The Blood that passes through the villi picks up water-soluble nutrients and Lymph that passes through the villi picks up fat-soluble nutrients.

Substances the cell needs have now arrived at the cell.

What happens to them now?  

They are used by the cell for energy,
as materials to build what it needs (like muscle tissue from amino acids) or
to otherwise help us function (like to see)

It's in the cells everywhere in the body that energy is released.  It's a common misconception that energy is released in the GI tract.

This webpage has some interesting information about cells:
Plants also have a vascular system of sorts.  Glucose gets transported in phloem and water and minerals travel in xylem. (not on test)

4.    Storage System

When you eat more than your body needs, what happens to the extra?

b.     Excess sugar and starch can be stored in the liver and muscle as

c.    Excess sugar and starch as well as excess fat & protein can be stored as

5.    Excretory Systems

a.    The large intestine excretes solid waste from food.

b.    The kidneys excrete wastes filtered from the blood.

c.    The lungs excrete carbon dioxide and other gases.

1. Which of these are enzymes? a.  insulin                b.    lactase              c.  bile

Click here if you think insulin is an enzyme.
Click here if you think insulin is a hormone.

Click here if you think lactase is an enzyme.
Click here if you think lactase is a hormone.
Click here if you think lactase is a sugar.

Click here if you think bile is an enzyme.
Click here if you think bile is a hormone.

2. What is the difference between a hormone and an enzyme?

Hormones are chemical messengers and do not break bonds.  Enzymes help break bonds.

The Study Questions for this week refer you to a section of the packet called "Our Ancestor's Diet".  The figure below is another way of picturing the period of time we've been using agriculture to feed ourselves compared to the length of time human beings have been on earth using hunting and gathering to
feed ourselves.

The Fast Runner is a beautiful movie that gives some idea about what it's like to live as a hunter/gatherer.

The end of Lecture 2B

INCORRECT.  Insulin is not an enzyme.
Click here to return to Lecture.

.  Bile is not an enzyme.  
Bile is an emulsifier, which is something that allows fat to be divided into tiny drops that are more easily broken apart.
Click here to return to Lecture.

.  Lactase is not a hormone.
Click here to return to Lecture.

.  Insulin is a hormone.  It a chemical messenger secreted into the blood when the pancreas perceives that blood sugar has risen.  The blood takes it to cells everywhere telling the cells to let in sugar.
Click here to return to Lecture.

.  Lactase is not a sugar.  Lactose is a sugar.
Click here to return to Lecture.

.  Lactase is an enzyme.  It helps break the bonds of lactose.  It helps break one molecule of lactose into
one molecule of glucose and one molecule of another sugar (called galactose, which we'll talk about in chapter 4).
Click here to return to Lecture.

.  Bile is not a hormone.  Bile is an emulsifier, which is something
that allows fat to be divided into tiny drops that are more easily broken apart.
Click here to return to Lecture.
