FN 225: Nutrition
Noy Rathakette, Ph.D.
Health Professions Division
Lane Community College
Eugene, Oregon

This week (Week 10), be certain to take the online Review Quiz. The FINAL EXAM is on Week 11.

!!!!!!!!There will be some questions on the review quiz that are ones missed on previous exams and these questions may appear on Exam 4.

FORUM for Week 10:
  1. Which of the benefits of exercise listed on page 125 of your packet is most appealing to you?
  2. May be on Exam 4: As you're watching this Lecture 10A, what did you write for "V Energy Use" where it asks what the purple arrow represents?
  3. May be on Exam 4: As you're watching this Lecture 10A, what did you write for "V Energy Use" where it asks what the blue to green to yellow spiraled arrow represents?
LECTURE 10AChapter 10
Nutrients, Physical Activity and the Body's Responses

First look through the major headings of this lecture.

I  Benefits of Exercise
II  4 Components of Fitness
III  Benefits of regular AEROBIC activity
IV  Benefits of regular ANAEROBIC activity
V  Energy Use
VI  Fuel Use during AEROBIC activity
VII  Fuel Use during ANAEROBIC activity
VIII  Protein as Fuel
IX  Fluids and Temperature
X  Sports Drinks

Now use the following information for pages 125-127  in your packet.

I  Benefits of Exercise
Your packet lists the following benefits
  1. improved mental outlook
  2. feeling of vigor
  3. sound sleep
  4. reduced body fat
  5. greater bone density   
  6. reduced risk of heart disease & some cancers
  7. improved diabetes, etc.
Which of these benefits is most appealing to you?

Take a look at the webpage called Never, Never, Never Stop Moving.  What is your favorite photo?  You will be asked a Study Question about this.

II  4 Components of Fitness
  1. flexibility
  2. muscular strength
  3. muscular endurance
  4. cardio-respiratory endurance
III  Benefits of regular AEROBIC (use oxygen) activities

Aerobic activities
like jogging or brisk walking lead to lung muscles getting stronger so you can breathe in more oxygen.  Heart muscles also get stronger so more oxygen-carrying blood pumped by the heart for every beat.

With regular exercise, blood volume also increases so there are more red blood cells to carry oxygen.

All of this has the effect of decreasing an athlete's resting heart rate because the heart doesn't have to work as hard.

Regular aerobic exercise can also raise HDL levels, which can decrease risk of heart disease.

IV  Benefits of regular ANAEROBIC activity

activity is defined as a
ll-out exertion lasting less than about 60 seconds.   Examples include sprinting and lifting heavy weights.

Anaerobic activity increases muscle strength.
Activities like lifting weights can  increase muscle endurance if lifting lighter weight with more repetitions  But hen the activity would likely be aerobic.

Which of the 4 components of fitness would NOT be achieved if on a regular basis you jogged one day and lifted weights the next? ______________________

BEFORE GOING TO THE next part of Lecture 10A, watch the Video Clip below  As you're watching it, refer to page 51 in your packet.  Also use the Video Clip to answer question #1 on the REVIEW on page 113 of your packet.

Video Clip: Cellular Respiration
Ketones & Lactic Acid
approximately 7 minutes
If the movie isn't showing up on your computer, you may not have the latest version of QuickTime on your computer.  Click here to download the newest version of Quick Time.

V  Energy Use

What does the purple arrow represent in the image below? _____________

Does it represent glycolysis, or does it represent the Krebs cycle? If you're not certain, check the FORUM for Week 10.

You can click on the image if you want to see a larger version.

What does the blue to green to yellow spiraled arrow represent? __________________

Does it represent glycolysis, or does it represent the Krebs cycle?  If you're not certain, check the FORUM for Week 10.

VI  Fuel Use during AEROBIC activity

Which part of step 5 is aerobic? If you're still uncertain, watch the Video Clip again.

Look at the image below.

You can click on the image if you want to see a larger version.

At the beginning of this bike ride, the rider is using glycogen & fat, but slightly more _________________.

As time goes on, 
the rider is using more ________ than glycogen.

When does glycogen run out for this bike rider?

Two ways you can manipulate what you do to make glycogen last as long as possible is to:
  1. Train so you build up the number of fat-burning enzymes you make.  That means you can burn more fat for energy, conserving glycogen for as long as possible.

  2. Eat plenty of whole foods with carbohydrate so you have glucose to make glycogen.
VII  Fuel Use during ANAEROBIC activity

Which part of step 5 is anaerobic?  If you're still uncertain, watch the Video Clip again.

Anaerobic metabolism is almost entirely glycogen (as well as glucose in the blood) because burning fat requires oxygen.

You should be able to fill these in from the Video Clip.
Lactic acid is produced when there's not enough __________________ in  cells.
Ketones are produced when there's not enough __________________ in cells.

VIII  Protein as Fuel

Protein supplies 10% of the fuel used during rest & activity.

A person needs extra protein in diet only if they are regularly exercise longer than 1 hour/day.

If you are an athlete, the extra protein is mainly needed to build and maintain muscle and other lean tissue.

IX  Fluids and Temperature

Sweat helps protect you from overheating because it absorbs a lot of heat before it changes from a liquid to a gas (evaporation).

Your packet has a chart comparing

Heat STROKE is more dangerous because the high temperature can denature body proteins, which can lead to loss of brain function and death.

X  Sports Drinks

Water is all you need if exercising less than about one hour.

Caffeine initiates release of fat into blood so muscles can use it for energy.

Side Effects: stomach upset- nervousness, irritability, headaches & diarrhea.

Advantages of warm-up- also stimulates release of fat into blood to be used by muscles, and it also warms the muscles to ready them for exercise.

What sports drinks offer besides fluid, to those exercising over one hour:
  1. Electrolytes like sodium- may accelerate glucose & water absorption from digestive tract. About 225 mg per 12 oz. (150 mg per cup) is enough.
  2. Glucose: no more than 7%, which is about 23 grams per 12 oz. (15 grams per 1 cup).  More sugar than that delays fluid going from the stomach to the small intestine where it can be absorbed.
  3. Psychological edge  
  4. Taste

Homemade sports drink: 1 qt. water, 1 cup sugar-sweetened fruit juice, 1/3 tsp. salt

On another note.......

Last summer I tried growing teosinte, which is thought to be a relative of what wild corn looked like over 10,000 years ago before corn was domesticated.  Controversy 12 in the text speaks of that corn.

END of Lecture 10A